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Способ транспортировки

import regulations

положения об импорте товара; таможенные правила

an order form бланк заказа
qualifications зд.: положения, условия
a trial order пробный заказ
ex-stock со склада
to cancel an order аннулировать заказ
slump резкий экономический спад, кризис





Exercise L Read and translate the expressions used in orders.


Exercise 2. Translate the following letters. Dear Sirs:


We are in receipt of your letter of May 14, and shall be glad if you will buy for our account the quantity B.O.P. Darjeeling Tea mentioned by you at Rs. 3 per kg payable at 30 days, and send us about one third of it by rail and the rest you keep in godown on our behalf.

Please effect insurance against fire at purchase rates plus 20% and retain the same at our disposal.


Yours sincerely,


Reply to above:


Dear Sirs:


We are glad to receive your acceptance of our offer, and note that you have decided to buy this parcel of B.O.P. Darjeeling Tea. We hope you will be satisfied with the quality in consideration of the price, and assure you that in any future business it will be our endeavour to give the best possible service and the quality goods.

This day we have dispatched 25 cartons of tea at your account and risk through passenger train. The remaining cartons have been

kept in the godown as per your instructions. We have also taken out the insurance of the goods and the policy is with us to be forwarded to you if you wish so.

Enclosed here is our account for this bargain.


Yours sincerely,

account счет
for smb. 's account за счет кого-либо
at Rs. 3 per Kg по цене 3 рупии за килограмм
payable at 30 days с оплатой в течение 30 дней
a godown склад товаров
to effect осуществлять
purchase rate зд.: стоимость товара
to retain сохранять, удерживать
at disposal в распоряжении
it will be our endeavour мы приложим все усилия, мы сделаем все возможное
to dispatch посылать, высылать
to forward направлять, отправлять
as per в соответствии
to take out the insurance страховать
a bargain сделка, покупка
a parcel партия (товара)
mm The most common means of transportation used for delivery of the goods are: road transport: van — фургон; lorry — грузовик; truck (Am.) — грузовик; container — контейнер;




rail transport:

passenger train — пассажирский поезд;

goods train (cargo transport) — товарный поезд;

freight-liner (freight-train) (Am.) — товарный поезд;

sea transport:

carrier (ship, vessel, craft) — судно;

cargo carrier (cargo ship, freight ship, freight boat) — грузо­вое судно; tanker (oil ship) — танкер; dry-cargo ship — сухогруз; ferry — паром;

hovercraft — судно на воздушной подушке; hydrofoil boat — судно на подводных крыльях; container cargo ship — контейнеровоз; barge — баржа; lighter — лихтер;

air transport:

plane — самолет; helicopter — вертолет.


Common words concerning packing are as follows:

bag — пакет; bale — кипа, тюк;

barrel — деревянная бочка, бочонок; box — ящик (из дерева или металла); bundle — связка, пачка, жгут; can (Am.) — консервная банка; carboy — балон, бутыль; carton — картонная коробка;

case — прочный ящик (иногда скрепленный рейками);

cask — бочка;

container — контейнер;

crate — решетчатая тара;

drum — цилиндрический контейнер;

hogshead — большая бочка;

keg — бочонок (емкостью до 10 галлонов);

sack — куль, мешок;

tin — консервная банка _____________________________

ExerciseS. Insert the missing prepositions where necessary and translate into Russian.

1) The price... which the equipment was ordered... was fixed and not subject... any alterations.

2) As the goods were bought... f.o.b. terms, the Suppliers placed them... board... steamer... their expence. They also had to pay the port and dock dues... the cargo.

3) According... the contract, payment is to be made... cash... London... 45 days... the dispatch... Rossimport... all the shipping and technical documents.

4) As you had not delivered the goods... the 1st July, you are to pay us agreed and liquidated damages... delay... delivery.

5) The damages were calculated... the rate... 0.5 per cent... week... the value... the equipment.

6) The Buyers informed the Sellers that they would reject... the goods if the delay... delivery should last... twelve weeks.

7) We shall be obliged if you will inform us... the readiness... the equipment... inspection... least ten days... advance.

8) Rossimport informed the Suppliers that the damage... the goods was due... inadequate packing.

9) Taking... account your client's requirements, we agree to prepare the goods... your final inspection... our works... August.

10) We shall be glad to hear whether the changes... the
specification proposed... us are acceptable... you.


Exercise 4. Fill in the missing words and translate the letter.


Our order... 50 " Marie" dresses... various colours and sizes is... with this letter. You will see... the order that... is required... 1 May... the latest.

Will you please quote us... 1000 " Audrey" dressing gowns, and... us know whether you have these models... stock.

Exercise 5. Write a letter based on these notes.


thanks for order (No., date) — goods dispatched (ship, date due) — invoice enclosed — goods carefully selected — packed crates — safe arrival — excellent value — hope good sales — rely on us — at your service.






Expressions used in orders

1) Your order is receiving immediate attention and you can de­pend on us to effect delivery at Southampton well within your time limit.

2) We have taken special note of your packing instructions and these will be strictly observed.

3) We note that the goods are to be collected at your works by your forwarding agent, and we shall accordingly notify Carter & Sons when the order is ready to be called for.

4) We cannot guarantee delivery by next Friday as your order was received too late for this week's dispatch, but we are sending your goods by rail, and they will reach you more quickly that if we waited for the next van delivery.

5) We have not yet had precise shipping instructions and are holding your order until these arrive.

6) As you do not give any special instructions for forwarding, we are passing your order to our forwarding agents in the usual way.

7) As you need the goods so urgently we have arranged trans­port by road to the port. This will make shipment by S.S. Lincoln possible.

8) To avoid storage charges at the port, we are holding your goods here pending arrival of your forwarding instructions.

9) As we have not had the pleasure of doing business with you before, we enclose a copy of our invoice, and will be glad if you ar­range payment either by banker's draft or by opening and irrevoca­

ble letter of credit in our favour. Please also state what document you require.

10) As requested, we shall draw on you at 60 days for the amount of our invoice, one copy of which is enclosed, the draft to be accepted by your bankers as arranged.

11) Our terms are net. You will appreciate that our low prices make it impossible for us to grant any discount.

12) Our prices are ex-works; should you wish us to undertake shipping arrangements we will gladly do so, adding the costs in­volved to our draft on you.

13) Prices of raw materials have risen steeply since our quota­tion of 11 May, and we could now accept your order only at the rates quoted on the attached list. We await your confirmation be­fore executing your order, but shall be pleased to give you priority if your reply reaches us within 3 days.


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