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Chapter 49

In the name of the Strange (Sublime) Life!

This, the glory and light of life, is to bring forth the spirit and soul from the body and to clothe the living soul in a living garment. Yea, she is solaced and liveth, the counterpart of Life, she that emanated from a Dimat of Life, with the Outer Life, with Hauraran and Karkawan-Ziwa, with Treasure-of-Light, the solace and great support of life, with life that emanated from the Life and with the truth which existed of old in the beginning, They live in their shecinahs, and the Great Light (abideth) in its purities.

When any human being departeth from his body, there come towards him seven godlike appearances, and each standeth by his own, And Sauriel the Releaser cometh -- he who releaseth spirit and soul from the body. Up there, with those works, he standeth with the vesture of Yuzataq-Manda-d-Hiia which releaseth (the soul). And Hauraran and Karkawan-Ziwa remove from her that in her which is of the body, and she putteth on the dress of Yuzataq- Manda-d-Hiia. Garment on garment she putteth on, she arrayeth herself in robe after robe, When she weareth the vesture of Yuzataq- Manda-d-Hiia there, she laugheth, rejoiceth, leapeth for joy, danceth, exulteth and is overjoyed about the glorious splendour resting (upon her) and the glory that accrueth to her.

Onward she goeth in the vesture of Yuzataq-Manda-d-Hiia, The planets who are in their places were out of coutenance on seeing it: they clenched their fists, beat on the forecourt of their breasts and say " Woe on (us) planets! for they (we) are powerless, but the works of Their hands are victorious! "

And they say " How beautiful is this radiancy, how steadfast this light, how lovely this glory and how wondrous this appearance! " And they ask " who will clothe us with this radiance? Who will cover us with this light and who will shed on us this glory? And what is it that passeth before us in this guise? for it is fair, shining and bright: in this world nothing made can be compared to it! " And they exclaim " How good is Kushta to the good, and Manda-d-Hiia to all his chosen, (those) who stand in their bodies and dedicate themselves to the name of the Life and to becoming (thus)! "

She goeth on in the vesture of Yuzataq-Manda-d-Hiia and they let those deeds of hers pass by and (escape) the hands of all the planets.

And on she went and reached Abathur's house of detention, (Abathur), the Ancient, Lofty, Holy and Guarded one. There his scales are set up and spirits and souls are questioned before him as to their names, their signs, their blessing, their baptism and every- thing that is therewith.

The soul of N. hath entered the House of Abathur and hath given her name, her sign, her blessing, her baptism and everything that is therewith!

The souls of our fathers were signed with the sign of Life and the name of the Life and the name of Manda-d-Hiia was pronounced over them. They put them in the scales, putting in their deeds and rewards I) and weighed them. And the perfect went in (also), the spirit with the soul, but they took them out (for they were) clean. Radiance issued from the radiance of Abathur and clothed them and they brought light and covered their (therewith).

(Like them) she (the soul) put on garment on garment and robe over robe like the vestments of Abathur. There she laugheth, rejoiceth, leapeth for joy, danceth, exulteth and is overjoyed about the glorious splendour which resteth (on her) and accrueth to her. And she proceedeth in the vesture of Yuzataq-Manda-d-Hiia and went on and reacheth the watch-house (house of detention) of four beings, sons of perfection, 'In-Hai, Sum-Hai, Ziv-Hai and Nhur-Hai. Each of these beings clotheth her with his radiance and each covereth her with his light. Garment on garment she putteth on, with garment after garment doth she clothe herself. When she puts on the vesture of the sons of perfection she laugheth, rejoiceth, leapeth for joy, danceth, exulteth and is overjoyed about the glorious splendour, the honour resting on and belonging to her.

She proceeded in the vesture of Yuzataq-Manda-d-Hiia and went onwards and reached the Waters of Death. The waters covered her, (but) Radiance crossed over- his name abode in his shkinta: honoured and chosen, he created himself - and said " Life, I am Thine, and for Thy name's sake came I forth from the world of Pthahil, from amongst evil plots and from beneath the throne of Abathur the Ancient, so that we tray bring out this soul of N, of this masiqta (so that) she cometh before him".

