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My future speciality. Mechanical engineering
I am a student of the faculty of the Engineering mechanics and packaging technique at the National University of Food Technology. The Mechanical faculty is one of the largest. There is also an extramural departments for meсhanical students at our University. Our faculty trains mechanical engineers for food industry. The mechanical department prepares specialists in the following specialities: “Processing and food production equipment”, " Packing equipment and technology”, “Equipment for pharmaceutics and microbiological industry". Approximately 1200 students study at the department. The following chairs for graduate students work at the department: technology of equipment and computer technologies of projecting, machines and apparatuses of food and pharmaceuticals production, technical mechanics and packing equipment, resources economizing technologies. The chairs of engineering graphics, material science and technology of machine building, theoretical mechanics and strength of materials, social and political theory are included into the said department to provide training of specialists of the University in related disciplines. We, future mechanical engineers, are specialized in designing, construction and exploitation of machines and equipment for sugar refining, bread-making, brewing, dairy and meat industries and for many other branches of food industry. The education of a mechanical engineer extends over a wide range of knowledge from pure and engineering sciences to technology, exact sciences and humanities. Mechanical students study many subjects. The students have such subjects on their schedule as: mathematics, physics, chemistry, geometry, technical drawing, theory of materials, strength of materials, elements of machines, programming, etc. They also study the modern scientific and technological achievements, research methods and take field training. As we will work in food industry we must know technological processes of food stuffs production. Senior students study subjects closely connected with their future speciality. Mechanical students have at their disposal a great number of laboratories. Senior students, besides their lab work, learn to set up laboratory equipment and instruments, make experiments and evaluate their results. The students carry out their research under the guidance of their professors. Students investigate deeper the problems studied, explore new lines of research and try their hand at designing instruments and various devices. Undergraduates have a practical training at the enterprises of food industry. On finishing their courses, field training and final exams, the mechanical students prepare their gradual projects. The project is presented to and defended before the State Examining Board. Having defended my diploma I will receive the title of a mechanical engineer, a Bachelor of the technical sciences. A Bachelor may join the Master’s course for the Master’s degree, then the Post-graduate course to work at their candidate and doctorate thesis. Having graduated from the University I will be able to work either as a mechanical engineer in exploitation and repair of machines and instruments of food industry or as an engineer-designer at a food machine-building plant, or as a designer at a special design office. Graduates of our faculty may hold a post of a mechanical engineer or a chief engineer at one of food industry enterprises. A mechanical engineer of the plant is responsible for continuous work of all machines and mechanisms.He is also responsible for the work of lifting and transporting technique. A mechanical engineer directs the exploitation and repair of machines and equipment at the plant and it is he who is responsible for assembling of new equipment Graduates of our faculty work at various enterprise and research institutes of food industry and in other fields of our national economy. They work not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries.