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1.... Mr. Cowlishaw found himself in the double difficulty of... difficulty n - трудность, затруднение
to have difficulty in doing smth - с трудом делать что-л.
2.... and welcoming his second visitor... to welcome vt - greet or entertain with pleasure - приветствовать (гостя), радушно принимать
to welcome a suggestion (an idea, a plan, criticism) - receive of accept gladly - приветствовать, одобрять предложение (мысль, план, критику)
welcome n - прием (гостя) to give smb (receive) a warm (cold, hearty, rousing) welcome - оказать теплый (холодный, сердечный, восторженный) прием
welcome a - received with pleasure (often suggests prior need or an answer to one's wishes) - желанный, приятный, долгожданный
to be welcome to smth; to be welcome to do smth - having full permission to use or take smth; to do smth, go somewhere, etc - имеющий право или разрешение распоряжаться, пользоваться чем-л.; делать что-л.
3. The second was a visitor beyond Mr. Cowlishaw's hopes to be beyond one's expectations (hopes) - to be more than one expected - быть сверх ожидания Syn: to surpass one's expectations - to be better than one expected - превзойти чьи-л.. ожидания
4. No other than Mrs. Simeon Clowes... none other than (more common) - никто иной, как
5. Can i be of any service to you? (formal) There are other ways of expressing the same idea which are frequently used in ordinary informal speech: Can I help you (in any way)? Can I be of any help to you? What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you? 6. " That depends, " she said. that depends, it all depends - как сказать, смотря как 7. " Have you had any experience in taking teeth out? " experience n - knowledge or skill resulting from practise or from acquaintance with facts or events - опыт работы; стаж to have experience in doing smth - иметь опыт чего-л.
8. Не wondered what she was driving at. to wonder vt & i - feel curiosity; be anxious to know - интересоваться; желать знать; задавать (себе) вопрос, спрашивать себя, недоумевать, I wonder who he is, what he wants, why he is here, whether he will come again:
to wonder at smb, smth; to wonder at smb's doing smth - feel surprised - удивляться; изумляться, поражаться
I shouldn't wonder (if) (colloq) - He приходится удивляться, если...
wonder n no (little, small) wonder - it is not (hardly) surprising - неудивительно, не приходится удивляться, что...
9.... what she was driving at to drive at (colloq) - mean or intend - клонить к чему-л., намекать на что-л.
10. " How many teeth have you extracted? " she inquired. to inquiret vt & i - ask to be told, try to get information by asking - спрашивать, осведомляться To inquire generally implies a search for the fact or the truth, whereas to ask is the general or colourless term for putting a question. To inquire may introduce both direct and indirect speech.
to make inquiries about smth, smb - наводить справки о чем-л., о ком-л.
11.... merely wants stopping. to stop a tooth = to fill a tooth (more common now) - запломбировать зуб
filling n - пломба 12. I didn't have a wink of sleep last night not to have (get) a wink of sleep, not to sleep a wink - и глаз не сомкнуть
13. The mayoress resumed her seat. to resume one's seat - occupy again -снова занять свое место to resume one's work, one's speech, meal, story, etc - go on with after leaving off - возобновить, продолжать работу и т. п. 14. It's my tooth I want you to deal with. to deal vi (with smth, smb) - иметь дело с чем-л., с кем-л.
The Russian phrase - легко (трудно) иметь дело с кем-л. has two English equivalents: to be easy (hard, difficult) to deal with - easy (hard, difficult) to persuade or convince to be easy (hard, difficult) to get on (along) with - easy (hard, difficult) to talk to, to be friends with, to work with
15. However, having consented, he was obliged to go through with the affair. // to consent - express willingness, be willing to allow or do - соглашаться, давать согласие It is used in reference to important matters and implies making a definite decision. It is not likely that there has ever been a civilized person of 65 years old who would consent to live his life over again (M. Twain). She... consented to his demand that the correspondence... should be carried on by lawyers only (Thackeray).// The more common verb rendering this meaning is to agree.
Other meanings of the verb to agree are: a) share somebody's opinion, be in harmony with somebody - соглашаться с кем-л., быть единого мнения
b) arrange, come to terms - уславливаться, договариваться
16.... he was obliged to go through with the affair. to go through with smth - complete; not leave unfinished -довести что-л. до конца, завершить
Syn: to be through with smth (chiefly AE) - reach the end - окончить что-л.
17. Mr. Cowlishaw had fainted from nervous excitement. " He's gone off; he'll come to in a minute." to faint vi (from) - падать в обморок, терять сознание.
Syn: to go off (colloq);.// to lose consciousness (lit)// Ant: to come to (round) - приходить, прийти в себя; // to regain consciousness (lit)//
faint adj - weak; exhausted, failing - слабый, ослабевший, испытывающий головокружение to be (feel) faint (with) - чувствовать слабость, дурноту
EXERCISES I. Translate the following sentences from the text: 1. She probed into his character, and he felt himself pierced. 2. " Naturally, " he said, summoning all his latent powers of diplomacy. 3. " You don't look as if you could say 'Booh! ' to a goose; " she said. " I think I can say 'Booh! ' to a goose, " he said. 4. I do hate the horrid velvety feeling of these chairs. It's most creepy. 5. She obediently extended it to dimensions which must be described as august... 6. " Surely a body can decide whether she'll have a tooth out or not! " 7. And at length, when he could delay the fatal essay no longer, he said...