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Етапи. Прийом. Зміст роботи
Етап 1. Початок уроку. Організація класу. Прийом: Бесіда з учнями. Етап 2. Фонетична зарядка. Прийом 1. Декларування вірша.     Прийом 2. Диференціація фонем     Етап 3.Навчання читання   Прийом 1: Власне читання тексту   Прийом 2: Контроль розуміння повного змісту тексту   Прийом 3: Читання коротких фраз і здогадка про яку країну йде мова. Етап 4: Навчання монологічного мовлення. Прийом: складання учнями монологу з оборою на вербально-графічну схему та його презентація. Етап 5: вправи для засвоєння ГС Прийом: робота на картках-відкрити дужки   Етап 6. Пауза для релаксації. Прийом: декларування вірша і виконання відповідних рухів при цьому   Етап 7. Вправи на закріплення правопису ЛО Прийом 1: Встав пропущені букви та з'єднай словa з відповідними малюнками.     Прийом 2: Дай відповіді на запитання, використовуючи слова зверху.     Прийом 3: Обведи неправильне слово, а запиши правильне.   Етап 8.Пояснення домашнього завдання. Прийом: Запис домашнього завдання в зошитах. Етап 9. Підсумки уроку. T: Good afternoon. Kids. I’m glad to see you.   T: So, let’s start our lesson. Today we continue to read the text about children from different countries and their favorite food. Also we are going to speak about your favorite food. Will revise grammar and do some interesting exercises. But first of all let’s revise our poem: Good afternoon my darlings! Good afternoon my sweet. How are your noses? How are your feet? Be in a hurry! Don’t be late! We are going to read translate sing write draw recite use hands use feet stand sit   T: Let’s revice which letters stand for sound [i: ]? (ee, ea) which letters stand for sound [ei] (a_e, ai, ay)   T: Match the word with it’s sound [i: ] [ei] beans, pancake, sweet, peas, day, train, cake, please, dream, rain, meat, play.   Family and friends 4 Сlassbook p. 12 ex. 2 text “What do you like for breakfast? ” Т: Оpen your books and be ready for reading the text in a chain way. Kate, you’re welcome.   T: Give me the English equivalent for плоский хліб/ миска каші з молоком/ пластівці/суп з локшиною/ кульки з рису. Please, tell me how do you understand the dish fuul/ хоі/ huevos roncheros? Find the meaning in the text and read it.   Ех.4 p.12 Read again and write M (Mexico), S (Scotland), V (Vietnam) or E (Egypt) 1. People have soup for breakfast(V) 2. People eat cereal with milk.(S) 3. Breakfast here is a pancake with egg. (M) 4. People eat mashed beans and bred (Е) 5. The children have a very big breakfast.(M) 6. Some people have rice balls (V)   Look through the text once more. Close your books and try to say about every kid. You may use that scheme.   I’m_______from________. I usually have___________. My favorite food is___________.     T: Look at the cards. Fill in the gaps and put the words into the necessary tense: Pr.Simple, Pr. Continious, P.Simple. Name the time markers in the sentences.   1. He always__________(drink) a glass of milk in the evening. 2. Ann____________(eat) a sandwich right now. 3. My friends ___________ (be) at the restaurant 2 days ago. 4. I ____________(cook) dinner at the moment. 5. Maria usually__________(have) cereal with milk for breakfast. 6. She___________(eat) fish and potatoes yesterday. 7. I often____________(have) a bowl of soup for dinner. 8. Mark_____________(buy) sweets at the shop now. 9. He____________ (be) at the Italian restaurant last month. 10. She never_________(drink) a black coffee.     T: Are you tired? Let’s have a rest. Stand up.   I stamp my feet and wave my hands I run to school With all my friends! Their school is better Our school is the best The bell is ringing It doesn’t rest. Good afternoon, school! Good afternoon, bell! Are you tired? Are you well? Share your joy! Don’t be sad! We are at the desks We are glad.   Look at the blackboard. Match the name of food with it’s picture. C_il_i, c_con_t, co_n, to_st, pan_ake, no__le, oli_es, b__ns.     T: Find the answear to the questions, using the words from exercise 1. 1. This hot vegetable is green or red._______(chilli) 2. Fuul is made from this. 3. The are flat and round   T: Read the statements. Find the wrong word and circle it. Write the correct one.   Example: Fuul is mashed bread. (beans)     T: Your home assignment for the next lesson is     Count how many cards you have. You have___cards. Excellent! Good job! Your mark is… Thank you for a good lesson, by.


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