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unit znahodjennia_oblycca;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtDlgs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Jpeg, Math;
type TForm1 = class(TForm) OpenPictureDialog1: TOpenPictureDialog; Button1: TButton; Image1: TImage; Button2: TButton; Image3: TImage; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;
var Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm} type boolarr=array[1..1000, 1..1000] of boolean;
const h=400; const w=400; const pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832; var bmpin, bmpout: TBitmap; HH, WW: real;
procedure Ellipse(X, Y, A, B: integer; Angle: real); var I, S, C, H2, K1, K2, R: real; X1, X2, Y1, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4, YY: integer; begin I: =(180-Angle)*PI/180; S: =Sin(I); C: =Cos(I); H2: =Sqr(A*S)+Sqr(B*C); if H2=0 then begin K1: =0; K2: =0; end else begin K1: =S*C*(Sqr(A)-Sqr(B))/H2; K2: =A*B/H2; end; YY: =0; while Sqr(YY)< =H2 do begin R: =K2*Sqrt(H2-Sqr(YY)); X1: =Round(K1*YY+R); X2: =Round(K1*YY-R); bmpout.Canvas.Pen.Color: =clRed; if YY=0 then begin bmpout.Canvas.Pixels[X+X1, Y+YY]: =bmpout.Canvas.Pen.Color; bmpout.Canvas.Pixels[X-X1, Y-YY]: =bmpout.Canvas.Pen.Color; end else begin bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X+X1, Y+YY); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X+X3, Y+YY-1); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X+X2, Y+YY); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X+X4, Y+YY-1); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X-X1, Y-YY); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X-X3, Y-YY+1); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X-X2, Y-YY); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X-X4, Y-YY+1); end; X3: =X1; X4: =X2; Inc(YY); end; H2: =Int(1.99*(YY-Sqrt(H2))); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X+X3, Y+YY-1); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X+X3-Round(R), Y+YY-Round(H2)); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X+X4, Y+YY-1); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X-X3, Y-YY+1); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X-X3+Round(R), Y-YY+Round(H2)); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X-X4, Y-YY+1); end;
procedure znah(bmpin, bmpout: Tbitmap; colshkr: boolarr); var g: array [1..1000, 1..1000] of boolean; i, j, k, n, r, l, p, q, t, e, w, h, pn, x, y, a, b: integer; sx, sy, sw: longint; rr, gg, bb: byte; u1, u02, u20, teta, imin, imax: real; col: TColor; px, py: array [1..30000] of integer; begin for i: =1 to bmpin.Height do for j: =1 to bmpin.Width do g[i, j]: =false;
for i: =1 to bmpin.Height do for j: =1 to bmpin.Width do if ((colshkr[i, j]) and (not(g[i, j]))) then begin pn: =1; px[1]: =j; py[1]: =i; g[i, j]: =true; l: =j; r: =j; r: =r+1; while ((colshkr[i, r])and(not(g[i, r]))and(r< =bmpin.Width)) do begin pn: =pn+1; px[pn]: =r; py[pn]: =i; g[i, r]: =true; r: =r+1; end; r: =r-1; t: =i+1; repeat e: =0; w: =0; for p: =l to r do if ((colshkr[t, p]) and (not(g[t, p]))) then begin pn: =pn+1; px[pn]: =p; py[pn]: =t; g[t, p]: =true; if ((colshkr[t, p]) and (e=0)) then e: =p; if ((colshkr[t, p]) and (e< > 0)) then w: =p; end; l: =e; r: =w; if l=r then break; p: =l-1; while ((colshkr[t, p]) and (not(g[t, p])) and (p> =1)) do begin pn: =pn+1; px[pn]: =p; py[pn]: =t; g[t, p]: =true; p: =p-1; end; l: =p+1; p: =r+1; while ((colshkr[t, p]) and (not(g[t, p])) and (p< =bmpin.Width)) do begin pn: =pn+1; px[pn]: =p; py[pn]: =t; g[t, p]: =true; p: =p+1; end; r: =p-1; t: =t+1; until ((r=l) or (t> bmpin.Height)); sx: =0; sy: =0; sw: =0; for k: =1 to pn do begin col: =bmpin.Canvas.Pixels[px[k], py[k]]; rr: =GetRValue(col); gg: =GetGValue(col); bb: =GetBValue(col); rr: =round(0.3*rr+0.59*gg+0.11*bb); sw: =sw+rr; sx: =sx+px[k]*rr; sy: =sy+py[k]*rr; end; x: =round(sx/sw); y: =round(sy/sw); u1: =0; u20: =0; u02: =0; for k: =1 to pn do begin col: =bmpin.Canvas.Pixels[px[k], py[k]]; rr: =GetRValue(col); gg: =GetGValue(col); bb: =GetBValue(col); rr: =round(0.3*rr+0.59*gg+0.11*bb); u1: =u1+(px[k]-x)*(py[k]-y)*rr; u02: =u02+sqr(px[k]-x)*rr; u20: =u20+sqr(py[k]-y)*rr; end; if u20=u02 then teta: =arctan(0) else teta: =arctan(2*u1/(u20-u02))/2; imin: =0; imax: =0; for k: =1 to pn do begin imax: =imax+sqrt(abs((px[k]-x)*sin(teta)-(py[k]-y)*cos(teta))); imin: =imin+sqrt(abs((px[k]-x)*cos(teta)-(py[k]-y)*sin(teta))); end; if imin=0 then u02: =0 else u02: =power(imax, 3)/imin; if imax=0 then u20: =0 else u20: =power(imin, 3)/imax; a: =round(power((4/pi), 1/4)*power(u02, 1/8)); b: =round(power((4/pi), 1/4)*power(u20, 1/8)); if (a< 4*b) and (a> 3*b) then ellipse(x, y, a, b, teta); end; end;
function min(r: byte; g: byte; b: byte): byte; begin result: =r; if b< result then result: =b; if g< result then result: =g; end;
function max(r: byte; g: byte; b: byte): byte; begin result: =r; if b> result then result: =b; if g> result then result: =g; end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if openpicturedialog1.Execute then begin image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(openpicturedialog1.filename); bmpin: =TBitmap.Create; bmpin.assign(image1.Picture.Graphic); Image1.AutoSize: = true; Image1.AutoSize: = false; HH: = Image1.Height / h; WW: = Image1.Width / w; if (HH > WW) then begin Image1.Height: = trunc(Image1.Height / HH); Image1.Width: = trunc(Image1.Width / HH); Image1.Stretch: = True; end else begin Image1.Height: = trunc(Image1.Height / WW); Image1.Width: = trunc(Image1.Width / WW); Image1.Stretch: = True; end; end; end;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var r, g, b: byte; rr, gg, t, s, p: real; color: Tcolor; i, j, k, l, m: integer; colshkr: boolarr; z: array[1..9] of byte; h1, h2, h3, h4, x: real; bmpp: TBitmap; begin bmpout: =TBitmap.Create; bmpout.Assign(bmpin); bmpp: =TBitmap.Create; bmpp.Assign(bmpin);
for i: =1 to bmpout.Width do for j: =1 to bmpout.Height do begin color: =bmpout.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]; r: =GetRValue(color); g: =GetGValue(color); b: =GetBValue(color); if ((r> 95) and (g> 40) and (b> 20) and (r> g) and (r> b) and (abs(r-g)> 15) and ((max(r, g, b)-min(r, g, b))> 15)) or ((r> 220)and (g> 120) and (b> 170) and (abs(r-g)< =15) and (r> b) and (g> b)) then colshkr[i, j]: =true else colshkr[i, j]: =false;
if ((r> 0) or (b> 0) or (g> 0)) then begin rr: =r; gg: =g; p: =r; p: =p+g; p: =p+b; rr: =rr/p-1/3; gg: =gg/p-1/3; if gg=0 then t: =0; if gg> 0 then t: =(arctan(rr/gg))/(2*pi)+1/4; if gg< 0 then t: =(arctan(rr/gg))/(2*pi)+3/4; if ((t> =0.45) and (t< =0.65) and colshkr[i, j]) then colshkr[i, j]: =true else colshkr[i, j]: =false; end else colshkr[i, j]: =false; end;
for i: =1 to bmpin.Width do for j: =1 to bmpin.Height do begin color: =bmpin.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]; r: =GetRValue(color); g: =GetGValue(color); b: =GetBValue(color); r: =round(0.3*r+0.59*g+0.11*b); bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]: =rgb(r, r, r); end;
