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Active Vocabulary.

harmless нешкідливий
additives добавки
preservative консервант
flavouring внесення смакових чи ароматизуючих речовин
accelerator прискорювач росту
environmentally friendly екологічно безпечний
commodity товар, продукт для продажу
ready-made готовий
purification очищення
despite of незважаючи на
consumption споживання
domestic внутрішній
requirements of agricultural produce вимоги до сільськогосподарської продукції
cut down знижувати
saturated насичений
advertising реклама
income дохід
health-improving оздоровчі
preventive products продукти профілактичного призначення


Task 1

Match a word with its definition

a. purification 1. natural resources such as oil, gold, iron ore, gas, wheat and others
b. processing 2. health-improving and preventive foodstuffs
c. packing 3. speeding-up of the growth
d. raw materials 4. a process of cleaning some material from undesirable elements and transforming
e. food additives 5. a process of wrapping of a ready-made products
f. preservatives 6. a process of remaking of raw materials into ready-made product
g. healthy products 7. substances added to foods for technological reasons, to maintain and improve the taste
h. acceleration 8. substances that can increase the shelf life of food and other products


Task 2

Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

Генетично-модифіковані, без синтетичних добавок, забарвлення, надання смаку, прискорювачі росту, екологічно-безпечний, певні вимоги, сільськогосподарська продукція, сировина, вага кінцевого продукту, законодавство, продаж вітчизняних та імпортних оздоровчих продуктів.




1. Across the USA…………….…………………………..…….………….………4

2. Higher education in Ukraine……………………………..….….……………...11

3.Traditional holidays in Ukraine, Great Britain and the USA.…………………19

4. Food industry in Ukraine………………………….…...……………………….27

5. Ukraine………………………………………………………..….…………….34

6. Ecology. protecting the environment.……..…………………………………...41

7. Science and technologies in the modern world………………………………...49

8. English around the world……………………………..………………………..57

9. My future career. Applying for a new position………..……………………….64

10. The United Kingdom………………………………………………………….73




1. Biotechnology…………………………………………………………………..80

2. Electrical engineering, Power Engineering……….……………………………87

3. Technology of bread, confectionary, macaroni and food concentrates …………91

4. Hotel-restaurant business ………………………………………………..….….98

5. Technology of meat storage, preservation and processing …………………...104

6. Technology of fermentative production and winemaking ………....................110

7. Substances technology. Sugary ……………………………………….……...115

8. Tourism ……………………………………………………………………….120

9. Ecology, environment protection and sustainable nature use…….…..............125

10. Mechanical engineering……………………………………………..……….130

11. Perfumery and cosmetics products technology………………….…………..137

12. Technology of milk storage, preservation and processing…………………..142

13. Technology of health-improving products and food expertise………...........146

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