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then, the Lender may, by written notification to the Borrower, declare all sums due under this Agreement in principal, interests and ancillary expenses, immediately due and payable and the obligations of the Lender under this Agreement will terminate immediately. Without prejudice to the above provisions, the Borrower will indemnify the Lender against any loss or expenses that the latter incurs or has to undertake as a result of any event of default as described above. Article 11 — Penalty Clause If the Borrower fails to pay any sum payable hereunder on a due date, it shall pay interest without demand on the overdue amount until actual payment (whether before or after judgment) at a rate of 2 % over the interest rate of the previous interest period. Such interest, if not paid, shall itself be considered as an unpaid amount. The Borrower will further reimburse the Lender against any reasonable loss or expenses that the Lender may sustain or incur as a consequence of a late payment. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Borrower shall indemnify the Lender against any loss or expenses which he may sustain or incur as a consequence of the late payment, including but not limited to any interest payable by him in order to fund the amount in respect of which default has been made. Article 12 — Costs The Borrower undertakes to repay to the Lender on first request of the latter all costs relating hereto and notably those which the Lender may be required to incur, in order to preserve or exercise its rights or recourse hereunder, including costs and fees of legal advisors and lawyers generally. Article 13 — Assignment The Borrower may not assign or transfer in any way any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written agreement of the Lender. The Lender may assign, at any time, all or part of this contract and rights, claims or obligations hereunder, to any entity of its choice.
Article 14 — Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
This Agreement is governed by the law of Cyprus. The Courts in Nicosia will have jurisdiction to settle all disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement; it being understood that the Lender may equally bring any proceeding against the Borrower before any other competent court. Exercises
Exercise L Find equivalents in English
Кредитная линия, постепенное использование кредита, ставка процента, возможные убытки, залог с отчуждением имущества, ипотека, основная сумма, сборы, приостановление платежей, признать в судебном порядке, в силу, без ущерба, просроченный, право обратного требования, вступающий в силу, с...
Exercise 2. Translate into English. 1. Установленная ставка процента остается постоянной для каждого использования аккредитива. 2. Заимодавец сохраняет право требования выплаты компенсации возможного ущерба и понесенных затрат. 3. Заемщик настоящим подтверждает, что обязательство выплатить основную сумму, проценты и дополнительные расходы, понесенные в связи с настоящим соглашением, является прямым и безусловным обязательством перед Заимодавцем. 4. Все выплаты в отношении настоящего Соглашения производятся без учета любых сумм, подлежащих уплате Заимодавцем Заемщику, а также без учета любых налогов и сборов, выплаченных, возвращенных или удержанных Налоговыми органами. 5. Заемщик настоящим обязуется возместить Заимодавцу, путем выплаты дополнительного процента, возможные расходы в связи с изменением налогового законодательства. 6. В случае приостановления Заемщиком платежей, объявления банкротства или реорганизации, или признания неплатежеспособности Заемщика в судебном порядке, Заимодавец имеет право потребовать немедленной выплаты всех сумм, подлежащих уплате в связи с настоящим Соглашением. 7. Заемщик настоящим обязуется возместить Заимодавцу все суммы, понесенные последним в связи с несвоевременной выплатой процента. 8. Заемщик не имеет права передавать или переуступать права и обязательства по настоящему Соглашению любым третьим лицам без письменного согласия Заимодавца.
Exercise 3. Translate into English.
Центр осуществляет кредитно-кассовое обслуживание коммерческого банка в пределах кредитового сальдо по корреспондентскому счету. В случае образования дебетового сальдо по корреспондентскому счету, недостающая сумма относится на счет «Суммы по последующим отказам от акцепта до выяснения и по расчетам с коммерческими банками». Для учета указанных сумм в аналитическом учете открывается отдельный лицевой счет. С этой суммы центром взыскивается с банка 160% годовых за период до ликвидации дебетового сальдо. Погашение задолженности по счету производится с корреспондентского счета в порядке календарной очередности платежей. В случае систематического проведения операций при недостаточности средств на корреспондентском счете, операции по корреспондентскому счету приостанавливаются. Договор вступает в силу с момента открытия в центре корреспондентского счета и автоматически прекращает свое действие в случае ликвидации коммерческого банка. Unit 10
Memorandum of Association is drawn up to give legal expression to the intention of the partners to establish a joint venture (JV) and to formulate the status of the partners. Memorandum of Association may include the following articles:
Article 1 JV Name and Location
1.01. The RUSSIAN PARTNER and the FOREIGN PARTNER shall herewith establish a Joint Venture under the name of " BINNOCYCLES", hereinafter referred to as the JV. Official residence of the JV will be in Russia.
Article 2 JV Subject and Purpose 2.1. Subject of the JV shall be manufacture, distribution and sales of consumer goods, marketing, engineering, tourism, car service and hireout. 2.2. The purpose of the JV business consists in filling up the market with goods and services, boosting economic efficiency of engineering function, integrating advanced technologies and management practices. 2.3. In view of the subject named in item 2.01. of the Memorandum and aiming at the purpose mentioned in item 2.02. the JV will carry out the following activities on the territory of Nizhny Novgorod region as well as on the territory of the Russian Federation as well as on the territory of Hong Kong and on the territories of third countries:
2.03.1. manufacture, distribution and sales of consumer goods; 2.03.2. production, processing, packing and distribution of foodstuffs; 2.03.3. marketing services, preparation and distribution of advertising materials; 2.03.4. services and work contracts in the field of computer technology and data processing; 2.03.5. engineering; 2.03.6. manufacture, distribution and sales of industrial products; 6 3ак. 5811 2.03.7. organization and management of international tourism; 2.03.8. organization of hotel service, social services as well as provision of recreation and leisure opportunities for Russian and foreign citizens; 2.03.9. car service and hireout for Russian and foreign citizens; 2.03.10. fulfilment of other functions and provision of services pertinent to the subject of JV business. If necessary, the JV can expand the subject of business after reregistration upon the application of the BOARD.
Business priorities within the JV functions specified in the present Memorandum are identified based on the available assets, market situation and world prices, and proceeding from the general concept of ensuring stability of operation, financial and commercial activities of the JV, providing flexibility challenged by changing market conditions, which is essential in order to maintain FCC payback and self-finance capability.
Exercise!. Find in the text equivalents of the following Russian expressions:
организация отдыха и досуга российских и иностранных граждан; для реализации поименованного в пункте 2.01. настоящего Договора предмета деятельности; создают совместное предприятие под названием; услуги и работы в области вычислительной техники и информатики; продукция производственно-технического назначения; соответствующая перерегистрация по представлению правления; переориентация при изменении конъюнктуры; стабильность производственной, финансовой и коммерческой деятельности; на территории третьих стран; повышение экономической эффективности; освоение передовых методов управления.
Exercise 2. Translate Articles 1 and 2 of the Memorandum into Russian. Exercise 3, Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1) Предметом деятельности предприятия являются производство и сбыт товаров народного потребления. 2) Российский участник и иностранный участник создают совместное предприятие. 3) Целью деятельности предприятия является насыщение рынка товарами и услугами. 4) Предприятие оказывает услуги в области маркетинга, осуществляет выпуск и сбыт рекламной продукции, организацию и проведение международного туризма, выполнение других работ и предоставление услуг, вытекающих из предмета деятельности предприятия. 5) Приоритеты реализации аспектов деятельности предприятия, предусмотренных настоящим Договором, определяются размером имеющихся в его распоряжении средств. 6) Предприятие определяет приоритеты своей деятельности, исходя из условий стабильности производственной, финансовой и коммерческой деятельности. 7) Более гибкая переориентация при изменении рыночной конъюнктуры необходима для обеспечения валютной самоокупаемости и самофинансирования. 8) Предприятие осуществляет организацию гостиничного обслуживания, бытовых услуг, а также отдыха и досуга российских и иностранных граждан.
Article 3 Legal Status
3.01. The JV shall be a legal entity in accordance with the laws in force of the Russian Federation. The JV shall have the right in its own name to conclude agreements/contracts, to acquire property and personal non-property rights, to sue and be sued in court, arbitration and court of referees. 3.2. The JV shall become a legal entity since its registration in the Russian Ministry of Finance. 3.3. The JV shall maintain an independent balance-sheet and operate on the basis of full cost-accounting, self-finance and payback principles, including in currencies of the PARTNERS and of third countries. 3.4. The JV shall perform as established export and import operations and transactions with Russian and foreign organizations, businesses, companies, and execute legal acts including agreements of purchase and sale, hire, insurance, joint venturing. 3.5. The JV shall have the right to:
3.05.1. conclude in its own name agreements and contracts for exportation and importation of licenses, know-how, materials (including raw materials), samples of equipment, machinery and other goods; 3.05.2. let or lease equipment including computer technology, production accessories and other assets necessary to perform operations and business activities; 3.05.3. participate in financing of industrial, housing and social construction projects; 3.05.4. operate its own transport fleet; 3.05.5. make use of credit facilities in rubles and in foreign currency from specialized government and commercial banks of the Russian Federation and foreign banks as well as to provide commercial credits in foreign currency and rubles; 3.05.6. engage in leasing transactions; 3.05.7. select appropriate currency by agreement with Russian and foreign businesses and organizations to be utilized in settlements in respect of the products sold/purchased and services offered, as well as establish procedures for distribution of own products and services in the Russian and export markets.
