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Men crying in public, Illness of men, women

There are many differences between women’s and men’s expression of emotions, it is usually a woman to cry, but we are all human beings and even men are weeping when somebody dies or in some other extremely negative situations. Even men forget that they must be stoical and brave and shed tears. The same is about extremely positive situations- as the victory in the Olympic Games, where both men and women break down in public.

Open displays are becoming common in world- class sport, at least among the younger players. We've seen it among football players for the past few years. But so far, it's only the men who are shedding public tears. Women seem to be getting tougher while men are increasingly allowing their vulnerable sides to show, and not being ashamed of it.

Many people have an over brimming lake of tears ever ready to flow just under the surface, yet they do their best never to let them come out, at least in public. Boys are told not to cry as they’re expecting to grow brave and stoical.

Sporting stars that break down in public remind us that there is nothing wimpy, nothing weak or loser –like about the ability to shed tears. Men who can cry easily are the real winners in life, those who are at the same time confident and sensitive.

So there are differences in reaction of men and women. Take illness, for example. It's a well -known fact that all men's illnesses are more serious than women's. whereas women may feel 'a bit off-color, have just a cold' or 'a slight headache', for men it 's much more black or white '" they basically recognize only two states or being- men are either fit enough to run the marathon before breakfast and win, or they 're too ill to stand up.

For men there is no such thing as a slightly sore leg that aches for a while. Either it’s so bad that the men may never walk again, or it is absolutely fine. When it comes to admit some pain or discomfort, a man is as stiff-upper lipped as he never was.

Women, when they are unwell take avoiding actions –as using medicines, going to bed or taking time off work before they reach the stage of collapse. Men on the other hand, find it signs of weakness.

Women, unlike men do take for granted a certain amount of pain and discomfort in life. Illness is a tricky issue for a man, trapped in a world where he can tell no one but his partner how much he suffers and just where it hurts.

A man knows that that when he is too ill to go on, his partner will nurse him. A woman knows she'd better no t get that ill!

23. New trends in upbringing, in education (Арака 1й+ difficult child)

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