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Відкрийте дужки, підбираючи необхідне слово

1. (The very, very) first subjects we studied in the first year were mathematics, inorganic chemistry and English. 2. This was (very, the very) book I needed for my work. 3. Have you (found out, found) what subject he was interested in? 4. I shall use this new material (provide, provided) it is resistant to corrosion. 5. She could (hardly, hard) use this material as it was too brittle. 6. These ceramic materials are (light, heavy) in weight. 7. This solid material was (very, the very) good for construction.

Translate the text paying attention to the use of the word “very”.

Pottery, porcelain, brick and tile are all very similar in composition and method of manufacture, and with glass they provide the class of materials known as ceramics. These products are made from varying mixtures of clay, silica, and feldspar.

The very first of them are usually prepared from natural clays which already contain silica and feldspar. These natural clays are made into a workable mud with water and then fired in special ovens. As the temperature rises, water is first driven from the mixture, then various decomposition products are formed and above 1250° C the feldspar fuses and binds the other materials present.

Porcelain is made from a very fine white clay known as kaolin. Then very pure sands and feldspars are added. Very soft porcelain is obtained if one adds calcium phosphate to the mud.

Ex. 6 Translate the text


Silicate materials include glass, porcelain, enamels and cement.

Ordinary glass is a mixture of silicates in the form of supercooled liquid. It is made by melting a mixture of sodium carbonate (or sodium sulphate), limestone and sand.

Ordinary glass contains about 10% sodium, 5% calcium, and 1% aluminum, the remainder is silicon and oxygen. It consists of an aluminosilicate tetrahedral framework, within which are embedded sodium ions and calcium ions.


Portland cement is an aluminosilicate powder which sets to a solid mass on treatment with water. Portland cement before treatment with water consists of a mixture of calcium silicates and calcium aluminate. When treated with water the calcium aluminate hydrolyzes and forms calcium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide. These substances react further with the calcium silicates and produce calcium aluminosilicates in the form of crystals.


Домашнє завдання: переказувати текст «Glass»


Мета: удосконалювати навички студентів правильно використовувати нову професійну лексику; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати культуру мовлення. Ознайомити студентів з будовою слова

Обладнання: малюнки до теми, роздруківки текстів для читання та завдань, словники.

Час проведення: 2 год.

План заняття

І Організаційний момент. Привітання

ІІ. Основна частина (Читання та переклад тексту «THE NATURE OF CERAMICS»)



master (хазяїн) - tomaster (керувати), house (дім) - tohouse (розміщувати), water (вода) - towater (поливати), empty (пустий) - toempty (спустошувати) white (білий) - towhite (білити).


airfield - аеродром (air - повітря, field - поле), airbase - авіабаза (air - повітря, base - база), airman - авіатор (air - повітря, man - чоловік), schoolday - шкільний день (school - школа, day - день), birthplace - місце народження (birth народження -, place - місце).servicedress - формений одяг, одяг для служби (service - служба, dress - сукня), shopwindow - вітрина (shop - магазин, window – вікно)

Зміна наголосу.

ex port (експорт) – to ex port (експортувати) pre sent (подарунок) – to pre sent (дарувати).

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