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Process indicators in English.


The following words & phrases join sentences & paragraphs to show the steps in a process. Study how these process indicators work in paragraphs. (70 words)

The first step in making scrambled eggs is to put a tablespoon of margarine into a pan.

Then heat the pan over a medium flame.

Next, break an egg into a bowl.

Afterward, scramble the egg with a fork.

After this step, add some salt and pepper to the eggs.

Finally, fry the egg, turning it frequently.


Write a process essay in which you tell someone how to do something or explain the process.


• How to take a good photograph;

• How to live on a budget;

• How to apply for a passport;

• How to apply for a college grant;

• How to shop economically;


This timeline shows some important events in Monique’s life. Write some sentences about her life using when or while.


Exercise № 46. Complete a timeline of your life and answer some questions about it using when or while.


Write a paragraph about a relationship that is important to you. Use only past simple or progressive.


Model: I met a lovely French lass called Monique while I was lecturing at Dudley College of Technology.


Exercise № 47. Write two paragraphs about yourself for your personal website. Tell about your interests and hobbies using past simple, past progressive and present perfect or present perfect progressive.


Welcome. I’m Stephanie Hart. I’ve been living in Tokyo since 2006. I build this website to record my experience here. I’ve posted a lot of photos. I hope you enjoy the website which I opened just a week ago. I was thinking it over for more than two months and finally made it up as my friends had advised me to do. They explained me that I had been slaving on design for at least two years. I believe that I did my best and eventually succeeded in getting it properly.


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