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One Way Street

There is a glaring fact about Multiculturalism and its " all races and cultures are equal " mantra:

Why is it that only the West plays the Multicultural game?

If all races are equal, why aren't the Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans, the Arabs, the Pakistanis, the Indians, the Africans all accepting masses of immigrants into their lands and allowing alien cultures and religions to be of equal importance to their own?

However, they do play the Multicultural game of equality but only when they leave their own lands to invade, colonise and pilfer the affluent West. Back in their countries of origin, their cultures, their religions and their way of life all come first and equality - between the sexes, between the races and between cultures - is as rare as hen's teeth!

If you doubt this, go and look for lobby groups and minority groups demanding that white people be treated as equals in South Africa, Zimbabwe and the Middle East. And talking of South Africa, go see if you can find blacks turning on their own people and demonising them as " racists " for the diabolical way blacks are persecuting whites and massacring the Boers (3060 massacred already – [1]). Odd that such guilt-ridden Liberal groups only exist in the West isn't it?

There's more. Let's ask some more simple questions:

If all ethnical groups and all cultures are equal, why is it black Africans, Afro-Caribbean blacks, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, and Eastern Europeans want to abandon their own lands en masse to live in the lands of the West?

I mean if we're all truly equal, why does the rest of the world want to live the Western lifestyle, a lifestyle created in the main by white people? Just why exactly, do they want to be part of capitalism, run businesses, work for the white man's industries, claim the white man's welfare and buy and use goods created by the creativity and ingenuity of Western - white - people?

Why flock to another land, abandoning your own people for what the white man has created? It can't be because other races are unable to build strong, advanced societies because we're all equal aren't we? So therefore it must be to enjoy the lifestyle and the culture that the white man has created which is logically to admit human races and their cultures are most definitely not equal.

And what about the people who want to migrate to the West from the third-world but who cannot? This is yet more evidence of the lunacy of " we're all equal" because the strong are leaving the weak behind which just makes these already weak societies even weaker. This is the only equality: That as mass immigration floods the West the West becomes weaker and resembles more and more the weak third-world.

And why-oh-why does the world want to play sports that form an integral part of white Western culture, sports such as football, rugby, cricket, boxing? If all cultures are equal why don't other races stick with their own systems of business and commerce and play their own sports? Surely no one in their right minds would say that their own systems of trade and commerce and their own sports aren't as good as Western sports - that'd be stating inequality exists and that the West is superior and we can't have that, oh no.

Conversely, why isn't there mass immigration from the West to Africa, China, the Middle East? Come on, if all races and all cultures and all religions were truly equal then this would be blatantly obvious to the rest of the world who would be falling over themselves to welcome masses of immigrants from all over the world into their lands to enrich their people with the delights of diversity in the name of equality and multiculturalism.

And besides, mass immigration is fantastically " good for the economy " so surely Africa, The Middle East, China, India, Pakistan and Eastern Europe would benefit enormously from allowing hordes of immigrants from all over the world but especially the advanced UK and Europe to live in their lands, with housing, benefits and information explaining how to claim for their entitlements published in 30 different languages all provided free of charge so they can settle there and enrich native communities with their religions, traditions and cultures and bring a much needed boost to their flagging economies.

This would make their less advanced societies stronger and equal to those of the affluent West too. Can you hear a bell ring after reading this paragraph?

Let me spell it out for you loudly and clearly: If the people - whites - of the West have created the most advanced, affluent and just societies, wouldn't it be bloody obvious for third-world nations to begin programmes of mass-immigration from Europe so immigrants can create in the third-world the very same prosperous societies people from the third-world are flocking to in their millions? But that kinsman, is not the Multicultural game. Not by a long chalk it isn't.

And well, it's funny how people from the West don't appear to be rushing to live the African tribal lifestyle and adopt the African tribal culture. Not so funny when you realise that black Africans have brought this violent tribal lifestyle with its hatred for other tribes to the doorstep of Westerners. Better not mention this somewhat inconvenient fact about African tribal culture though. You don't want the pious, fanatical Liberal-Multicultural inquisitors accusing you of suggesting that black African gangs - sorry, tribes - treat each other in a way that falls a long way short of equality. What are you anyway, some kind of racist?