for i: =2 to (bmpp.Width-1) do for j: =2 to (bmpp.Height-1) do begin z[1]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i-1, j-1]); z[2]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j-1]); z[3]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i+1, j-1]); z[4]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i-1, j]); z[5]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]); z[6]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i+1, j]); z[7]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i-1, j+1]); z[8]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j+1]); z[9]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i+1, j+1]); h1: =abs(z[7]+2*z[8]+z[9]-z[1]-2*z[2]-z[3]); h2: =abs(z[3]+2*z[6]+z[9]-z[1]-2*z[4]-z[7]); h3: =abs(z[2]+2*z[3]-z[4]+z[6]-2*z[7]-z[8]); h4: =abs(2*z[9]+z[8]+z[6]-z[4]-z[2]-2*z[1]); x: =50; if ((h1> x) or (h2> x) or (h3> x) or (h4> x)) then bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]: =clBlack else bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]: =clWhite; end; znah(bmpin, bmpout, colshkr);
image3.Picture.Assign(bmpout); Image3.AutoSize: = true; Image3.AutoSize: = false; HH: = Image3.Height / h; WW: = Image3.Width / w; if (HH > WW) then begin Image3.Height: = trunc(Image3.Height / HH); Image3.Width: = trunc(Image3.Width / HH); Image3.Stretch: = True; end else begin Image3.Height: = trunc(Image3.Height / WW); Image3.Width: = trunc(Image3.Width / WW); Image3.Stretch: = True; end; end;
end.unit znahodjennia_oblycca;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtDlgs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Jpeg, Math;
type TForm1 = class(TForm) OpenPictureDialog1: TOpenPictureDialog; Button1: TButton; Image1: TImage; Button2: TButton; Image3: TImage; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;
var Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm} type boolarr=array[1..1000, 1..1000] of boolean;
const h=400; const w=400; const pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832; var bmpin, bmpout: TBitmap; HH, WW: real;
procedure Ellipse(X, Y, A, B: integer; Angle: real); var I, S, C, H2, K1, K2, R: real; X1, X2, Y1, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4, YY: integer; begin I: =(180-Angle)*PI/180; S: =Sin(I); C: =Cos(I); H2: =Sqr(A*S)+Sqr(B*C); if H2=0 then begin K1: =0; K2: =0; end else begin K1: =S*C*(Sqr(A)-Sqr(B))/H2; K2: =A*B/H2; end; YY: =0; while Sqr(YY)< =H2 do begin R: =K2*Sqrt(H2-Sqr(YY)); X1: =Round(K1*YY+R); X2: =Round(K1*YY-R); bmpout.Canvas.Pen.Color: =clRed; if YY=0 then begin bmpout.Canvas.Pixels[X+X1, Y+YY]: =bmpout.Canvas.Pen.Color; bmpout.Canvas.Pixels[X-X1, Y-YY]: =bmpout.Canvas.Pen.Color; end else begin bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X+X1, Y+YY); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X+X3, Y+YY-1); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X+X2, Y+YY); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X+X4, Y+YY-1); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X-X1, Y-YY); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X-X3, Y-YY+1); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X-X2, Y-YY); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X-X4, Y-YY+1); end; X3: =X1; X4: =X2; Inc(YY); end; H2: =Int(1.99*(YY-Sqrt(H2))); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X+X3, Y+YY-1); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X+X3-Round(R), Y+YY-Round(H2)); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X+X4, Y+YY-1); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X-X3, Y-YY+1); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X-X3+Round(R), Y-YY+Round(H2)); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X-X4, Y-YY+1); end;
