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I. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What are the functional units of CPU?

2. What is the function of CU?

3. How does CU operate?

4. What is the function of a counter?

5. What role does a decoder play?

6. What is the sequence of CU operations?

7. What is the function of the arithmetic-logical unit?

8. What operations are performed by ALU?

9. What primary components does ALU consist of?

10. What is the function of an accumulator/comparer?

II. Read the text and pick out English equivalents to the following word combinations: функціональні блоки; пристрій управління; арифметико-логічний пристрій; управляти роботою всієї системи; одержувати команди; основна пам’ять; посилати сигнали; прочитувати команди поетапно; таким чином; тимчасово зберігати інформацію; виробляти позначки через рівні проміжки часу; послідовність операцій; регістр пам’яті; регістр команд; адресний регістр; лічильник; датчик; дешифратор; адреса операнда; адресний регістр, високошвидкісний двійковий суматор; принаймні; віднімання; додавання; множення; ділення; ухвалювати рішення; результати порівняння.

III. Remember the meaning of the new-learned words and translate the word combinations with them:

Register: address register; base register; clock register; command/instruction register; counter register; CPU register; hardware register; input/output register; memory register; operand register; general-purpose register; special-purpose register.

Counter: binary counter; character counter; data counter; instruction counter; pulse counter; sequence counter; storage counter; software counter; time-out counter.

Selection: color selection; directory selection; drive selection; file selection; function selection; keyboard selection; menu selection; security selection.

Management: data management; database management; disk management; error management; information management; memory management; network management; resource management; task management; window management.

IV. Pick out from the texts words close in their meanings to the following ones:

Verbs: to work; to control; to receive; to keep; to send; to perform; to demand; to choose; to supply; to pass; to name; to include; to apply; to come back; to found; to explain; to form; to define; to arrange.

Nouns: computer; answer; commands; memory; element; device; information; state; aim; heart; solution; computation.

Adjectives: main; whole; separate; quick; correct; large; main (storage); following; every; following; specific; different; real.

V. Complete the following sentences:

1. The arithmetic logic unit is capable of …

2. The access time is the time required for transmitting one computer … out of the … to where it …

3. The actual computations are executed in a central …

4. The part of the control that interprets the instruction is called …

5. The part of the control that generates the control signals is called …

6. The control signals choose the proper numbers from … and send them to … at the proper time.

VI. What do you call a unit which:

1. interprets instructions?

2. senses the interpretation of instructions and produces control signals?

3. performs mathematical and logic operations?

4. chooses the proper numbers from the internal memory and sends them to the arithmetic/logic unit at the proper time?

5. obtains instructions from the main memory, interprets them and accomplishes the actual operations?

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