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Особенности перевода безличных конструкций в страдательном залоге

Наиболее употребительны следующие модели безличной страдательной конструкции.

1. It is said that... Говорят, что... It is thought that... Считают (полагают), что... It is expected that... Ожидают (ожидается), что...

19 «Southern and Northern Courts» — «Северный и Южный двор» в (период правления двух враждующих династий в Японии XIV в.

2* 19

It is known that...

Известно, что...

It is said by our historians that...

Наши историки считают, что...

It is said of this author that...

Об этом авторе говорят, что...

It is known about him that...

О нем известно, что...

It must be stressed that...

Следует (нужно) подчеркнуть, что...

It cannot be denied that...

Нельзя отрицать (того), что...

It should be remembered that...

Следует помнить, что...

II. It was considered possible to find these manuscripts. Считали возможным найти эти рукописи. It was thought useful to publish these data. Считали полезным опубликовать эти данные.

III. Let it be stressed that... Следует подчеркнуть, что...

Безличные конструкции, употребленные в качестве вводного члена предложения, возможны как с формальным it, так и без него:

The material, it will be observed, contains many examples of this kind.

Материал, как можно заметить, содержит много примеров такого рода.

As is readily seen from the text...

Как можно легко заметить из текста...

Как видно (явствует) из текста...


1. Переведите предложения, учитывая особенности перевода безличных конструкций.

1. It is known that they will arrive tomorrow.

2. It is expected that the Conference will take place in Kiev.

3. It is hoped that the new edition of this book will be of no less interest to the reader.

4. It will be noticed that these poems are of quite a different character.

5. It has been shown in the above examples that the sense of the sentence often depends on the order of words.

6. It is sometimes said that the Nile is longer than all the rivers in the eastern and western hemispheres.

7. It will be seen from the following tables that the sounds do not coincide in quality.

8. It is related of this man that he never passed a day of his life without reading.

9. It was thought useful to apply this method here. 10. It has been estimated that the volume contained

220 pages.

2. Переведите. Подберите в каждом случае наиболее подходящий вариант перевода модального глагола.

1. It must be borne in mind that all the rules may have exceptions.

2. It must be added that the minor works are not included here.

3. It cannot be denied that his original work is a success.

4. It is to be remembered that these data come from different sources.

3. Переведите предложения, стараясь подобрать наиболее точный эквивалент для выражения безличного или неопределенно-личного предложения в русском.

1. It will be seen that the distinction between different parts of speech always depends on formal criteria.

2. It was doubted that Shaw's plays would retain their interest when the problems treated in them — slums, women's rights, marriage customs had ceased to be of immediate concern. 20

3. Views as to 21 the actual date of the manuscript varied; the seventh century was the most usually favoured, but it was generally agreed that the illustrations belonged to an archetype perhaps as early as 22 the second century.

20 to be of concern — иметь значение.

21 as to — в отношении, относительно.

22 as early as — еще в...

4. It will be readily understood that the difficulty of arriving at the 23 meaning of such compositions is very considerable.

5. In considering loan-words it has to be remembered that, when two languages are in contact, words which are themselves borrowed may pass from one to another.

6. It has been said that Latin is more concise than English. The reverse is the case.24 English is briefer than Latin.

7. It is to be remembered that it was advisable to issue the proclamation of Henry Ill's adherence to the Provisions 25 in English as well as in Latin.

8. Speaking of the influence exerted on the African peasants by workers who lose their jobs and return to their native villages, Woddis writes: «One is inevitably reminded here of Lenin's observations regarding the influence of the Russian workers on the peasant in the period leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1905».

9. The Eskimos of the North-west Coast, it will be remembered, use to this day harpoon-heads of this kind.


10. Let it be stressed, however, that an understanding of the build and form of the land, a knowledge of the routes of communication and an idea of the character of the natural resources — are all of them factors which should be considered at the outset 26 by every historian of art in the course of his examination of a particular area or a particular civilization.

11. It has been thought not superfluous, however, to add a few data of this kind, without a knowledge of which it is impossible to understand the course of the literary development.

12. «Better a live dog than a dead lion». The last example, it will be observed, contains transverse alliteration and assonance.

13. As is readily seen, the problems and questions in regard to 27 this subject are far more numerous than the solutions.

23 to arrive at — здесь: разгадать (достичь понимания).

24 the reverse is the case — здесь: дело обстоит наоборот.

25 The Provisions — здесь: Великая Хартия (собственно, подтверждение Хартии).

26 at the outset — с самого начала.

27 in regard to —- относительно.

14. People living upon lakes plentifully stocked with fish, it can be imagined, availed themselves of all means in their power for capturing them.

15. It has been ascertained beyond doubt that two kinds of cattle were common during the stone age.

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