procedure znah(bmpin, bmpout: Tbitmap; colshkr: boolarr); var g: array [1..1000, 1..1000] of boolean; i, j, k, n, r, l, p, q, t, e, w, h, pn, x, y, a, b: integer; sx, sy, sw: longint; rr, gg, bb: byte; u1, u02, u20, teta, imin, imax: real; col: TColor; px, py: array [1..30000] of integer; begin for i: =1 to bmpin.Height do for j: =1 to bmpin.Width do g[i, j]: =false;
for i: =1 to bmpin.Height do for j: =1 to bmpin.Width do if ((colshkr[i, j]) and (not(g[i, j]))) then begin pn: =1; px[1]: =j; py[1]: =i; g[i, j]: =true; l: =j; r: =j; r: =r+1; while ((colshkr[i, r])and(not(g[i, r]))and(r< =bmpin.Width)) do begin pn: =pn+1; px[pn]: =r; py[pn]: =i; g[i, r]: =true; r: =r+1; end; r: =r-1; t: =i+1; repeat e: =0; w: =0; for p: =l to r do if ((colshkr[t, p]) and (not(g[t, p]))) then begin pn: =pn+1; px[pn]: =p; py[pn]: =t; g[t, p]: =true; if ((colshkr[t, p]) and (e=0)) then e: =p; if ((colshkr[t, p]) and (e< > 0)) then w: =p; end; l: =e; r: =w; if l=r then break; p: =l-1; while ((colshkr[t, p]) and (not(g[t, p])) and (p> =1)) do begin pn: =pn+1; px[pn]: =p; py[pn]: =t; g[t, p]: =true; p: =p-1; end; l: =p+1; p: =r+1; while ((colshkr[t, p]) and (not(g[t, p])) and (p< =bmpin.Width)) do begin pn: =pn+1; px[pn]: =p; py[pn]: =t; g[t, p]: =true; p: =p+1; end; r: =p-1; t: =t+1; until ((r=l) or (t> bmpin.Height)); sx: =0; sy: =0; sw: =0; for k: =1 to pn do begin col: =bmpin.Canvas.Pixels[px[k], py[k]]; rr: =GetRValue(col); gg: =GetGValue(col); bb: =GetBValue(col); rr: =round(0.3*rr+0.59*gg+0.11*bb); sw: =sw+rr; sx: =sx+px[k]*rr; sy: =sy+py[k]*rr; end; x: =round(sx/sw); y: =round(sy/sw); u1: =0; u20: =0; u02: =0; for k: =1 to pn do begin col: =bmpin.Canvas.Pixels[px[k], py[k]]; rr: =GetRValue(col); gg: =GetGValue(col); bb: =GetBValue(col); rr: =round(0.3*rr+0.59*gg+0.11*bb); u1: =u1+(px[k]-x)*(py[k]-y)*rr; u02: =u02+sqr(px[k]-x)*rr; u20: =u20+sqr(py[k]-y)*rr; end; if u20=u02 then teta: =arctan(0) else teta: =arctan(2*u1/(u20-u02))/2; imin: =0; imax: =0; for k: =1 to pn do begin imax: =imax+sqrt(abs((px[k]-x)*sin(teta)-(py[k]-y)*cos(teta))); imin: =imin+sqrt(abs((px[k]-x)*cos(teta)-(py[k]-y)*sin(teta))); end; if imin=0 then u02: =0 else u02: =power(imax, 3)/imin; if imax=0 then u20: =0 else u20: =power(imin, 3)/imax; a: =round(power((4/pi), 1/4)*power(u02, 1/8)); b: =round(power((4/pi), 1/4)*power(u20, 1/8)); if (a< 4*b) and (a> 3*b) then ellipse(x, y, a, b, teta); end; end;
function min(r: byte; g: byte; b: byte): byte; begin result: =r; if b< result then result: =b; if g< result then result: =g; end;
function max(r: byte; g: byte; b: byte): byte; begin result: =r; if b> result then result: =b; if g> result then result: =g; end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if openpicturedialog1.Execute then begin image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(openpicturedialog1.filename); bmpin: =TBitmap.Create; bmpin.assign(image1.Picture.Graphic); Image1.AutoSize: = true; Image1.AutoSize: = false; HH: = Image1.Height / h; WW: = Image1.Width / w; if (HH > WW) then begin Image1.Height: = trunc(Image1.Height / HH); Image1.Width: = trunc(Image1.Width / HH); Image1.Stretch: = True; end else begin Image1.Height: = trunc(Image1.Height / WW); Image1.Width: = trunc(Image1.Width / WW); Image1.Stretch: = True; end; end; end;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var r, g, b: byte; rr, gg, t, s, p: real; color: Tcolor; i, j, k, l, m: integer; colshkr: boolarr; z: array[1..9] of byte; h1, h2, h3, h4, x: real; bmpp: TBitmap; begin bmpout: =TBitmap.Create; bmpout.Assign(bmpin); bmpp: =TBitmap.Create; bmpp.Assign(bmpin);