He is the ray of the great radiance of Life, a being who resteth upon the shkinta, and upon shkinta doth his name rest. He graspeth her with the palm of his right hand and handeth her over to two 'uthras, sons of light, to Adatan and Yadatan, of one gnosis and one mind. And Adatan and Yadatan hand her over to two 'uthras, to 'Usar-Hai and to Pta-Hai who open the Door of Life, plant the plant of Life and establish the first counterpart of the House of Life. They raised her up beside the living they bring her in, in the likeness of Life they support her in the Place where radiance, like light, flameth. And the spirits of N. went and became of the same nature as the soul and was established in the House of Life.

And Life is victorious.


Rightly did the baptist baptise me (in the waters of?) Yaluz-Yaluz for their spring is Hammamulai. My name, Ksasar-Hamamulai is spoken, disseminated, guarded, hidden and pure. They (the waters?) knew the source from which they proceeded: its name was on the sky, its glory on the earth. For upon treasure, in treasure, the Great Life existed and was fulfilled in Its glory.

I sit on a perfected garment and by the great fountainhead of Yukabar-Hiia, beneath a Vine which riseth above me. Praise-of-Life standeth before me. " Who will manifest himself and come and speak to me? " " I am he who is manifest, for I am great". The life that is beneath me is the Vine which riseth above me, Praise-of-Life standeth before me. This is my name and my sign which I received from waves of water and from treasures of radiance and from the great and lofty Mixing-Bowl (?).

And Life is victorious.

In the name of the Life!

I am baptised in the name of the Strange Life, the Sublime (Being) above all works. I am established in the name of Treasure-of-Light. " I looked upon the Life and the Life looked upon me, and in the Life put I my trust. When this the soul of N. casteth off her bodily garment, she shall put on the dress of life and become a facsimile of the Great Life in light."

Yawar from the House of Life revealed (himself?) and shone forth, establishing his counterpart, transplanting the Great Life in his light. The worlds thrust at us, but we fell not; backed by Thy truth, we have confidence. The first sprout hath burst forth - a ray of the great radiance of Life in its triumphs; Truth (Kuš ta) and the great Source (kana) of its glory.

And Life be praised!

Whose son am I? (Of?) the guarded Mana who is Yusmir, the First Great Radiance, son of the great Primal Life, who pondered and went forth seeking His own, that which came from Him. The congregation of souls, on the last day, when departing from their bodies, rejoice in Him, embrace Him and rising up, behold the outer ether and the enduring Abode and praise the Great Life in Its light.

And Life is victorious!

A letter, union and victory have come to this the soul of N. from the House of Life. Its fastening is water, its wreath is light, its weapon the living word, and its seal the Chosen, the Pure One. Every man who openeth it and readeth therein shall live, be whole, and his name will beset up in the House of Life in the name of the Great Sublime Life. And the First Life is established in Its š kinta.

[This is the seal of the masiqta. Up to this point recite the masiqta, and here take the pihta and break off a morsel from one upper fatira and the undermost fatira and bring a portion of the Ba and fold them together. And mingle the " water of prayer" with the wine and recite over them " Yukasar chose her (the soul) who passeth over" and recite " The Life spoke and opened" and part thy pandama and eat thy pihta and drink thy mambuha and recite " The Water of Life burst forth in splendour in its š kinta.]

Yukasar chose her that passeth (crosseth) over; he chose her, called her forth and established her. He clothed her in radiance ineffable and brought light abounding and covered her therewith. He raised her up to the Great Place of Light and the everlasting Abode, and in his own š kinta his (the dead man's) soul was assigned (a place) and found rest in his treasure. Living waters (water of Life) from the House of Life burst forth (in splendour) and (like them?) shall shine forth the souls who are called upon, raised up and signed in this masiqta, (the souls of) our fathers, teachers, brothers and sisters who have departed the body, and of those who still live in the body. They shall rise upward on a smooth road and by the path of the perfect, shall behold the Place of Light and the everlasting Abode and be established by Him who opened (revealed) the great first light.

And Life is victorious.

The Great Life spoke and revealed (opened) with His mouth, in His own radiance light and glory. And Life be praised.

