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A Grand Deception
The folly of multiculturalism and its mantra of equality is one of the biggest con-tricks ever played on a people. All of the main political parties promote Multiculturalism, the corrupt EUSSR is working to enforce equality and multiculturalism by law, all of the Western media with very few exceptions endorse Multiculturalism and of course, most of the worshipped, fame-craving celebrities in the West also support multiculturalism and this really should clue one in as to how absolutely ridiculous the pursuit of equality is. Here we have an elite group of people who are waxing lyrical about Multiculturalism and equality yet they do not live or act as equals. From corrupt, thieving politicians who abuse the trust of the very people who voted for them by stealing tax payer's money to line their own greedy pockets, to self-righteous, condescending idiots like Billy Bragg and Ross Kemp who continually brand BNP supporters as " racists and fascists " yet do not live in " enriched " Multicultural towns such as Glodwick, Leicester or Brixton. These hypocrites are the modern day " do as I say not as I do " ranting preachers of the Liberal-Multicultural religion. They are living proof that some people not only are more equal than others but firmly BELIEVE they are more equal than others. They talk the talk to get what they want, they sure as hell do not walk the walk and they have no intention of so doing. Equality is not for them and they have made that abundantly clear. And the gullible and the naive masses lap up every drop of this putrid Multicultural vomit spoon-fed to them by an elite who hold their own people in utter contempt and who see the people as useful-idiots and cash-cows to be milked for all they're worth. But delirious Liberal-Multiculturalists blinded by their own self-righteousness fall for the con and enslave themselves to the Liberal-Multicultural ideology and engage in a futile, childish and self-destructive pursuit of equality at the behest of their profiteering, deceitful masters. They'd have more success finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Such is the questionable mental state of Liberal-Multiculturalists and their conviction in equality of races, cultures and sexes. They are completely blind to the fact that those who are promoting and preaching the virtues of multiculturalism and equality simply don't live it. The privileged elite who have brought Multiculturalism to the West could afford to conduct an experiment on society and not suffer the consequences of their stupidity and hypocrisy. Many of them have made fortunes by promoting and enforcing this evil, unnatural ideology that is dismantling British communities and destroying Western societies. It simply doesn't occur to the devout Liberal disciples that it's ever so easy to feel pity for other people and spout equality and multiculturalism when you live in a country mansion, eat the finest foods, drive a Bentley and luxuriate in the celebrity lifestyle. It's also easy for upper middle-class Liberals living in leafy suburbs and safe, decent neighbourhoods, who drive nice cars, wear the trendiest designer clothes and eulogise about the wonders of Multiculturalism at dinner parties because they've dined at Armenian and Japanese restaurants, regularly order home-delivered curries from the nearest Pakistani sweet shop and send fifty quid to " Africans In Need Yet Again " charities twice a year. For these mollycoddled strangers to reality, that is the meaning of multiculturalism and equality. They are blissfully unaware of the benefits of diversity being endured by their less-fortunate kin living in enriched British cities where they have to compete with swarms of immigrants to obtain work at the lowest possible wage. Britons whose kids are bullied and pressed into gang culture where their teenage years will be spent in a fog of intoxication, either blind drunk on cheap alcohol or high-as-kites on heroin, weed or worse, crack cocaine. Britons whose teenage daughters are being sexually abused and gang raped by various races who hate whites. These are the expendable indigenous Britons, an unequal underclass who are living the nightmare reality of Multiculturalism that was imposed upon them without their consent and who know precisely what the benefits of enrichment and diversity truly are. Such Britons are the lab-rats of the Marxist-Multicultural social experiment. Many of them have not had the opportunity to benefit from a good education and they have been repeatedly betrayed by traitors whom they trusted with their precious vote to speak up for them and protect their communities. For these Britons, the harsh reality of multiculturalism hits hard and they most definitely are not treated or regarded as equals. They suffer the consequences of the hypocrisy and the stupidity committed by hypocritical elites who can afford the luxury of avoiding the disastrous consequences arising from their pernicious social experiment. These unequal Britons who endure the horrors of Multiculturalism every day also know all too well the real meaning of diversity: It is nothing less than the deliberate destruction of their way of life and the systematic breakdown of their communities by state-sponsored ethnic cleansing combined with a bloodthirsty genocide committed by hate-filled, anti-white, racist immigrants. These are the British people who suffer the consequences of multiculturalism so those who do not can appear virtuous and righteous with their " we're all equal" mantra whilst acting as superiors who feather their own nests and lie and deceive at every turn to protect their own selfish interests. All people are equal? Please. Don't make me laugh. Or weep.