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Descriptive language


A good descriptive essay gives a clear mental picture of the subject of the essay. The reader should ·be able to imagine that he or she is with the person described, at the place described, etc. Include strong imagery (language that helps create these mental pictures) in your body paragraphs.

Not descriptive

She walked into the room. He was dressed formally. The street was filled with people selling food.


She walked slowly and nervously into the dark room. (with adjectives and adverbs)

He wore a dark suit, a tie, and shiny shoes. (with details and specific language)

The street was filled with loud men shouting out orders above the smoky smell of grilling meat. (with sensory language related to sounds, smells, etc.)


Exercise № 34. Read the sentences. Rewrite them to make them more descriptive. Add adjectives and adverbs, details and specific language, and sensory language. Be creative.

1. The man lived in a house far from the village. The strange man lived quietly in an old drafty house far from the busy village.

2. The room was filled with roses, daisies, and lilacs.

3. The chicken and potatoes were good.

4. We went on a hike through the forest.

5. His aunt entered the room.

6. I didn't get to watch the soccer game on TV.

7. Barak Obama is the President of the United States.

8. Our classroom is a 15-square-yard room at the university.


Exercise № 35. This time describe these objects. Write only one paragraph. Check it with Self-Assessment checklist.


a) a mobile telephone (appearance)

b) a hair dryer (appearance)

c) an apple (appearance)

d) your English (quality)

e) your weekday studies


Revise and Edit your descriptive essay.

1. Does the essay start with an introduction that catches your interest and expresses a clear opinion?

2. Does the essay give you a clear mental picture of the product, business, or service described?

3. Does the concluding paragraph help to convince you of that opinion?

4. Do you have your own opinion about this product, business; or service?


Complete the Self-Assessment checklist as you prepare to write the final draft of your paragraph. Be prepared to hand in your work or discuss it in class.




1. Does each body paragraph have a topic and controlling idea?

2. Does the essay use descriptive language to create a clear mental picture of the subject?

3. Are correct articles used with nouns or noun phrases?

4. If there are collocations from the unit, are they used correctly?

5. Does the essay include vocabulary from the unit?

6. Did you check the essay for punctuation, spelling, and grammar?


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