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Bread from wheat

Федеральное агентство по образованию

Государственное образовательное учреждение

Высшего профессионального образования

«Пермский государственный технический университет»


по английскому языку

Выполнила студентка


заочного отделения


Экономика и управления на предприятии


Чистякова Наталья вна


Проверил преподаватель:


Пермь 2011



The article is printed in the school-book “English for Economics” at the Perm State Technical University in 2007.


The article is dedicated to the topic “The origins of business”.


The article represents a review of main steps in business development.


The author covers the following problems: the beginning of production goods to satisfy human demands, division of labour, the origin and functions of market, introducing money as a mean of payment and development of trade by means of investments of the capital owners.


In the article the main steps of business activities is offered and the reasons and aims of the development of trade is summarized.


The article is addressed to students of Economics at the correspondence college.





Name: Natalia

Surname: Chistyakova

Date of birth: July 15th, 1992

Occupation: Complement Manager in the Ltd. company


Duties: supply factories with electrical equipment

Marital status: unmarried

Address: 33-30 Kirovogradskaya str., 614113 Perm, Russia

e-mail/telephone: chi-nata@mail.ru / 283-30-69

Career goal: to advance in knowledge and technique, to get some

experience and to become a specialist

Work experience: 2010 – present time: NC “Globass” (Perm)

2011 – present time: Complement Manager in the Ltd.

Company “Permenergoresurs”


Education: 1999 – 2000: school №70 (Perm)

2000 – 2003: school №65 (Perm)

2003 – 2010: Gymnasium №8 (Perm)

2009 – 2011: The Perm Financial and Economic College of

the Russian government

2011 – pr.time: The Perm National Research Polytechnic

University, Faculty of Economics and Low

Personal interests: sport: skiing, snowboarding, swimming; singing, modern

dancing (Pole Dance club), computers, reading, travelling.







My name is Natalia, my surname is Chistyakova. I’m 19. I’m Russian and live in Perm. My address is 33-30 Kirovogradskaya street. My telephone number is 2, 8, double 3, O, 6, 9.

In 2010 I finished Gymnasium №8. My favourite subjects at school were Math, Physics and English. I also graduated the “Perm Financial and Economic College of the Russian government”. Since 2011 I have been studying at the “Perm National Research Polytechnic University”.

My work experience is not very large: I’m engaged in NC “Globass” (Perm). This year I have started a new job at the Ltd.Company “Permenergoresurs”. My position is a Complement Manager and I’m responsible for supplying factories with electrical equipment.

My personal interests’ range is rather wide: from sport (including snowboarding and skiing) to singing and Pole dancing. As a common person nowadays I ‘m interested in computers, because it helps me in my study and work. Besides, I’m fond of traveling. It allows me to widen my outlook. I like reading as well.

So, I think I’m a balanced person. I’m responsible, intelligent and kind. I live in an active lifestyle and I’m sure I’ll be able to achieve my life goals.



Оценка работы



Grammar & Vocabulary Max=40 Annotation Max=20 Resume Max=20 Oral expression Max=20 Total Max=100



Date __________ Signature_______________



Все задания выполняются в тетради для упражнений «Exercise book»

II. Возникновение (происхождение) бизнеса


С тех самых пор, как Человек сформировал первые малые социальные союзы – сначала семьи и племена, а затем нации – бизнес-деятельность определенного рода была необходима. В начале, конечно, эти маленькие союзы пытались обеспечивать себя самым необходимым: одеждой, жилищем, едой и питьем, другими словами главными предметами первой необходимости. Например, овец ловили и разводили, чтобы получить шерсть. Овец нужно было стричь, шерсть спрясть, соткать ткань и сшить, прежде чем она могла быть использована как одежда. Говоря коммерческими терминами, базовые материалы должны быть добыты (первичный цикл производства), продукт должен быть произведен (второй цикл производства) и доведен до конечного потребителя (третий цикл).

Все эти шаги требовали различных умений, и через короткое время члены этих маленьких союзов начали специализироваться в определенных видах производства, а не выполнять все необходимые шаги сами. Это разделение труда скоро распространилось с семей и племен на более крупные сообщества, в результате взаимный обмен товарами стал жизненно необходим. Группа, которая успешно разводила овец (но не особенно преуспевала в производстве одежды из шерсти) обменивала необработанную шерсть на одежду. Точное количество шерсти, которую надо было отдать, определялась при сделке (по соглашению), и конечно также зависела от запасов и спроса на соответствующие товары.

Очень часто прямой обмен (бартер) был невозможен, так как овцеводу больше не требовалась одежда, а нужны были, например, инструменты для стрижки. Производитель инструментов, с другой стороны, нуждался в железной руде, которую не могли ему поставить ни овцевод, ни ткач. Чтобы иметь возможность получить требуемые товары, производители выставляли их на рынок так, чтобы заинтересованные стороны могли собраться вместе для взаимного обмена своих собственных товаров на необходимые для них.

Чтобы сделать обмен товарами более предсказуемым, были введены деньги как средство оплаты – обычно в форме монет, сделанных из драгоценных металлов. Овцевод, таким образом, продавал шерсть и покупал необходимые для стрижки инструменты, а производитель инструментов покупал необходимую железную руду у горняка (рудокопа).

Чтобы увеличить производство шерсти и заработать больше денег, владельцы земли нуждались в новых фермерских постройках (зданиях). Поэтому они должны были покупать необходимые строительные материалы и нанимать рабочих для постройки.

Если овцеводы не имели достаточно средств, они вынуждены были брать деньги взаймы у людей, которые имели свободный капитал для инвестирования в другие отрасли. Эти владельцы капитала обычно были не готовы оказывать эту услугу бесплатно. Наоборот, они старались получить прибыль из своей готовности рисковать своими деньгами.

Итак, мы можем видеть, что бизнес развивался естественно с формированием общества и был жизненно необходим. В основе бизнеса лежит желание Человека достигнуть большего, чем просто необходимого для жизни.


III. Ответы на вопросы:

  1. Early societies provided themselves with what they need most urgently by extracting the basic material, manufacturing a product and taking it to the end-user.
  2. They were important because people could barter the unprocessed wool in exchange for a garment.
  3. In primary sector the basic material is extracted and in secondary sector a product is manufactured.
  4. The difference between secondary and the tertiary sector is in the process of manufacturing and the end-using.
  5. As all these steps required different skills, the division of labour became necessary and people began to specialize in certain activities.
  6. The division of labour caused the development of trade, because producers displayed their goods at a market so that interested parties could come together to exchange their own products for goods they needed.
  7. In order to make the exchange of goods less unpredictable, money was introduced as a means of payment.
  8. The development of trade depends on capital owners because they can invest their capital in other activities and provide the necessary funds for the producer who hasn’t enough money.


  1. The stages which wool goes through from the sheep to the end-user are: the sheep has to be caught and bred to obtain wool. Then the sheep has to be shorn, the wool has to be spun, woven and stitched together before it can be used as a garment.

Циклы, через которые проходит шерсть от овцы до конечного пользователя: овцу нужно поймать и разводить, чтобы получить шерсть. Затем овцу нужно постричь, шерсть спрясть, соткать ткань и сшить, прежде чем она может быть использована как одежда.


  1. The functions of a market are: to provide the exchange of goods, so that different producers can sell their products and buy goods they themselves need.

Функции рынка: обеспечить обмен товарами, так чтобы различные производители могли продавать свои товары и покупать товары, которые им самим нужны.



Types Primary Secondary Tertiary
People fisherman, market gardener industrial chemist, joiner, maintenance engineer, mechanic shop-assistant, cashier, postman, reporter, secretary, tailor, teacher, train driver, travel agent.
Activities coal-mining, oil-drilling, pig-farming, wine-growing. brick-laying, road-building, smelting. nursing, advertising, book-keeping.
Work places coal-mine bakery, shipyard, steelworks, weaving mill. supermarket, airport, police-station, post office, restaurant.





Bread from wheat

When? Who? Which? What? action Who? Which? What? How? Where? When?
  Corn is harvested       in autumn.
Then it is threshed and ground   to get flour.    
  Flour is mixed with water, salt and yeast to get dough.    
Then dough is formed in loaf.      
  The loaf is put and baked     in oven.  


2.Fish fingers from fish.

When? Who? Which? What? action Who? Which? What? How? Where? When?
  Cod is caught by fisherman from trawler in the sea.  
Then fins and bones are cut off cod to get filet.    
  Filet is shaped   to pieces.    
Then pieces are bread-crumbed.        
  Fish fingers are fried     in much oil.  




Cereals are grown in Brazil. Coal is mined in Russia. Coffee is grown in Brazil and South Africa. Cotton is harvested in Spain. Milk is produced in Denmark. Fish is extracted in South Korea, Italy and Iceland. Gold and diamonds are extracted in Russia and South Africa. Meat is produced in Ireland. Natural gas, oil and ores are extracted in Russia. Fruits are grown in Greece and Italy. Soybeans are grown and harvested in the USA. Timber is produced in Canada and Russia. Uranium is mined in South Africa. Grape is grown in Spain and Italy. Wool is produced in Great Britain and Ireland.



1. Production starts with raw materials or components to include various activities designed to process them into final product.

2. Manufacturing is impossible without considerable human and physical resources as well as the financial resources.

3. According to economists the purpose of production is the satisfaction of human demands.

4. Of course, human demands are not restricted to the acquisition and use of goods, but also extend to the acquisition and use of certain services.

5. Profits have to be made through bigger sales.

6. Market is aimed at making the consumer happy.



1. If you wish to sell the goods, you will have to advertise them.

2. If there were not an exchange of goods and services, mankind wouldn’t survive.

3. What would happen to our company if we didn’t invest?

4. Trade between some countries would be virtually impossible if there weren’t bartering arrangements.

5. If the demand for natural fibres continues to increase at the present rate, the demand for wool will increase as well.

6. If money didn’t exist, we would have to invent it.

7. If money is needed for investment purposes, your bank will usually be prepared to help.

8. If I were you, I would buy the necessary tools and do the job myself.

9. If you can pay the full amount at once, you’ll have to ask for a loan.

10. If, by a chance, the economic situation were better next year, we would be in the black at last.

11. If precious stones weren’t so expensive, we’d be able to afford them.

12. If you want to produce more goods, your factory will have to be expanded.

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