[This is for the loosing of the pandama. Recite this " Yukasar chose her who passeth over" over the " water of prayer" and wine when they are mingled together. If it is for (several) souls that he has recited read as written, but if for a single soul say " the soul of N., shall be awakened". And say " The Great Life spoke and opened with His mouth'' and part thy pandama, eat thy pihta and drink thy mambuha. And recite " The living water shone forth in its place" then rise, and read one prayer alter another until the (prayer) ''Yukasar chose her that passeth over" hath been offered up.]

In the name of the Life!

Living waters shone forth (in splendour) in their š kinta. The robes of the good were resplendent in their place. The great Mana was dazzlingly bright in His glory. So (too) shall these living, (brightly) shining, steadfast and vigorous souls shine in splendour in the great Place of Light and the Everlasting Abode.

[This is a prayer of dedication for the " water of prayer" ]

Fragrant incense riseth to its place and Thou, Life, be victorious! The Forgiver of sins, trespasses, follies, stumblings and mistakes will forgive all those who love his name of Truth (Kuš ta) (likewise) the soul of N.

And Life is victorious.

[A dedication prayer for the incense]

In the name of the Life!

Praised be the First Life, praised be the Word of the First Life: praised be that radiance, light and glory; praised be that Light which is boundless and endless and none know when it came into being. Praised be the Lord of Greatness and praised be all the 'uthras that stand to the right and left of the Lord of Greatness and praise the Lord of Greatness. Praised be my father Yawar, praised be all the 'uthras who stand and praise my father Yawar. Praised be that great first Jordan in which the First Life was baptised. Praised be all jordans of living water: praised be the fruits, grapes and trees which stand by them. Praised be all the mighty and lofty worlds of light; praised be all those sanctuaries (shkinata) of the Hidden for in each and every š kinta sit a thousand thousand 'uthras, ('uthras) without end, and the myriad myriad sanctuaries that are countless. Praised are those thousand thousand 'uthras without end and the myriad myriad sanctuaries beyond count.

Praised be all those banners of radiance, light and glory unfurled before them which give them light. Praised be the great gate of the House of Abathur; praised be all 'uthras who stand before Abathur and praise him. Praised be the three hundred and sixty scales which are set up before the ancient Abathur; praised be that first great Scales that was set up before Abathur the Ancient. Praised be that great occult Drop from which he proceeded. Praised be all 'uthras who sit upon thrones of rest and recite ordinances and masiqtas and secret prayers. Praised be those recitations, masiqtas, and secret prayers in which the Great (Life) is praised. Praised be those priests who sit with them.

Praised be all mountains of radiance, light and glory; praised be all roads and paths of light.

First Life! Lift up Thine eyes upon these souls called upon, raised up and signed in this masiqta and (the souls of) our father, brothers and sisters who have departed the body, and of those who still tarry in the body. Deliver them, save them and protect them from this world of the wicked and from those watch-houses (purgatories). Let thy mercy, Great First Life, rest upon them. And ye shall say " Life is established in its indwellings".

And Life is victorious.

[This is an offering-up of supplications. It is the dedicatory prayers of the masiqta. Pray " We have acknowledged", " Praises", " Thee, Thyself", " Raising eyes" and " I sought to raise my eyes". If thou recitest for (several) souls read as written, if it is one soul say " Lift thine eyes upon the soul of N" ].

Life is fulfilled in its own glory and the Great Light established by its victories.

[This is the prayer offered up for the pihta].

The Great Life dwelleth in those that love Him, and His devotees dwell in the Great Place of Light and the Everlasting Abode.

And Life be praised!

[This is the dedicatory prayer for the mambuha.]

An earthly wreath fadeth, but the wreath of Life is fresh and living. The wreath of an elect righteous man is set and shineth on the heads of those who love the name of Truth (Kuš ta). The wreath is from the world of light and the robe from the Everlasting Abode. The ether-wreath is set, with its purities, and shineth on the heads of these souls of this masiqta.

And Life is victorious.

[This is the prayer put up for the wreath of a masiqta. If thou recitest for several souls, read as written, but if for a single say " on the head of this soul of N." ]


The worlds glisten (with costly) oil, but Nasoraeans shine with the radiance of Life.

And Life is victorious.


