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An Englishman
англичанин A Frenchman француз A Scotchman шотландец A Dutchman голландец Но: л Spaniard испанец, испанка Обратите внимание, что предложения типа «Я - русский» переводятся: " I'm Russian" или " I'm a Russian". Однако предложения типа «Я не русский» чаще соответствуют предложению " I'm not Russian", а не " I'm not a Russian". Grammar and Lexis Ex. 1. Read the extracts from the US Budget for 2000 and comment on them. A wide variety of Federal programs assist Slates and localities in providing essential education, training, employment and social services. These programs educate young people; offer (raining and employment services to all Americans, especially the low-skilled andjobless; assist the young and adults to overcome financial barriers to education and training. The Budget: - significantly increases funds to help children of the poor reach good aca - supports national legislation that would reduce tobacco use among the - helps the disabled enter the workforce; - makes it easier for the self-employed to gel health insurance; - broadens opportunities for private investment that creates jobs and helps Ex. 1. a) It is believed thai there arc national stereotypes, i.e. people of one nationality have a number of similar personal qualities. Try to complete the sentences below using the suggested qualities, b) Compare your sentences with a partner.
highly mobile optimistic economical thrifty (бережливый) hard-working money-minded (dis)honest in money matters Ex. 3. a) Study the plural expressions for the population as a whole and singular nouns used for persons in different countries which are usually the same as adjectives. However, there are a number of exceptions. Nationalities Country/Territory Person Population America an American the Americans Belgium a Belgian the Belgians Unit 2