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Use of the essential vocabulary. Task 2. Memorize the essential vocabulary and translate the sentences containing it: (1) adjudication(ухвалення (судового) рішення) – the official

Task 2. Memorize the essential vocabulary and translate the sentences containing it:
(1) adjudication(ухвалення (судового) рішення) – the official decision who is right in a disagreement and what should be done. Many IGOs have some mechanism for the adjudication of conflicts and disagreements that arise among members.
| (2) affiliated(пов’язаний) – an organization, club etc. that is a member of a larger group or organization, or is closely connected with it. It is known that he affiliated with none of the groups of terrorists.
| (3) ally(союзник) – a nation or a group of nations joining together to fight a common enemy. The alliance of nations that fought the Axis in World War II signed the charter of the United Nations in 1945.
| (4) capacity(здатність) – someone’s ability to do something. The claim is sometimes made that the capacity of British industry to achieve higher absolute levels of investment has been weakened by declining rates of profit.
| (5) committed(відданий, присвячений) – willing to work very hard at something. This organization has a lot of committed supporters.
| (6) comprehensive(всеохоплюючий, комплексний) – including all the necessary facts, details, or problems that need to be dealt with. The following guidelines do not aim to be totally comprehensive.
| (7) constrained(обмежений) – to be kept within close bounds, limited. This organization has always been seriously constrained in what it can actually achieve.
| (8) currency(валюта) – the system or type of money that a country uses. The bank can supply you with foreign currency.
| (9) deliberative body(дорадчий орган) – existing for the purpose of discussing or planning something. Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) typically have a deliberative body, which discusses policy.
| (10) domain(галузь) – an area of activity, interest or knowledge, especially one that particular person, organization etc deals with. This problem is outside the domain of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
| (11) establish(засновувати) – to start a company, organization, system, etc that is intended to exist or continue for a long time. This organization was established in order to keep the fragile peace in Europe.
| (12) executive organ(виконавчий орган) – existing for the purpose of managing and making decisions. The executive organ of an IGO makes policy decisions.
| (13) expansion(поширення) – when something increases in size, range, amount. This rapid military expansion was unexpected by most countries.
| (14) fade away(зникати) – to gradually disappear. Hopes of peace settlement are beginning to fade away.
| (15) gamut(гамма) – the complete range of possibilities. Political life opened for him a whole gamut of new experiences.
| (16) guerrilla(партизанський) – belonging to a small unofficial military group that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment. The troops found themselves fighting a guerilla war.
| (17) implement(здійснювати) – to take action or make changes that you have officially decided should happen. We have decided to implement the committee’s recommendations.
| (18) issue(питання, проблема) – a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social or political matter that affects interests of a lot of people. This organization is known for raising the issue of discrimination on the international level.
| (19) liberate(звільняти) – to free prisoners, city, country etc from someone’s control. The guerrillas demanded the liberation of about 400 jailed rebels.
| (20) multilateral(багатосторонній) – involving several different countries or groups. They have signed a multilateral arms treaty.
| (21) pursue(переслідувати (цілі); здійснювати) – to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a long period of time. She plans to pursue a career in politics.
| (22) satellite(супутник, прибічник, прихильник) – a country or organization that is controlled by or is dependent on another larger one. A lot of changes occurred in the former Soviet satellite countries during the recent years.
| (23) scope(сфера, масштаб) – The area covered by a given activity or subject. He explained the importance of defining the scope of activity.
| (24) specify(точно визначати, встановлювати) – to state something in an exact and detailed way. This document specifies the aim of the organization as well as the rights and duties of the member states.
| (25) treaty(договір, угода) – a formal written agreement between two or more countries or governments. The peace treaty ends nearly four years of violence.
| (26) unilateral(односторонній) – relating to, involving, or affecting only one side. They have a unilateral advantage in defense.
| (27) veto(накладати вето) – to forbid or prohibit authoritatively. The President vetoed the bill.
| (28) voluntary(добровільний) – an organization etc that is organized or supported by people who give their money, services etc because they want to and who do not intend to make a profit. There is much work carried out by the voluntary sector.
| Task 3. Match each word in section A with the one of the opposite meaning in section B:
A) constrained; liberate; fade away; voluntary; multilateral; allies; affiliation; comprehensive; gamut; expansion;
B) obligatory; emerge; unilateral; independence; free; lack; shrinkage; shallow; enemies; captivate.
Task 4. Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the words provided below:
veto; treaty; gamut; establishment; comprehensive; liberate; deliberative; currency; voluntarily; multilateral; affiliated; guerrilla; specify; expansion; pursue; adjudication; allies.
1. After twenty years of struggle it seemed less likely to … any part of Palestine than it had in 1967. 2. This calls for the … of a single European Community central bank, and eventually a single … 3. The two leaders will meet again at the end of January, and later to sign a … on co-operation and good neighbourly relations by next spring. 4. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has used the … investigations of the accident to frame many requirements for improvements in plant design. 5. Similar claims may arise out of … treaties, especially those that create regional or other organizations. 6. The Democratic Socialist Party of Italy and the Italian Socialist Party are both … to the Socialist International. 7. There is no similarity between this and international arbitration, where a state … agrees in a particular case to accept the judgment of a tribunal, as two individuals might freely agree to accept the … of an arbitrator. 8. Such models also share an essentially procedural conception of justice and view the primary function of the state as that of securing a framework of law through which individuals may … their own particular goals. 9. When I asked the local … commander how many fighters he had, he replied simply: ‘I don't know’. 10. These controls could be put in place through legislation or indirectly through the … of tightly managed care plans that in turn monitor use of technology. 11. Britain will have to decide with its wartime …. 12. The President decided to … the law package on international cooperation.13. The document had to … all the conditions for entering the organization. 14. The conference gathered the representatives of a whole … of international organizations.15. This … body has the immence power and influence.
Task 5. Find the matching definitions for the terms:
1) intergovernmental organizations
| a) one that belongs to a group or an organization;
| 2) adjudication
| b) settling a dispute through a formal structure such as a court room;
| 3) nongovernmental organization
| c) organizations made up of nation-states;
| 4) member
| d) a legally constituted organization created by natural or legal persons that operates independently from any form of government;
| 5) treaty
| e) a legally binding agreement between two or more states, sovereigns, or international organizations;
| 6) guerrilla
| f) a member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids;
| 7) satellite
| g) a country or political unit under the domination of a foreign power;
| 8) association
| h) an organization which exists for educational or charitable reasons, and from which its members do not benefit financially;
| 9) for-profit corporation
| i) an organized body of people who have an interest, activity, or purpose in common; a society;
| 10) non-profit organisation
| j) an organisation that is intended to operate a business which will return a profit to the owners.