In great radiance am I immersed and in steadfast light am I established. Manda baptised me, Kuš ta confirmed me. A letter, communication (communion) and purity came to me from the House of Life. Its fastening is water, its wreath is light, its weapon the living word, and its seal the chosen, pure one. Every man who openeth it and readeth therein shall live, shall be whole and his name will be set up in the House of Life, in the name of the great Sublime Life from worlds (of light?).

And Life is victorious.

[This is the prayer offered up for the masiqta oil.]

The Life dwelleth in its own radiance and light.
And Life be praised!

[This is the confirmation of the (prayer) " Yukasar chose her who passeth over". Here recite " Ye are set up and raised up" and the masiqta-hymns.]

Ye are set up and raised up into the Place where the good are established amongst manas of light, the souls called upon and raised up and signed by this masiqta and (the souls of) our fathers, our teachers, our brothers and our sisters who have departed the body, and of those who are(still) living in the body. Your manas shall be set up in the Light and ye will be established in the Light.

And Life is victorious.


In the name of the Life!

I am crowned with a wreath and lay me down
In a dress in which there is no blemish.
No spot is there in the dress,
Nor is there aught missing or lacking in it.
The Life knew about me.
Adam, who slept, awoke;
He grasped me with the palm of his right hand
And gave (not?) into my hand a palmbranch.
Light cast me into darkness,
But the darkness was filled with light.
The day that light ariseth,
Darkness returneth to its place.
The souls of this masiqta
Approach a cloud of light.
Their journey is to the Place of Light.

And Life be praised.

[This is a masiqta hymn]

With him, with the Deliverer
The souls of this masiqta will ascend.
They will behold the Place of Light
And the Everlasting Abode.

On their road the Seven will not detain them,
Nor will the Judge of the False question them.
The Life will count you in His reckoning
And the good will set you up in their midst.
To the place to which the good go they will guide you
And in the place in which they stand they will set you up;
Lamps of radiance are found before you,
Beams of light behind you.
Kuš ta will come at your right
And Piety will smoothen your path.

For you there will be loosings
From here to the Everlasting Abode.
For the ferry which ferries over the Elect
Will set out towards you and take you across.

(Then) from Abathur of the Scales
A saviour will come forth towards you.
The saviour that cometh towards you
Is all radiancy and light from head to foot
Like the wreath in his right hand.

And on his two arms is a robe.
Bestir yourselves! Put on your robes!

Put on your living wreaths, gird on your girdles
In which nothing is awry or blemished.

Above your head there will be fruit,
And there, at your time and season
Your manas will be set up in the Light.

Your manas in the Light will be set up.
(So) rise up, behold the Place of Light!

And Life is victorious.


Between the Hidden and the Radiance,
Between Light and the 'uthras,
Between the Hidden and the Radiance
Stand those who question the soul,
Saying to her " Speak! say, soul,
Who constructed thee? who was thy Builder?
Who built thee and who was the Being, thy Creator? "

The soul spoke and said --
The edified, well-constructed soul spoke --
And saith to the Being who questioneth her,
Said to him, 'My father, One built me, One constructed me"
One was the Being who transplanted me;
One of the sons of salvation in his goodness
Took (accepted) his lot (duty).

He folded me in a wrapping of radiance,
Took (me) and gave me over to Adam.
Adam, in his simplicity, whilst he knew not nor understood,
Took and cast me into a physical body;
Took me and cast me into a physical body
That is all sour and bitter fluids and decaying substances.
(There) the soul remaineth and waiteth in the hostel of the body
Which he had bequeathed her: sitteth and watcheth over it
Till its measure and count were accomplished.

When its measure and count were accomplished
The Deliverer came to her;
To her came the Deliverer
Who loosed her and bore her away:
(Yea), he who had bound her, who had loosed the soul,
Went before her whom he had bound.

Coming behind him, the soul hasted
Reached her Deliverer, ran (after) him
Who had bound her to her dwelling.
The soul and her Deliverer (go):
Her course is to the Place of Light,
To the place whose sun goeth not down,
Nor do its lamps of light grow dim.

To it, and to that place, those souls
That are called upon in this masiqta
And signed by this sign, are summoned and invited.
They shall behold the great Place of Light
And the abiding Abode.