for i: =1 to bmpout.Width do for j: =1 to bmpout.Height do begin color: =bmpout.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]; r: =GetRValue(color); g: =GetGValue(color); b: =GetBValue(color); if ((r> 95) and (g> 40) and (b> 20) and (r> g) and (r> b) and (abs(r-g)> 15) and ((max(r, g, b)-min(r, g, b))> 15)) or ((r> 220)and (g> 120) and (b> 170) and (abs(r-g)< =15) and (r> b) and (g> b)) then colshkr[i, j]: =true else colshkr[i, j]: =false;
if ((r> 0) or (b> 0) or (g> 0)) then begin rr: =r; gg: =g; p: =r; p: =p+g; p: =p+b; rr: =rr/p-1/3; gg: =gg/p-1/3; if gg=0 then t: =0; if gg> 0 then t: =(arctan(rr/gg))/(2*pi)+1/4; if gg< 0 then t: =(arctan(rr/gg))/(2*pi)+3/4; if ((t> =0.45) and (t< =0.65) and colshkr[i, j]) then colshkr[i, j]: =true else colshkr[i, j]: =false; end else colshkr[i, j]: =false; end;
for i: =1 to bmpin.Width do for j: =1 to bmpin.Height do begin color: =bmpin.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]; r: =GetRValue(color); g: =GetGValue(color); b: =GetBValue(color); r: =round(0.3*r+0.59*g+0.11*b); bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]: =rgb(r, r, r); end;
for i: =2 to (bmpp.Width-1) do for j: =2 to (bmpp.Height-1) do begin z[1]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i-1, j-1]); z[2]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j-1]); z[3]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i+1, j-1]); z[4]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i-1, j]); z[5]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]); z[6]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i+1, j]); z[7]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i-1, j+1]); z[8]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j+1]); z[9]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i+1, j+1]); h1: =abs(z[7]+2*z[8]+z[9]-z[1]-2*z[2]-z[3]); h2: =abs(z[3]+2*z[6]+z[9]-z[1]-2*z[4]-z[7]); h3: =abs(z[2]+2*z[3]-z[4]+z[6]-2*z[7]-z[8]); h4: =abs(2*z[9]+z[8]+z[6]-z[4]-z[2]-2*z[1]); x: =50; if ((h1> x) or (h2> x) or(h3> x) or (h4> x)) then bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]: =clBlack else bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]: =clWhite; end; znah(bmpin, bmpout, colshkr);
image3.Picture.Assign(bmpout); Image3.AutoSize: = true; Image3.AutoSize: = false; HH: = Image3.Height / h; WW: = Image3.Width / w; if (HH > WW) then begin Image3.Height: = trunc(Image3.Height / HH); Image3.Width: = trunc(Image3.Width / HH); Image3.Stretch: = True; end else begin Image3.Height: = trunc(Image3.Height / WW); Image3.Width: = trunc(Image3.Width / WW); Image3.Stretch: = True; end; end;
end.unit znahodjennia_oblycca;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtDlgs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Jpeg, Math;
type TForm1 = class(TForm) OpenPictureDialog1: TOpenPictureDialog; Button1: TButton; Image1: TImage; Button2: TButton; Image3: TImage; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;
var Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm} type boolarr=array[1..1000, 1..1000] of boolean;
const h=400; const w=400; const pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832; var bmpin, bmpout: TBitmap; HH, WW: real;
procedure Ellipse(X, Y, A, B: integer; Angle: real); var I, S, C, H2, K1, K2, R: real; X1, X2, Y1, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4, YY: integer; begin I: =(180-Angle)*PI/180; S: =Sin(I); C: =Cos(I); H2: =Sqr(A*S)+Sqr(B*C); if H2=0 then begin K1: =0; K2: =0; end else begin K1: =S*C*(Sqr(A)-Sqr(B))/H2; K2: =A*B/H2; end; YY: =0; while Sqr(YY)< =H2 do begin R: =K2*Sqrt(H2-Sqr(YY)); X1: =Round(K1*YY+R); X2: =Round(K1*YY-R); bmpout.Canvas.Pen.Color: =clRed; if YY=0 then begin bmpout.Canvas.Pixels[X+X1, Y+YY]: =bmpout.Canvas.Pen.Color; bmpout.Canvas.Pixels[X-X1, Y-YY]: =bmpout.Canvas.Pen.Color; end else begin bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X+X1, Y+YY); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X+X3, Y+YY-1); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X+X2, Y+YY); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X+X4, Y+YY-1); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X-X1, Y-YY); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X-X3, Y-YY+1); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X-X2, Y-YY); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X-X4, Y-YY+1); end; X3: =X1; X4: =X2; Inc(YY); end; H2: =Int(1.99*(YY-Sqrt(H2))); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X+X3, Y+YY-1); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X+X3-Round(R), Y+YY-Round(H2)); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X+X4, Y+YY-1); bmpout.Canvas.MoveTo(X-X3, Y-YY+1); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X-X3+Round(R), Y-YY+Round(H2)); bmpout.Canvas.LineTo(X-X4, Y-YY+1); end;
procedure znah(bmpin, bmpout: Tbitmap; colshkr: boolarr); var g: array [1..1000, 1..1000] of boolean; i, j, k, n, r, l, p, q, t, e, w, h, pn, x, y, a, b: integer; sx, sy, sw: longint; rr, gg, bb: byte; u1, u02, u20, teta, imin, imax: real; col: TColor; px, py: array [1..30000] of integer; begin for i: =1 to bmpin.Height do for j: =1 to bmpin.Width do g[i, j]: =false;
for i: =1 to bmpin.Height do for j: =1 to bmpin.Width do if ((colshkr[i, j]) and (not(g[i, j]))) then begin pn: =1; px[1]: =j; py[1]: =i; g[i, j]: =true; l: =j; r: =j; r: =r+1; while ((colshkr[i, r])and(not(g[i, r]))and(r< =bmpin.Width)) do begin pn: =pn+1; px[pn]: =r; py[pn]: =i; g[i, r]: =true; r: =r+1; end; r: =r-1; t: =i+1; repeat e: =0; w: =0; for p: =l to r do if ((colshkr[t, p]) and (not(g[t, p]))) then begin pn: =pn+1; px[pn]: =p; py[pn]: =t; g[t, p]: =true; if ((colshkr[t, p]) and (e=0)) then e: =p; if ((colshkr[t, p]) and (e< > 0)) then w: =p; end; l: =e; r: =w; if l=r then break; p: =l-1; while ((colshkr[t, p]) and (not(g[t, p])) and (p> =1)) do begin pn: =pn+1; px[pn]: =p; py[pn]: =t; g[t, p]: =true; p: =p-1; end; l: =p+1; p: =r+1; while ((colshkr[t, p]) and (not(g[t, p])) and (p< =bmpin.Width)) do begin pn: =pn+1; px[pn]: =p; py[pn]: =t; g[t, p]: =true; p: =p+1; end; r: =p-1; t: =t+1; until ((r=l) or (t> bmpin.Height)); sx: =0; sy: =0; sw: =0; for k: =1 to pn do begin col: =bmpin.Canvas.Pixels[px[k], py[k]]; rr: =GetRValue(col); gg: =GetGValue(col); bb: =GetBValue(col); rr: =round(0.3*rr+0.59*gg+0.11*bb); sw: =sw+rr; sx: =sx+px[k]*rr; sy: =sy+py[k]*rr; end; x: =round(sx/sw); y: =round(sy/sw); u1: =0; u20: =0; u02: =0; for k: =1 to pn do begin col: =bmpin.Canvas.Pixels[px[k], py[k]]; rr: =GetRValue(col); gg: =GetGValue(col); bb: =GetBValue(col); rr: =round(0.3*rr+0.59*gg+0.11*bb); u1: =u1+(px[k]-x)*(py[k]-y)*rr; u02: =u02+sqr(px[k]-x)*rr; u20: =u20+sqr(py[k]-y)*rr; end; if u20=u02 then teta: =arctan(0) else teta: =arctan(2*u1/(u20-u02))/2; imin: =0; imax: =0; for k: =1 to pn do begin imax: =imax+sqrt(abs((px[k]-x)*sin(teta)-(py[k]-y)*cos(teta))); imin: =imin+sqrt(abs((px[k]-x)*cos(teta)-(py[k]-y)*sin(teta))); end; if imin=0 then u02: =0 else u02: =power(imax, 3)/imin; if imax=0 then u20: =0 else u20: =power(imin, 3)/imax; a: =round(power((4/pi), 1/4)*power(u02, 1/8)); b: =round(power((4/pi), 1/4)*power(u20, 1/8)); if (a< 4*b) and (a> 3*b) then ellipse(x, y, a, b, teta); end; end;
function min(r: byte; g: byte; b: byte): byte; begin result: =r; if b< result then result: =b; if g< result then result: =g; end;
