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С Словоупотребление — страноведение

1. Образование " сложных" числительных свыше 20: 21 twenty-one, 22 twentytwo,

23 twenty-three, 24 twenty-four и т.д.; 35 thirty-five, 52 fifty-two и т.д.

(См. таблицу " Числительные" стр. 210).

2. Американизмы: В отдельных случаях (особенно в оборотах речи из повсе-

дневной жизни) американский вариант английского языка (АВ) отличается

от британского (БВ). Так, в 6А: АВ workday = БВ working day, AB store

(= магазин) = БВ shop, AB truck = БВ lorry [Чап] (начинают чаще употреб-

лять также и truck).

3. Ninth: При образовании порядкового числительного -е в nine опускается.

4. Hispanic: Hispanic Americans [a'merikanz] жители Америки, родным языком

которых является испанский, в частности мексиканцы, пуэрториканцы, ку-

бинцы. Группа населения Hispanics увеличилась с 1970 по 1980 гг. с 9, 1

млн. (= 4, 5% от общего количества населения) до 14, 6 млн. (= 6, 4%), доля

прироста составляет 61% (для сравнения: белые +5, 8%, черные + 17, 3%).

5. Lee Chang-Soon: Lee (по корейской традиции ставится впереди) - фамилия,

Chang-Soon - имя. В процессе своей " американизации" переселенцы изме-

няют традиционный порядок следования имени и фамилии - Chang-Soon


6. Upper East Side: Жилой район восточнее южной стороны Central Park

['sentral 'pa: k], где живут the smart set, the jet set, the in-people (см. каргу

Манхеттэна, стр. 193).

7. The Bronx: Один из пяти городских районов Нью-Йорк-сити (1, 2 млн. жите-

лей; для сравнения: Манхэттен — 1, 4 млн.).

8. " Быть должным": Обратите внимание на следующие соответствия при пере-

воде на русский язык в 6А: Everything must be fresh and clean (= Всё долж-

но быть свежим и чистым), In our kind of business you have to work lo \g

hours (= В таком магазине, как наш, нам приходится много работать), We

have to be very quick (= Нам приходится все делать быстро).

9. Do: До сих пор do встречалось в следующих примерах: (4А) Would you do

me a favour? (= He окажешь ли мне любезность?), (6А) There's always work

to do (= Всегда есть работа, которую нужно делать), (6А) When do you

sleep? (= Когда вы спите?) - последняя конструкция типична для вопроси-


6 C / 6 D

тельных предложений (Когда вы спите?); начиная с 7-го урока, мы будем

интенсивно тренироваться в её употреблении.

10. Без артикля: Обратите особое внимание на следующие обороты речи: here's

part of our reporter's conversation (= здесь часть...), you're at work (=...

за работой), people here want a wide choice of fruit (= люди здесь...), after

work (= после работы), life's hard (= жизнь сурова, трудна).

1. Составьте б правильных высказываний.

6D Упражнения

At midnight Mr Lee

At 10 p.m. Mr Lee

Lee Chang-Soon

Mr Lee

Mr Lee and his family

Mr Lee and his wife

Mr Lee's workday

People like us

People on the Upper East Side

The reporter













a fruit and vegetable store in New York.

a wide choice of fruit and vegetables.

at midnight/at 10 p.m.

five hours at the market every night.

for an hour or so in the morning.

for the market at midnight.

home at 10 p.m.

the door of his store.

to-get on.

to the market in the Bronx.

to work long hours.

TV in the evening.

work at midnight.

2. Поговорите о господине Ли и о себе.


Mr Lee

Mr Lee's workday

My workday

can('t) watch






... hours.

... hours in bed.


from... to...


TV in the evening.

3. Дайте ответы.

a) Is New York the largest city in the world? b) Where's the fruit and vegetable

market? c) Where's Mr Lee's store? d) Who runs the store? e) How

long is Mr Lee's workday? f) What hours is the store open? g) When can Mr

Lee sleep? h) Can Mr Lee watch TV in the evening?

4. Вставьте в предложения наречия или обстоятельства, представленные в сле-

дующем списке.

always, at midnight, every day, hardly ever, in the evening, on Sundays, on the Upper

East Side, still

a) Mr Lee's store is open, b) Mr Lee spends 14 hours in the store, c) Mr Lee

leaves for the market, d) Mr Lee has time to sleep, e) Mr Lee can't watch

TV. f) When other people are watching TV, Mr Lee is working, g) The Lees

have got a lot of work to do. h) There are many stores like Mr Lee's.


