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Л. Важность санитарной реформы
«Санитарная реформа — это одна из отраслей великой работы, призванной приготовить людей к пришествию Господа. Она так же тесно связана с вестью третьего ангела, как рука с телом» (Советы по здоровому образу жизни, с. 20, 21). VII. Литература 1. Bacchiocchi, Samuele. Wine in the Bible. Berrien Springs, Mich.: Biblical Perspectives, 1989. 2. Brown, Michael L. Israel's Divine Healer. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1995. 3. Brunt, John. A Day for Healing: The Meaning of Jesus' Sabbath Miracles. Washington. D. C: Review and Herald, 1981. 4. Frost, Evelyn. Christian Healing. London: Mobrays, 1940. 5. Grmek, Mirko D. Diseases in the Ancienl Greek World. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1989. 6. Gustafson, James M. The Contribution of Theology to Medical Ethics. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1975. 7. Harrison. R. K. " Healing, Health" in Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible New York and Nashville: Abingdon Press. 1962, Vol. 2. 8. Hogan, Larry P. Healing in the Second Tempel [sic] Period. Gottingen Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1992. 9. Kee, Howard Clark. Medicine, Miracle and Magic in New Testament Times Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. 10. Kelsey, Morton T. Healing and Christianity. London: SCM Press, 1973. 11. Lindstrom, Fredrik. Suffering and Sin: Interpretations of Illness in the Individual Complaint Psalms. Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell International, 1994. 12. Marty, Martin E. Health and Medicine in the Lutheran Tradition: Being Well. New York: Crossroad Publishing Co., 1986. 13. Murray, Andrew. Divine Healing. Springdale, Pa.: Whitaker House, 1982. 14. Palmer, Bernard, ed. Medicine and the Bible. Exeter: Paternoster Press, 1996. 15. Pilch, John J. " Sickness and Healing in Luke Acts» in The Social World of Luke–Acts: Models for Interpretation» ed. Jerome H. Neyrey. Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson, 1991. 16. Proctor, Stoy. er al, eds. Health 2000 and Beyond. Silver Spring, Md.: General Conference of Seventh–day Adventists Health and Temperance Department, 1994. 17. Seybold, Klaus, and Ulrich Mueller. Sickness and Healing Nashville: Abingdon Press 1981. 18. Short, A. R. The Bible and Modern Medicine. Exeter. Paternoster Press, 1953. 19. Smith, C. R. The Physician Examines the Bible. New York: Philosophical Library 1950. 20. Stockmayer, Otto. Sickness and the Gospel London: Bemrose & Sons. 1887. 21. Tillich, Paul. " The Meaning of Health, " in On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics ed. Stephen E Lammers and Allen Verhey. Grand Rapids: William B.Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1987. 22. Torrey, R. A. Divine Healing: Does God Perform Miracles Today? New York, Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1974. 23. Vermes, Geza. Jesus the Jew New York: Macmillan. 1973. 24. Warn" eld, Benjamin B. Counterfeit Miracles 1918. Republished as Miracles: Yesterday and Today, True and False. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1965. 25. Weatherhead, Leslie Psychology, Religion, and Healing. New York: Abingdon, 1951. 26. Wilkinson, John. Health and Healing: Studies in New Testament Principles and Practice. Edinburgh: Handsel Press, Ltd., 1980. 27. World Health Organization. WHO Basic Document. Geneva, 1948. (563)