And Life be praised.


Bliss and peace there will be
On the road which Adam attained:
Bliss and peace there shall be
On the road which the soul traverseth.

The soul hath loosed her chain and broken her bonds;
She hath shed her earthly garment.

She turned round, saw it and was revolted
She uttered an evil curse on the being
Who had clothed her in the body.

She provoked the Framer-of-Bodies, she roused him
From the lair in which he lay. She said to him,
" Rise up, look, Framer-of-Bodies;
The hollow of thy hand is filled with water! "
The voice of the Framer-of-Bodies (is heard),
Who howleth and weepeth for himself
And saith " Woe is me that the hollow of my hand
Is filled with water! " And to her he saith
" Go in peace, daughter of the free, whom
In the house of evil ones they called handmaiden.

Go in peace, pure pearl that was transported
From the treasuries of Life;
Go in peace, fragrant one who imparted
Her fragrance to the stinking body.
Go in peace, radiant one, who illumined
Her dark house. Go in peace,
Pure and chosen one, immaculate and spotless! "

Flying, the soul went
Until she reached the House of Life:
She arrived at the House of Life.

`Uthras went forth towards her,
Saying to her " Take and put on thy robe of radiance
And set on thy living wreath!

Arise, dwell in the š kintas,
The place where `uthras abide, conversing;
And Life is victorious and triumphant is Manda-d-Hiia
And lovers of his name".

And Life be praised!

Blessed and praised be Life

Who is filled with compassion for these souls.
Praised be thou, my lord, Manda-d-Hiia,
For thou raisest up these souls and dost not condemn them.

Praised be thou, pure Yushamin,
For thou wilt give them thy helping hand.
Be ye praised, Shilmai and Nidbai,
For ye will give true witness concerning them.
And be ye praised, Hibil, Shitil, and Anush
For ye will ransom them from the House-of-Dues
And from Abathur of the Scales!

For toward you will go forth a messenger,
And the messenger who goeth toward you
Is all radiance and light from head to foot.
In his right hand a kind of wreath
And on both his arms a robe.

Up! put on your robes, set on your living wreaths!
Gird on your girdles that are flawless and faultless!
Above your heads there will be fruit,
And your lamps will hang amongst lamps of light
And will shed light.

The Lord of Tolls will not confront you
Nor will lying judges put you to the question.
They will bring you liberating words
From here unto the Everlasting Abode,
The building that was built for you in the House of Life,
Will not come to nought in an age of ages!

And may some of Manda-d-Hiia's radiance and light
And the revivifying-breath of Life rest upon us!
Blessed is the Voice of Life
And praised be the great Beam which is all light.

And Life be praised.

[After thou hast recited " The Life dwelleth in its own radiance and light", " Ye are set up", " I am crowned with a wreath and lay me down", " With him, with the Deliverer", " Between the Hidden and the Radiance", " Bliss and peace there will be", " My vigilance and my praise giving", " Go in peace, Pure Chosen one", " Well, well is it for thee, soul" and the other hymns, as many as thou art able, then recite the " Blessed and praised is Life" of Shem son of Noah.

If thou readest for (several) souls, read as it is written, but if only for one soul, say " The soul of N." and pay attention, with all watchfulness, clearness of mind and studious attention and recite " Good is the good for the good"; perform Kuš ta with one another and recite " In great radiance am I immersed".

And pray a prayer for yourselves and make pihta and mambuha for yourselves and eat your pihta and drink your mambuha And offer up the prayer " Good is the good for the good", perform Kuš ta with one another for yourselves and (then) honour your crowns. ]

And Life is victorious.

In the name of the Life!

Blessed and praised be the Life!
Blessed and praised be the name of Life in the Place of Light!
Blessed and praised art thou, my lord, Manda-d-Hiia;
Thou and thy strength, thy radiance, thy light, thy glory and thy help.

Praised art thou, my father Yushamin the Pure,
Son of a transplanting of the mighty Life.

Praised art thou, Second Life, Life that is from Life.

Praised are ye, Shilmai and Nidbai, guardian 'uthras of the jordan.

Praised are ye, Nsab and Anan-Nsab.

(Praised are) our fathers Hibil, Shitil and Anush
The name and chief of the whole race.