Let me share something else with you. It is very, very easy to be pious about equality and multiculturalism when you live in an advanced, wealthy society. It is far less easy to eulogise about Multiculturalism and equality when you live in a violent, unjust and less advanced poverty-stricken society. Maybe this explains why we don't see many ranting Multicultural disciples demanding the imposition of equality in countries such as Iran. They know as well as you do what would happen if they tried to. Such is the folly of claiming equality between peoples and cultures.

And there's even more folly about this ridiculous pursuit of equality.


A Very Unequal Equality

Not only is multiculturalism a one-way street with the rest of the world flocking into the West and changing it dramatically whilst the nations of these immigrants retain their identities and cultures, the doctrine of Multiculturalism is only ever applied against Western - make that white - people.

Identity politics is a good example of this. Blacks, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Chinese, Pakistanis, Indians - all of these people and more are allowed to form their own special groups with the aim of protecting and furthering their own interests based entirely on race or creed.

Yet if indigenous Westerners form their own special interest group - for example The British National Party or the Belgian Vlaams Belang - they will be outrageously and hypocritically vilified as " racists " and " fascists " yet not once has any other identity group - for example the Black Police Officer's Association or even better, the Muslim Council of Britain, an organisation which promotes one of the most evil and supremacist ideologies ever created by mankind - ever been vilified as " racists " or " fascists ".

And what may I ask, is so equal about the " Music of Black Origin " awards? Strange that sanctimonious Liberals screaming " racists! " are curiously absent at this overtly racist, unequal event isn't it?

Yet the slightest excuse to label whites as " racist " is continually sought. Even toddlers who refuse to eat spicy food in nurseries end up facing the wrath of the puritanical Multicultural inquisitors who will insist the parents make their family more " racially aware and sensitive towards other races and cultures. "

Tellingly, when black gang members stab each other or gang rape a white teenage girl or when Muslim jihadists blow up buses and trains filled with innocent people the first concern of the guardians of multiculturalism will be to minimise the racial aspect of these events - i.e. deny the reality - and lame excuses such as " it's because of poverty " or the Marxist classic " it's because they are oppressed by an institutionally racist society" will be spewed out by these simpering Liberal apologists.

Yet conversely, if a group of white men were to gang rape a black teenage girl - well, you know exactly how this would be depicted as well as I do.

You tell me - how can equality exist in Liberal-Multicultural la-la land if the standards promoted by Liberals are only ever applied towards whites? This blatant and contradictory application occurs because these self-righteous Multiculturalists firmly believe that only white people can be racist because whites are always depicted as strong and powerful and other races are always portrayed as oppressed victims. So Liberal-Multiculturalists knowingly, deliberately and therefore treacherously distort, misrepresent and outright lie about racist or violent acts committed by non-whites.

How obvious does it have to be for them to realise that this is hard evidence, clear proof of the folly of pursuing equality between the races? Because if we were all equal wouldn't other races be upholding, promoting and living by these universally moral Multicultural standards of equality and be keen to see them applied to their own racists and criminals? But as we know, facts don't matter, only the fantasy of equality for all does.

This double standard is also evident on the world political stage. Why is it we see leaders from the West fawning over the third-world, uttering trite and meaningless platitudes along with grovelling apologies for how badly the West has behaved throughout history? Isn't it strange how these leaders, elected in the West on policies of multiculturalism and racial equality never, ever promote these policies to people of the third world? For example, not once has any Western leader made a speech to the Middle East saying:


" We now live in a Multicultural global society. The Arabian peoples of the Middle East must come to realise that all people are equal and must allow people of all colours and all faiths to build communities and settle in peace in your countries. The present attitude of Muslims towards women and peoples of other faiths is racist and oppressive, it is an apartheid that must end and the international community demands an end to this injustice."


Isn't that more or less what the West said about South Africa and Rhodesia? A Marxist-Liberal West who piously demanded an end to apartheid backed up with the imposition of sanctions from the UN and exclusion from the world's sporting community.

If we're all truly equal, then shouldn't the Middle East - and other non-multicultural nations - also be treated in the same way? And in such nations I include the modern South Africa, " The Rainbow Nation", where under black rule the Marxist ANC are viciously persecuting whites and where the Boers are facing a murderous genocide and where poignantly, let's not forget, many black people are now suffering far more than they ever did under apartheid.

It is so obvious even a blind man from planet blind could see it: Multiculturalism and the fantasy world of equality only apply to the West and it is applied using exactly the moral inversion predicted by Nietzsche that we have been discussing in these essays. It is a widespread madness that is, without doubt, leading the entire white race into the abyss.

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