function max(r: byte; g: byte; b: byte): byte; begin result: =r; if b> result then result: =b; if g> result then result: =g; end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if openpicturedialog1.Execute then begin image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(openpicturedialog1.filename); bmpin: =TBitmap.Create; bmpin.assign(image1.Picture.Graphic); Image1.AutoSize: = true; Image1.AutoSize: = false; HH: = Image1.Height / h; WW: = Image1.Width / w; if (HH > WW) then begin Image1.Height: = trunc(Image1.Height / HH); Image1.Width: = trunc(Image1.Width / HH); Image1.Stretch: = True; end else begin Image1.Height: = trunc(Image1.Height / WW); Image1.Width: = trunc(Image1.Width / WW); Image1.Stretch: = True; end; end; end;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var r, g, b: byte; rr, gg, t, s, p: real; color: Tcolor; i, j, k, l, m: integer; colshkr: boolarr; z: array[1..9] of byte; h1, h2, h3, h4, x: real; bmpp: TBitmap; begin bmpout: =TBitmap.Create; bmpout.Assign(bmpin); bmpp: =TBitmap.Create; bmpp.Assign(bmpin);
for i: =1 to bmpout.Width do for j: =1 to bmpout.Height do begin color: =bmpout.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]; r: =GetRValue(color); g: =GetGValue(color); b: =GetBValue(color); if ((r> 95) and (g> 40) and (b> 20) and (r> g) and (r> b) and (abs(r-g)> 15) and ((max(r, g, b)-min(r, g, b))> 15)) or ((r> 220)and (g> 120) and (b> 170) and (abs(r-g)< =15) and (r> b) and (g> b)) then colshkr[i, j]: =true else colshkr[i, j]: =false; if ((r> 0) or (b> 0) or (g> 0)) then begin rr: =r; gg: =g; p: =r; p: =p+g; p: =p+b; rr: =rr/p-1/3; gg: =gg/p-1/3; if gg=0 then t: =0; if gg> 0 then t: =(arctan(rr/gg))/(2*pi)+1/4; if gg< 0 then t: =(arctan(rr/gg))/(2*pi)+3/4; if ((t> =0.45) and (t< =0.65) and colshkr[i, j]) then colshkr[i, j]: =true else colshkr[i, j]: =false; end else colshkr[i, j]: =false; end; for i: =1 to bmpin.Width do for j: =1 to bmpin.Height do begin color: =bmpin.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]; r: =GetRValue(color); g: =GetGValue(color); b: =GetBValue(color); r: =round(0.3*r+0.59*g+0.11*b); bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]: =rgb(r, r, r); end; for i: =2 to (bmpp.Width-1) do for j: =2 to (bmpp.Height-1) do begin z[1]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i-1, j-1]); z[2]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j-1]); z[3]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i+1, j-1]); z[4]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i-1, j]); z[5]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]); z[6]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i+1, j]); z[7]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i-1, j+1]); z[8]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j+1]); z[9]: =getrvalue(bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i+1, j+1]); h1: =abs(z[7]+2*z[8]+z[9]-z[1]-2*z[2]-z[3]); h2: =abs(z[3]+2*z[6]+z[9]-z[1]-2*z[4]-z[7]); h3: =abs(z[2]+2*z[3]-z[4]+z[6]-2*z[7]-z[8]); h4: =abs(2*z[9]+z[8]+z[6]-z[4]-z[2]-2*z[1]); x: =50; if ((h1> x)or (h2> x) or (h3> x) or (h4> x)) then bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]: =clBlack else bmpp.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]: =clWhite; end; znah(bmpin, bmpout, colshkr); image3.Picture.Assign(bmpout); Image3.AutoSize: = true; Image3.AutoSize: = false; HH: = Image3.Height / h; WW: = Image3.Width / w; if (HH > WW) then begin Image3.Height: = trunc(Image3.Height / HH); Image3.Width: = trunc(Image3.Width / HH); Image3.Stretch: = True; end else begin Image3.Height: = trunc(Image3.Height / WW); Image3.Width: = trunc(Image3.Width / WW); Image3.Stretch: = True; end; end;