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План заняття

І Організаційний момент. Привітання

ІІ. Основна частина (Вивчаюче читання тексту«Ceramics and pottery inUkraine»)

ІІІ. Пошукове читання та граматичний аналіз тексту «Pottery»

Read the text and say what the main idea of this text is

Самостійна робота

Pottery are objects that are first shaped of wet clay, then hardened by baking. Pottery includes both decorative and practical items such as bowls, vases, dishes, and lamps.

Harder - Pottery is a decorative or useful ware made of baked clay. Pottery includes valuable works of art, inexpensive dinnerware, vases, and other simple household items, all made by professional potters. The word pottery also refers to the factory that makes pottery. Pottery ware is part of a larger product group called ceramics that encompasses bricks, cement, sewer pipes, and other industrial products. Four steps are needed to make a pottery product: preparing the clay mixture, shaping the clay, decorating and glazing the item, and firing (baking). The firing temperature gives pottery its finished appearance and its strength.

There are three major pottery types: (1) earthenware, (2) stoneware, and (3) porcelain. Each type is distinguished by its clay mixture and the temperature at which it is baked or fired. Earthenware is a pottery clay mixture that is fired at a lower temperature. The low baking temperature allows the use of colorful glazes, but also yields a pottery that cracks and chips more easily than other types. Stoneware pottery is made of a heavier clay mixture that gives it greater strength. Stoneware is fired at a much higher temperature to give a harder finish. Porcelain is the purest and the most delicate type of pottery. It is formed from koalin, a fine white clay, that is mixed with controlled amounts of feldspar and flint and then fired at a low temperature.

Домашнє завдання: переказувати текст«Pottery»


Тема 4: Кераміка

Переклад з іноземної мови на рідну текстів загально професійного характеру. Природа кераміки

Мета: удосконалювати навички студентів правильно використовувати нову професійну лексику; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати культуру мовлення..

Обладнання: малюнки до теми, роздруківки текстів для читання та завдань, словники.

Час проведення: 2 год.

План заняття

І Організаційний момент. Привітання

ІІ. Основна частина (Читання та переклад тексту «THENATUREOFCERAMICS»)


One of.the first solid materials, if not the very first, that man learned to use was a ceramic natural stone. It was used in avariety of applications because of its characteristic properties such as hardness, strength to chemical attack which make it comparatively easy to shape, Thus natural ceramics provided man with tools, durable containers and even a roof. It is not surprising that man got greatly interested in ceramics and tried to create ceramics such as: pottery, bricks, concrete, glass. These products are spoken of as main industrial products to this day.

Ceramic materials have been extended greatly-. They range from dull clay to lustrous ruby, from the refractory linings to electronic, control devices.

What is ceramics? Can this question be answered? Essentially it is defined as a combination of one or more definite metals with- a non-metallic element, usually oxygen. The comparatively large oxygen atoms serve as a matrix with the small metal atoms. The main characteristic of the construction of ceramic crystals is that the atoms are linked by bonds that are primarily ionic but also to a significant extent covalent. These bonds are responsible for the stability and strength of ceramic materials. In the combination of oxygen atoms with metal atoms the ionic bonds are particularly strong. It should be noted that each oxygen atom with two electronic vacancies in its outer shell borrows two electrons from its metal neighbours, thus both kinds of atoms become highly ionized—one negatively, the other positively.

As highly -oxidized compounds the ceramics are strongly resistant to attack by nearly all chemicals. This accounts for many of their uses, even the making of steel depends on the use of ceramics.

A lot of analyses have been made by chemists. They found that the principal elements, for instance, in natural clays were oxygen, silicon and aluminium. They form the compounds known as aluminosilicates.

But a giant step forward in ceramic science., came when crystal structures were analysed by means of X-ray diffraction. It has been found out that in the construction of ceramic materials much depends on how the atoms are stacked.

Дайте відповіді на питання

1, What was the very first solid material that man began to use? 2. What did natural ceramics provide man with? 3. Why was ceramics used in a variety of applications? 4. Why did man get interested in ceramics so much? 5. What is ceram­ics? 6. What is a main characteristic of the construction of ceramic crystals? 7. Why are the ceramic materials so strongly resistant? 8. What are the principal elements in natural clays? 9. What does the construction of ceramic materials depend on? 10. Why are ceramic materials mass-produced? 11. Why is the ceramic industry so important?

Відкрийте дужки. Перекладіть речення.

1. Last year our plant {produced, produces) many ceramic goods which (are used, were used) widely. 2. At first man (baked, has baked) vessels of clay in the sun. 3. Recently ce­ramic compounds (are used, have been used) even in making steel. 4. Numerous analyses (have been carried out, had been carried out) before they stated the exact composition of this compound. 5. Now many scientists (are working, work) at the investigation of the new properties of ceramics. 6. Many new discoveries (took place, have taken place) since the last century. 7. Last week they (analysed, analyse) crystal structure of those new materials by' means of X-ray diffraction. 8. For many years considerable work (has been carried out, was car­ried out) to convert ethylene into motor fuel. 9. Many beautiful articles made of ceramics (provided, provides) man with tools even in ancient time.

Знайдіть пари антонімів і запам’ятайте їх

hard, solid, fast, light, dull, difficult, heavy, bright, weak, easy, liquid, slow, soft, strong.

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