Praised art thou, Lofty Abathur;
Blessed and established is the great š kinta in which thou sittest.

Praised are ye four beings, sons of Perfection, who go to meet the good;
Go forth to meet the good and clothe the good with robes.
Praised art thou, Earth of Light and blessed and praised Those who dwell in thee.

Blessed art thou, Road of the great, path of the perfect
And track that riseth up to the Place of Light.

Blessed art thou, Nasirutha from whom the elect learn;
From thee learn the elect, and deal out reward and pious gift
They deal with reward and pious gift and rise up and behold the Place of light.

Praised art thou, jordan of living water, for from thee we obtain purity;
We obtain purity from thee and receive the pure sign.

My fathers beheld the Life and my teacher the Place of Light.
The 'uthras of light are victorious,
And victorious Abathur and the sons of Perfection
Who stand, praising the Life.

Enlargement of life there shall be for the believing
Who have departed out of our midst;
The believers, the poor, the lowly and priests.

And my lord Manda-d-Hiia will lend them his helping hand.

Thankfully received are the good gifts (tabuta) of life,
The good gifts of life and of knowledge of life,
The pihla that..... at the name of the Life.

For any man who giveth an oblation,
His oblation will be his helper: elect and perfect men
Who bestow oblations will rise by Kuš ta 's path.
To them it shall be given.

Of the Ether-wreath they twisted them a wreath
Of speech and hearing, of joy, purity, goodness and greatness.

A wreath from the Vine Ruaz He will set on the heads
Of those souls called on, signed, and raised up by this masiqta;
(And the souls of) our fathers, our teachers, our brothers and our sisters, of those who have departed the body and those
who are yet in the body.

(A wreath like that) set on Its head by the Great (Life)
And by the Great (Life) given to 'uthras
And given by 'uthras to their priests.

Healer, whose medicine is water, come!

Be thou a healer to thy devotees,
To thy devotees be thou a healer
And to him that giveth oblation be thou a helper:
On him whom thou hast healed, do thou,
My lord, bestow soundness.

Behold him who standeth before thee and condemn him not.

My Lord, High King of Light, Revealer
Whose eyes are uncovered, seeking justice
And enacting justice for those who love it,
Do justice on those who persecute us,
Those persecutors who pursue us,
And on the wicked and furious ones
Who scheme to work evil upon us.

If it please Thee, High King of Light,
Look on us and condemn us not!

Behold these souls who believed in Thee
And for Thy name's sake stood by on earth
And were persecuted. Show us pure ether-air
So that we may forget earthly persecution,
That we may forget the persecution of earth
And the vexation of the wicked and liars.

Strengthen our insight, our voice, our vigilance and our praise!

Thereby the Great Life communed with thee
And set thee up completely (?) with His radiance
And His light, Manda-d-Hiia!

And may the vivifying-power of Life rest upon us.
My elect, ye shall say " Blessed be the Voice of Life
And praised be the great Beam which is all light! "

And Life be praised!

[This is the " Blessed and praised be the Life" of Shem son of Noah. Afterwards, read here " Blessed and praised be Life" of the souls, and then recite " Good is the Good for the good".]


Good is the Good for the good, and His nature is set upon those who love His name. We will seek and find, speak and be heard. We have sought and found, have spoken and been heard in thy presence, my lord, Manda-d-Hiia, Lord of all healings.

Forgive him his sins, trespasses, follies, stumblings and mistakes and (those of) him who furnished this bread, masiqta and (ritual) food. My lord, Manda-d-Hiia and (Thou) Great First Life, forgive the sins trespasses, follies, stumblings and mistakes of the donor(s) of fee and oblation, and their wives, children, their priests and those who placed (brought) this bread and food; (likewise) you, my parents, teachers, instructors and preceptors when ye support from the Left to the Right. And ye shall say " Life be established in Its Dwellings and Life be praised;

Life is victorious over all works.

[Recite this " Good is the Good for the good" when thou readest a masiqta. When thou performest a baptism recite it, when thou distributest oil recite it, when thou recitest the Rahmia (" Devotions" recite it, and after the Rahmia. And recite it when thou partakest of the (ritual) dish. ]

And Life is victorious.

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