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В страдательном залоге
Подлежащее английской страдательной конструкции от целого ряда глаголов 7 следует переводить косвенным или прямым дополнением (т. е. в дательном, винительном и творительном падеже), а сказуемое (форму страдательного залога) — неопределенно-личной формой глагола: I was shown the new photographs. Мне показали новые фотографии. Не was asked to wait. Его попросили подождать. 6 a word, a word or two — несколько слов. 7 Имеются в виду глаголы, принимающие два дополнения — прямое и косвенное. При следующих глаголах, 8 употребленных в страдательном залоге, подлежащее английского предложения следует переводить дательным, винительным или творительным падежом:
Упражнения 1. Переведите. Обратите внимание на то, каким падежом следует перевести подлежащее английского предложения. 1. We were informed that he had been sent to a conference. 2. He was sent only two copies of this book. 3. They were asked about it yesterday. 4. We were asked to come in. 5. He had been taught Latin and Greek in his boyhood.. 6. We were given only three tickets instead of five. 7. She was given a watch as a birthday present. 8 Здесь и во всех последующих списках глаголов приводятся лишь те значения, которые данные глаголы имеют в страдательной конструкции. 8. The visitors were shown many new exhibits. 9. They were shown into a large hall.
10. He has not been seen anywhere today. 11. We were shown in 9 and asked to wait. 12. She was advised to spend the summer in the Crimea. 13. They were ordered to be silent. 14. The painter was assisted by two of his disciples. 15. We have not been offered anything yet. 16. The boy was helped with his lessons by his elder sister. 17. I was told that all the strangers were refused admittance to that building. 18. To this end 10 lengthy discussion has been avoided here. 19. He was admired not only for his technical skill, but also for his ability to attract people. 20. This information should not be ignored. 21. This unpleasant meeting is not to be avoided. 2. Переведите. Обратите внимание на то, каким падежом следует перевести подлежащее английского предложения. 1. By 1542 Negro slaves were forbidden to leave the haciendas, villages or cities after dark. 2. The preservation of an archaic literary language is greatly helped by its being at the same time a written language. 3. Tents were quickly dressed, and the knights were told to dismount from their horses. 4. This work cannot be given a high place as literature, 11 but it is valuable for the contemporary documents it contains. 5. This analogical tendency is to some extent 12 aided by grammarians who prefer «regular» to «irregular» schemes. 6. Fielding's last novel «Amelia» has been admired by some even more than «Tom Jones» 13 probably because of the beautiful character of the heroine. 9 to show in — провести в дом кого-л. 10 to this end — для этого, с этой целью. 11 a literature — здесь: литературное произведение. 12 to some extent — до некоторой степени. 13 «Амелия», «Тон Джонс» — романы Генрн Филдинга (1707— 1754). 7. For a number of years commercial relations were kept up with Spain through Mexico, and the Dutch and the English were both permitted to establish trading factories in the South. 8. In the later history of Chinese, the use of the classifier was favoured by the increasing phonetic poverty and different classifiers served to distinguish words which were becoming homophones. 9. Esarhaddon's14 appointment had been opposed by his brothers and some district governors who incited his father against him.
10. Consequently expert seamen and ship's carpenters were sent out from St. Petersburg. On one hand the men were promised both worldly and spiritual rewards: wealth, promotions and imperial favour if by the Grace of Christ they would reach Kamchatka. On the other hand they were threatened with certain death if they delayed or slowed down their voyage. 11. Festivals were preceded by hunting expeditions to obtain small animals, such as rats, which were smoked and strung together to be worn as necklaces. 12. The sword in Old English times was owned (judging from finds), by only one man in twenty.