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boat : bateau : лодка, катер, корабль, подводная лодка

Due to lexical oppositions it is possible to distinguish all the uses of a hyperonym, which may be used as extensively as a hyponym:

boat: ship (size): submarine (position in the water): launch (motor)


box boite коробка коробочка шкатулка ящик ящичек
flask flacon фляга фляжка склянка пузырёк
pot pot горшок котелок банка кружка кринка


Naturally it is possible to find opposite examples, too, in which a Russian word is more general in meaning than its counterparts in English and French.


finger toe doigt orteil палец
hand arm main bras рука
watch clock montre“watch” pendule “clock horloge “tower clock” часы


jump over sauter pardessus перепрыгнуть
jump off sauter de отпрыгнуть
jump on sauter sur вспрыгнуть



Depending on the context Russian uses a special prefixal derivative where English has a general word:


to cut grass срезать (косить) траву
to cut a finger порезать палец
to cut one’s throat зарезаться, перерезать себе горло
to cut a road перерезать дорогу


*It depends much on the subject of an action. Thus, if it is a snake in Russian it is said to crawl in or out:

RUSSIAN: змея выползла из норы

ENGLISH: the snake got out of the hole

FRENCH: le serpent sortit de son trou

If it is a staircase a Russian sentence shows that it runs either upstairs or downstairs

RUSSIAN: лестница вела вверх (вниз)

ENGLISH: there was a staircase

FRENCH: il y avait un escalier


**It depends on the object of an action, too. Thus in a number of object phrases in English with basic verb this verb is translated into Russian by special words, /e.g./:


Make snowballs лепить снежки

Make doughnuts печь пирожки

Make lines чертить

Make tea заваривать чай

Make the bed постелить постель


Connotational meaning. Connotational meaning is the attitude of the speaker toward what is being spoken about. Connotation may or may not depend on lexical motivation. If it does not it equals any association that an individual speaker may have with reference to a word in question, any type of individual implication. If it does an association is caused by the relation of word meaning to its origin. There are 2 types of connotation resulting from motivation: descriptive and evaluative.



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