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Choose the Russian equivalents from the right column to the following English words and phrases.


My name is …. I am a first year student of the … department at Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law. I am a full-time student that is I attend classes, lectures and seminars in full-time, whereas the University accepts a lot of young people for a correspondence course.

The academic year begins in September and ends in June. There are two terms in it. So students take end-of-term tests and exams twice a year, that is in January and in June. So we have two vacations a year – winter and summer ones. The winter vacation is quite short, it lasts only two weeks, the summer one is longer, it lasts two months.

We go to the University on week-days. We have no classes on Saturday and on Sunday. At the University classes begin at 8.30 in the morning and are over at 15.50 in the afternoon. During the first year students are taught different subjects of general nature. Then they take some special subjects of their chosen profession.

Every day we usually have three or four double classes, lectures and seminars. During a break students go to dining rooms, snack bars or a canteen to have their midday meal.

I go to the library after my classes. I am in a habit of doing my homework there. But a lot of my fellow-students prefer to do it at home.

I live with my parents. I have to take a bus to get to the University. It usually takes me twenty minutes to reach it. Those studying away from home are given accommodation in the University hostel. It is situated near the University and they walk there.


Express in one word the meaning of each of the following phrases. All words required are in the text. You are given the first letter of each word and the number of letters in it.

1. a lodging-house for students - (h_ _ _ _ _)
2. to take or receive smth. offered or given - (a _ _ _ _ _)
3. studying for the normal number of hours or days - (f _ _ _ - t _ _ _)
4. to be present at; to go to - (a _ _ _ _ _)
5. one of the periods of time into which the university year divided - (t _ _ _)
6. a period of holiday - (v _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
7. one of the several divisions of a university - (d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
8. a public eating place - (s _ _ _ _ - b _ _)
9. a student of the same group, faculty - (f _ _ _ _ _ - s _ _ _ _ _ _)
10. to continue for a period of time - (l _ _ _)
11. a place to live; room; flat; house - (a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

Choose the Russian equivalents from the right column to the following English words and phrases.

to be over сделать все от себя зависящее
fellow student заочный курс обучения
hostel факультет
a correspondence course сокурсник
a term заканчивать, прекращаться
to be in the habit of doing smth. общежитие
to do one’s best семестр
to attend иметь обыкновение что-либо делать
department посещать


3. Ask your groupmates the following questions?

1. What is your name?

2. Where do you study?

3. Are you a part-time student?

4. What course of study does the University have?

5. When does the academic year begin?

6. How many terms are there in the academic year?

7. When do you prefer doing your homework?

8. Where do you live?

9. When did you come to Belgorod?

10. What course are you doing?

11. Who are you living with?

12. What is the room you rent like?

13. Where does your friend live?


4. Make up the plan of the text and reproduce it according to the plan.


5. Listen to the text “The student Rob Fellows” about Rob who is a student in England.

Study the following commentary:

Dundee - [dΛ n´ di: ] – Данди, город в Шотландии

Durham University – [´ dΛ rə m] – Даремский университет, расположенный в г. Дареме, в Англии, основан в 1832 году.

Castle – [ka: sl] – замок


a) Fill in the chart.

The place Rob comes from University he goes to The course he takes The time he started his course The languages he studies/knows The number of students living in Durham Castle The year of study he is in His plans for the future


b) Check your answers with your groupmates.

c) Retell the story.

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