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Structural patterns. 1. Happen, seem + infinitive

1. Happen, seem + Infinitive

How did you happen to get your arm caught in the machine?

Jackson seems to have been badly treated.

The verbs to happen and to seem may be followed by any kind of infinitive.

The indefinite infinitive expresses an action simultaneous with the moment described in the sentence.

The young farmer seemed to know everything about Miss Posie's family. Казалось, что молодой фермер знает всё о семье мисс Поузи.

The continuous infinitive emphasizes that the action expressed by the infinitive is in process.

I first met her in Wisconsin. Я впервые встретила ее в Висконсине.
I happened to be staying with my relatives there. Так случилось, что я гостила там у своих родственников.
He seems to be enjoying his holidays here. Он, как будто (кажется), с удовольствием проводит здесь каникулы.

The perfect infinitive expresses an action prior to the moment referred to in the sentence.

Nobody knew the man, but when I saw him I recognized him at once. I happened to have worked with him in the North. Никто не знал этого человека, но когда я его увидела, я его сразу узнала. Я когда-то работала с ним на севере.
They seem to have met before. Они, кажется, встречались раньше.

2. Might + Perfect Infinitive

They might have given me a watchman's job.

Might have done expresses disapproval or reproach. The perfect infinitive refers the action to the past.

You might have warned me in advance (but you didn't). I wouldn't have waited for you. Ты мог бы предупредить меня заранее. Я бы не стал тебя ждать.

Note: When might is followed by an indefinite infinitive, the combination might do smth expresses a request with a shade of reproach and refers the action to the present or future.

You might at least drive me home. Вы хотя бы отвезли меня домой.
You might carry the parcel for me. Мог бы понести мой сверток.

3. Should + Infinitive

Не agreed with Peter Donnelly that Jackson should have won his case and got damages.

The modal verb should expresses obligation, advisability, desirability. It may be followed by any kind of infinitive.

Should + indefinite infinitive refers the action to the present or the future.

You should take tha visitors round the museum. Вам надо (следует) показать гостям музей.

Should + continuous infinitive refers the action to the immediate present.

You should be reading your history instead of watching TV. Тебе надо (следует) заниматься историей, а не смотреть телевизор.

Should + perfect infinitive refers the action to the past.

You should have accepted the invitation (but you didn't). Вам надо было бы принять его приглашение. '
You shouldn't have accepted his invitation (but you did). Вам не надо было бы принимать его приглашение.

Note: The modal verbs should and ought (to) are very much alike in meaning. In many cases they are used interchangeably. However, ought to emphasizes moral obligation, whereas should is commonly used when instructions are given in the form of advice.

You ought to be grateful to her. Вы должны быть благодарны ей.
You ought to be helping your mother, Jane. She is washing up. Тебе следовало бы помочь маме, Джейн. Она моет посуду.
You ought to have apologized to her. Вам надо было бы извиниться перед ней.
You shouldn't miss this opportunity. Вам не следует упускать такую возможность.
You should have put more sugar in the cake. В торт следовало бы положить больше сахара.

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