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ID Упражнения
1. Фонетическое упражнение. [л] Underground ['Andagraond], London ['Lvndan], much [mAt|] [a: ] after ['a: fta], afternoon [a: fta'nu: n] [ai] I'm [aim], my [mai], nice [nais], arrival [a'raivl], goodbye [god'bai] [as] Sally ['saeli], nationality [, nas|'naelati] [e] let [let], welcome ['welkam], detective [di'tektiv], hotel [hao'tel] [ei] stay [stei], name [neim], famous ['feimas], Baker ['beika] [а] arrival [a'raivl], address [a'dres], Mr ['mista], famous ['feimas] [ao] home [haom], Holmes [haomz], hotel [hao'tel], brochure ['braoja] [з: ] first [f3: st], surname ['s3: neim], Sherlock ['J3: bk] [i] in [in], is [iz], Mr ['mista], detective [di'tektiv], ticket ['tikit] [ia] near [ma], here [hia], theatre ['Oiata] [i: ] see [si: ], street [stri: t] [s] surname ['S3ineim], useful ['ju: sfol], nice [nais], yes [jes] [z] is [iz], tours [toaz], Holmes [haomz] [б] theatre ['Oiata], thank you ['Oaenk jo], Smith [smiO] [d] the [бэ], that [6aet] [|] station ['steijn], nationality [, nasj'naslati], brochure ['braoja] [j] united [jo'naitid], useful ['juisfol] 2. Составьте предложения. I'm Mr Burger my name Sally Smith Sherlock Holmes the brochure the Sherlock Holmes (Hotel) the theatre ticket the Underground station is a famous detective / a nice hotel for tonight from... from Heidelberg / from United Tours German / useful in Baker Street / in London near Baker Street Underground Station near the hotel т 3. Поздоровайтесь с господином Бургером в Лондоне и дайте ему необходимую информацию. Welcome... I'm... Your hotel is the... It's in... It's near... The hotel is named after... Here's the hotel... And here's a... Have a... 4. Расскажите о себе. My surname is... My first name is... I'm from... I'm in... I'm... (German/ Austrian/Swiss/...?) 5. Дополните предложения. a) Welcome London, Mr Burger, b) I'm Sally Smith United Tours. c) Now me see. d) hotel is the Sherlock Holmes, Mr Burger. e) It's named the famous detective, f) The Sherlock Holmes Hotel is Baker Street, Baker Street Underground Station. g)Here's the brochure and a theatre ticket tonight, h) Have a nice in London, Mr Burger. 6. Переведите. а) Добро пожаловать в Лондон, господин Бургер. Ь) Ваша гостиница - го- стиница " Шерлока Холмс" на Бейкер Стрит, с) Это вблизи станции метро Бейкер-стрит. d) Это прекрасная гостиница, е) Вот проспект гостиницы и билет в театр на сегодняшний вечер. О Желаю (вам) прекрасно провести время в Лондоне! g) Большое спасибо! A London Underground station D T h e H a p p y B e g i n n e r ' s ik C r o s s w o r d = H _ • 19 I " б • _ •7 • I 5 •i 1•17 =1 J _ AC1ROSS Syall Smhti si or fm Uentdi 46goru nTdhtheast' S h atuooitsnete.luf! lsi Baker Sretet Unde-r 180Sret eTLhteet SShsoeatoelcritken.. Hmoles si near Baker 1121de etWTcvhceitoeeml.e ho etLolnd sion, n amMerd B uhtgree.r afmous 1175is M" T 1h0ey8 naBomafkeer hte siSrte S eBh, toeulcrgr kLeo".nrdo Hn -mole " sW1., Ho wetcloemle 18toBa kNe" roLwon Sdorten e, m".t eMr s eBeugre ".r- your hoets'l ni 19 Syall Smhti si or fm Tours. 18 DO1WN " Tousr" si hte pulral of" 23is HM Beyuersgr'e.frri sat nhtameaeret c stiike tRc ihardot, 75ctik eTHht.eeers' S hhteoelcrk ho Hetmolle bsorch suier 193 Tahe nc iseunram seaty o nif h tLeondoa fmn, 1146 's" LHete ersnc' mie".e ah t cetiket ho ofetrl b htorechuer А А Text In the coffee shop W: English or Continental breakfast, madam? R: Continental, please. With coffee. And an orange juice, please. W: Very well, madam. What's your room number? R: 318 (three one eight). W: Thank you. M: Morning, Rita. R: Hello, Mark. Come and join me. How are you? M: Fine, thanks. A bit tired perhaps. And you? R: Oh, I'm very well, thanks. Where's Annie? M: She's still in her room. What time is it, by the way? R: Just after eight. M: So we're not in a hurry. R: No, there's plenty of time. Frank's still in bed. He's very tired. Ah, here's the waitress... W: Coffee, sir? M: Yes, please. And an English breakfast. - Who's that man over there, Rita? His face is familiar. R: You're right. But who is he? Someone from television perhaps? M: Yes, television... Oh, he's the detective in that programme on Friday nights. What's it caled? R: " Too Tough for Scotland Yard". M: That's it. He's the detective in " Too Tough for Scotland Yard". I9 В