3.6. The JV shall be deemed to be a limited liability company and shall be liable for its commitments by all its assets, each PARTNER being liable for the JV commitments by its share. 3.7. The Russian state is not liable for the JV commitments and the JV is not liable for commitments of the Russian state and those of the PARTNERS. 3.8. By the law of the Russian Federation the JV shall own, utilize and dispose of its assets in accordance with the JV purpose, subject of business and nature of the Russia-based assets. Its assets are not subject to requisition or confiscation by administrative decision and are subject to protection in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation. Possession, use and disposition of assets located beyond the Russian territory shall be regulated by international standards and laws of the states where these assets are based. 3.9. The JV shall have the right to set up its branches and representative offices both on the territory of the PARTNERS' countries and on the territory of third countries. These branches and representative offices shall be established to function in accordance with the law of such countries.
The branches and representative offices shall operate on the basis of their Statutes. Statutes of such branches and representative offices established on the territory of the PARTNERS' countries are adopted in accordance with the procedure established in the ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. 3.10. The JV shall make depreciation charges as agreed by both PARTNERS. 3.11. The JV shall have a seal and letterhead stationary to be approved by the BOARD. 3.12. The JV shall have its trade mark, to be registered in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
Exercise 1. In the text of Article 3 find equivalent expressions for the following:
С момента регистрации; средства вычислительной техники; валюта, используемая при расчетах за товары или услуги; от крывать отделения и представительства; на основе полного хозрасчета; осуществлять экспортно-импортные операции; осуществлять производственную и коммерческую деятельность; получать кредиты; устанавливать порядок реализации товаров и услуг; отвечать по обязательствам; международные нормы.
Exercise 2. Translate Article 3 into Russian.
Exercise 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1) Предприятие имеет право от своего имени заключать договоры и контракты. 2) Предприятие имеет самостоятельный баланс и осуществляет свою деятельность на основе полного хозрасчета. 3) Предприятие осуществляет в установленном порядке экспортно-импортные операции. 4) Предприятие имеет право брать или сдавать в аренду оборудование, включая средства вычислительной техники. 5) Предприятие может участвовать в финансировании 6) Предприятие имеет собственный транспорт. 7) Предприятие выбирает валюту для использования при расчетах за приобретенные или поставленные товары или оказанные услуги. 8) Российское государство не несет ответственности по обязательствам предприятия. 9) Предприятие делает амортизационные отчисления способом, определяемым соглашением между участниками. 10) Предприятие имеет собственную печать и логотип, Lesson 3
Article 6 Authorized Capital and its Formation
The PARTNERS shall make contributions to build the JV Autorized Capital required to set up and operate the JV. The original size of the Autorized Capital shall be... rubles. The PARTNERS shall make the following original contributions: RUSSIAN PARTNER —... rubles, i.e.... % of the Authorized Capital; FOREIGN PARTNER —... rubles, i.e.... % of the Authorized Capital. These contributions into the Authorized Capital in compliance with the existing RF law may include buildings, structures, machinery and other assets, the right of use of buildings, structures, machinery as well as other property rights (including use of inventions, know-how, trademark, etc.), cash facilities both in the currencies of the PARTNERS' countries and in FCC. The PARTNERS shall appraise the assets contributed into the Authorized Capital according to the agreed prices with due account of the world market prices. Cash contributed by the PARTNERS in rubles or assets appraised in rubles shall be also converted into the agreed foreign currency in conformity with the official Central Bank exchange rate valid on the date of conversion. The PARTNERS shall receive a respective document (investment certificate) which certifies the amount of contribution made by each PARTNER into the JV Authorized Capital. The JV PARTNERS shall have separate rights neither for individual portions of the JV assets nor for the contributions. Each PARTNER's contribution may be assigned, mortgaged or in any other way distributed in part or in total before the JV is dissolved only subject to the BOARD's unanimous decision. When the BOARD agrees to increase the Authorized Capital, the capital shall be expanded in proportion to each PARTNER's share in the Authorized Capital, which is to be preliminary and unanimously agreed upon. Capital expansion can be financed from the JV operating profits, bank credits or, when required, via further investments by the PARTNERS. When required, the JV is entitled to source credits in Russian rubles and the agreed foreign currency made available on commercial terms according to the procedures existing for joint ventures. Vocabulary:
Exercise 1. In part В find expressions equivalent to those given in part A: A. to increase the authorized capital; to source credits; to make a contribution; to appraise the assets; property rights; respective document; in part or in total; the market prices; to build the authorized capital; cash facilities; separate rights; subject to the board's unanimous decision; operating profits; via futher investments.