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Background. In the first part of this series of essays about the suicide of Europe, I stated that what is happening to the indigenous peoples of Western Europe and our

In the first part of this series of essays about the suicide of Europe, I stated that what is happening to the indigenous peoples of Western Europe and our cultures - amounts to a merciless and bloody genocide. Amazingly, it is a genocide in which many members of the native Europeans are playing a willing and active part and I posed a question:

How can a culture that created the greatest and most advanced societies in human history, societies that held the highest hope for the whole of mankind, reach a point where its future survival is now threatened?

The Judeo-Christian religions played an important and influential role in building the once mighty West but we also discovered that these religions contained a serious flaw that has sewed the seeds of the suicidal demise of the indigenous peoples of Western Europe and our cultures. This flaw was identified by the brilliant German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who described it as " an inversion of morality " whereby the weak, the poor, the meek, the oppressed and the wretched are virtuous and blessed by God whereas the strong, the wealthy, the noble and the powerful are the immoral and damned by the vengeful almighty Yahweh for eternity.

Nietzsche, with great insight and perception, stated that Christianity would be abandoned en masse in the twentieth century but that Westerners would still cling to this inversion of morality. I then described how Marxists and Liberals exploit this inversion of morality by creating large numbers of " victim groups ", groups who form minorities in Western society but whose " victim status " is used to dictate morality to the majority. In Western - European - societies, the weak now lead the strong, indeed, the game being played in these societies is not to make the weak strong it is to make the strong weak.

Should any person have the temerity to criticise any one of these " victim " groups, they will be viciously smeared and deemed guilty of numerous hate-crimes, the new heresy of the Liberal-Multicultural religion. The plain fact that this situation is destroying the west because it flies in the face of Mother nature - a catastrophic mistake only the native Europeans are committing - matters not a jot to these new pious inquisitors.

Multiculturalists prosecute their self-righteous moral crusade by proudly championing the cause of anybody who they deem to be weak and oppressed. Blinded by smug piety or driven by hatred for their own, they march the indigenous peoples of Western Europe and our cultures into the abyss as they vigorously and myopically pursue one of the most unnatural, childish and ultimately futile illusions ever created in human history:


Gold At The End Of The Rainbow

The core principle of liberals and multiculturalists is that everybody is equal. In the fluffy bunny la-la land of these vain zealots, the sexes are equal; all ethnic groups are equal; all sexuality is equal; all children are equal and children are equal to adults; animals are equal to humans; all cultures are equal and all religions are equal. For anybody to discriminate against anybody else and assert superiority is to establish inequality and inequality simply must not - indeed will not - be tolerated.

This is the utopian fantasy world of the lion lying down with the lamb in the eternal tranquillity of Shangri La. A futile, self-destructive pursuit of the unattainable that requires a denial of the competitive reality of life on planet earth and a continual inversion of morality in a doomed attempt to put right the " mistakes " committed by Mother Nature.

The pursuit of equality can be accurately summed up in a very short sentence: Pursuing equality is to clash with Mother nature. Nature abhors a vacuum but she also abhors equality and this is easily demonstrated.

Look at males and females. Are all males equal? Some males possess physical strength while others are physically weak. Some are tall, some short and some in-between. Some men possess the courage of a lion, others the courage of a French toy poodle. Some possess great intelligence and inquiring minds, some the gifts of craftsmanship, a lucky few possess both and sadly, many will possess neither. Some men are born to lead, others born to follow.

Equality is just as scarce among the fairer sex. There are beautiful women who can turn the heads of every red-blooded male and others who go about their daily business without raising a single admiring glance. There are women who want to be home-makers and mothers who have many children, others place their careers before all else and do not want a family. We have women who are active and love sport, others who prefer a more sedentary lifestyle. Then there are women who are feisty and bubbly, others who are quiet and shy. Of course, there are many more differences between people but the point is made.

Like it or not, men are in the main, physically stronger than women and nature has evolved the sexes for different tasks that ensure human survival just as nature does with all species. All men are not equal, all women are not equal and the sexes are not and never can be equal. This does not mean that any one is any better or has more value as a human being than any other and to suggest so is disingenuous, spiteful and born from bitter resentment. Inequality among and between species is simply the way life is on planet earth for all species including humans.

Take feminism as an example. Feminists claim that women have been victims of men, that men have oppressed women for centuries and that the sexes are equal. Denying this will result in the smears " misogynist " and " male chauvinist pig ". But equalising the sexes has led to a crippling feminisation of Western society and I will elaborate upon this vitally important issue next time. But portraying women as oppressed victims and the equals of males is one example of how the pursuit of equality is being used to destroy our society and undermine - and therefore be in conflict with - Mother nature.

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