6 0

5. Вставьте артикль а(п)/the, где это необходимо.

a) She's got a job as waitress, b) You can use the jug as vase.

c) Mr Lee's store is on Upper East Side of Manhattan but the fruit

and vegetable market is in Bronx, d) Are you still at work, Brian?

e) I always sleep for an hour or so after work, f) Here's part of our

reporter's conversation with Lee Chang-Soon, g) life is hard for them but

they're not complaining, h) Here on the Upper East Side, people want

their vegetables fresh and clean and cheap, i) You can't go by bus, you

have to take taxi, j) He's got over thousand records, k) There are

public lavatories in Leicester Square.

6. Вставьте: his, him; her; its; our, us; they, their, them.

a) Where's Sally? I've got a letter for b) There are thousands of Korean

immigrants in New York. Many of are in the fruit and vegetable business.

c) Mr Lee starts workday at midnight. At 10 p.m. you can see locking

his store for the night, d) Life's hard for the Lees but are not complaining,

e) People on the Upper East Side want fruit and vegetables

fresh and clean and cheap, f) New York is the largest city in the U.S. 20 per

cent of over 7 million people are Hispanics. g) We always lock the door

of flat before we go to bed. h) In the morning we have to unload the

truck and store everything. That takes about two hours, i) I've got a nice

present for Karen birthday's on the sixteenth, j) Life in New York City

has problems, k) People want their vegetables fresh. And they want


7. Дополните предложения (только одним словом).

a) New York's one of the largest cities the world, b) an immigrant

you have to work hard, c) Mr Lee leaves the market at midnight and

gets back it at 6 a.m. d) We always watch TV the evening.

e) We've still got ten boxes strawberries, f) Mr Lee's work when

other people sleeping, g) It takes hour to clean the lettuce.

h) Vegetables must fresh and clean, i) It can't too difficult to find

the market in the Bronx.

8. Переведите.

а) Вместе с женой господин Ли держит фруктово-овощной магазином в

Манхэттене. Ь) В полночь он едет на фруктово-овощной рынок в (the)

Бронксе, с) Около шести утра он возвращается с рынка, d) Каждую ночь

он проводит на рынке около 5 часов, е) Господин Ли работает, пока другие

люди смотрят телевизор или спят, f) Овощи должны быть свежими и чис-

тыми, g) Они должны быть также дешевыми, h) Господин Ли и его жена

должны рассортировать огромное количество фруктов и овощей и почистить

их. i) Всегда есть какая-то работа, j) Жизнь сурова по отношению к се

мейству Ли, но они не жалуются.



А Text

A job in the sun

Reporter: Jane, you're a travel rep on the beautiful island of Majorca. It sounds dream job- living and working by the Mediterranean all year round, with

two and a half months off in the winter. What exactly do you do, Jane?

Jane: Oh, I meet clients when they arrive..., see them off when they leave

and... look after them during their stay, take them on excursions...

Reporter: Do you like it?

Jane: Oh yes, I do, but it is hard work.

Reporter: You mean the hours? How many hours do you work?

Jane: Seven hours a day, six days a week...

Reporter: That's forty-two hours a week...

Jane: Yes, but on top of that we have four extra jobs a week as well - you

know, like accompanying an excursion, meeting a delayed aircraft at

four in the morning, that sort of thing.

Reporter: That's certainly tough.

Jane: It is tough. Not much time for sunbathing. I always sleep on my day off.

Reporter: Do you speak Spanish?

Jane: Yes, I do. You've got to know the language in this kind of job - after all,

you have to arrange things with the local people - hotels, transport,

entertainment... Not everybody speaks English.

Reporter: Do you spend your holidays at home?

Jane: Part of them. About six weeks each winter.

Reporter: And then you go back to Majorca for a holiday?

Jane: That's right. I love Majorca in the winter. The island's not so busy then.

Sometimes I fly out to the Canaries for a week or two - if it gets too cold

in Majorca.

Reporter: What kind of person do you have to be if you want to become a Jane: Wel... you must be prepared to work hard, you must love people and

- oh yes - you should be single!



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