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Men and women display different types of body language.

Both men and women use body language to signal when they are interested.

Males and females perform certain gestures that make it easy for members of the opposite sex to determine their interest. Attraction and body language plays an important role for both genders.

However, men and women often use different gestures and signals. Male body language involves certain dominant body gestures.

The history of this type of body language dates back to ancient times. For millions of years, men have been regarded as the “hunter”.

Men had the responsibility of protecting the women from harm. They had to assert control and establish their territory to ensure the survival of their species.

Female body language is normally much more submissive. A woman’s body language provides a non-verbal way to say “Don’t worry, it’s safe to approach me. I won’t resist you.”

Her language reflects a time when females needed to choose the best possible mate to father their children and ensure continuation of the species.

Obviously, times have changed greatly. However, much of the male and female body language is still rooted in those ancient traditions!

The next time you want to show someone you are interested, remember the important connection between attraction and body language.

Learn to use confident body language that will increase your chances of success with the opposite sex.

You also need to recognize the various signals that men and women use to reveal whether they are interested. The rest of your body will speak louder than any words you say. So give your mouth a break and let your body language do the talking!

Task B

Make up 10 questions to the information you have read in the article“Attraction and Body Language”

Task C

Make a list of some topics you would like to discuss in terms of men and women relationship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Task D

Restore the word order of the following quotes concerning men and women and express your agreement and disagreement
sex can There be no, no sanctity, no without truth the spirituality female.  
woman's trapped a just I'm a person inside body  
always women I things hate because know where are they  
which if The is a trained domestic firmness animal, treated with, can be to do things male most  
children men all For strength, were like sometimes little their  
always Women things worry about remember” the things that forget; men worry men about the women always  
before woman created a rough man, but then creating again you always draft before the final masterpiece.” Sure God make  

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