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Reading.( Етап читання)

Учні в групах по черзі читають і перекладають текст, звертаючись у разі необхідності до вчителя.

Текст “Unusual hobbies” (c. 106)


3. Post-Reading Activity. (Етап перевірки розуміння змісту прочитаного)

T: Speak about the collections. Say:

- what things people collect;

- why they collect these things;

- what different collections can teach us;

- what you (your friends, brothers or sisters) collect and what else you (they) would like to have.


Робота в групах.

2.Listening comprehension. (Подання тексту для аудіювання.)


1) Pre-Listening Activity. Етап підготовки до аудіювання

Учні розглядають малюнки з питаннями (с.110)

1) What is the boy doing now?

2) What game does his father like to read about?

3) What present did the boy give to his sister?

4) Is mother interested in painting?

5) What is the family’s hobby?

T: Now look at the pictures and questions. What is the first question? Answer it please. Now read the other questions. Can you answer them? Why not? Because you haven’t listened to the story. Be attentive now and in a short while you’ll be able to answer the questions.


2) While-Listening Activity. Етап аудіювання

Учні прослуховують текст з голосу вчителя і виконують завдання на картках.


I enjoy reading books. I’m lucky I’ve got a big library at home. I like to read about sports and sportsmen. I’m reading an interesting story about hockey now.

My father likes to read about football. He’s got a lot of books about that game.

My sister is fond of animals. She likes to read about them. She has got books with funny stories and fables about animals. I gave her a present yesterday, a very big interesting book about animals at the zoo. There are a lot of funny stories in it.

My mother is interested in history. She spends a free time with a book on history.

I can say that reading is my family’s hobby.



  Match the family members with the books they like to read.  
1. mother 2. father 3. son 4. daughter a) stories and fables about animals; b) books on history; c) books about football; d) books about sports and sportsmen.  



3) Post-Listening Activity. Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.

T: Answer the questions:

HO(3): 1) What is the boy doing now?

2) What game does his father like to read about?

3) What present did the boy give to his sister?

4) Is mother interested in painting?

5) What is the family’s hobby?


Computer Practice

Робота з компютером.

T: Now children we have to do another task. We are going to do practice on computers. Select “Writing test”.


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