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Describing People
Exercise № 37. Look at a picture of some of your acquaintances and build up a list of vocabulary which you will use for describing these people.
Height: quite tall, rather short, 5’10’’ tall, General appearance: lanky, Build: well-built, thin, muscular, athletic Age: early twenties, mid-thirties, late fifties, teenaged, underage Facial features: oval-faced, high cheekbones, blue-eyed, Roman nose Hair: curly, short brown, wavy, thin, shoulder-length, grey, chestnut, blond Personality: good-humoured, imaginative, short-tempered, vain Clothes: casual, formal, uniform Hobbies & activities: going to discos, enjoy watching birds, cooking
A descriptive composition about a person should consist of: a) an introduction where you give some brief information about the person (his/ her name, time or place you met/saw him/her, how you heard about him/her): b) a main body where you describe physical appearance, personality characteristics and hobbies/interests/everyday activities in separate paragraphs: and c) a conclusion which includes your comments and/or feelings about the person. Such descriptions can be found in articles, letters, witness statements, novels, etc.
Exercise № 38. Decide which adjectives describe positive or negative qualities. Choose any five of them and write sentences justifying each quality, then write a short paragraph describing the character of one of your relatives. patient, boring, pessimistic, mean, ambitious, generous, mature, interesting, hostile, immature, friendly, impatient, tactful, good-natured, short-tempered, thick-skinned, easy-going, hard-working, deceitful, fair, shy, helpful, aggressive, reserved, outgoing, polite, cheerful
Model: My father is very patient; he takes time and care with everything he does.
Points to consider
Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence which introduces the subject of the paragraph. A variety of linking words should be used to connect ideas. To describe physical appearance, details should be given as follows: height/build, age, facial features, hair, clothes, moving from the most general aspects to the more specific details, e.g. John is a tall, slim man in his mid-forties. He has a thin face, blue eyes and a large nose. His short hair is greying at the temples. He is usually casually dressed. To describe character and behaviour you can support your description with examples, e.g. Sally is very sociable. She loves going to parties and dances. If you want to mention any negative qualities, use mild language (tends to, seems to, is rather, can occasionally be, etc.), e.g. Instead of saying Sally is arrogant., it is better to say Sally tends to be rather arrogant. Variety in the use of adjectives will make your description more interesting, e.g. good-natured, well-behaved, gorgeous, etc. Present tenses can be used to describe someone connected to the present, e.g. someone you see every day. Past tenses can be used to describe someone related to the past, e.g. someone who is no longer alive, someone whom you won’t meet again... etc.
Exercise № 39. Read and study descriptions of people made by some famous Russian, British and American writers.
Exercise № 40. Using samples, write a paragraph on the following topics:
Exercise № 41. Translate this extract. Build up a list of active vocabulary to translate it.
Степан Аркадьич был человек правдивый в отношении к себе самому. Он не мог обманывать себя и уверять себя, что он раскаивается в своем поступке. Он не мог теперь раскаиваться в том, что он, тридцатичетырехлетний, красивый, влюбчивый человек, не был влюблен в жену, мать пяти живых и двух умерших детей, бывшую только годом моложе его. Он раскаивался только в том, что не умел лучше скрыть от жены. Но он чувствовал всю тяжесть своего положения и жалел жену, детей и себя. Может быть, он сумел бы лучше скрыть свои грехи от жены, если б ожидал, что это известие так на нее подействует. Ясно он никогда не обдумывал этого вопроса, но смутно ему представлялось, что жена давно догадывается, что он не верен ей, и смотрит на это сквозь пальцы. Ему даже казалось, что она, истощенная, состарившаяся, уже некрасивая женщина и ничем не замечательная, простая, только добрая мать семейства, по чувству справедливости должна быть снисходительна. Оказалось совсем противное. (Л.Н.Толстой, «Анна Каренина»)