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D Упражнения. 1. Поговорите о the commuter and his wife (8A).

1. Поговорите о " the commuter and his wife" (8A).

Brian (Baker)


His wife

Kay (Baker)


The Bakers



(come to the City)

(get home from



(haven't got)


(sometimes play)


all sorts of evening activities.

at about 7 p.m.

at Cannon Street at 8.53 a.m.

by British Rail.

in Blackheath.

in the City of London.

much time for gardening.

part-time in an accountant's office.

squash in the evening.


8 D

2. Вы - Brain Baker в 8А. Дайте краткие ответы на следующие вопросы.


Do you work in the City? - Yes, I do.

Do you live there too? - No, I don't.

Are you single? - No, I'm not.

a) Do you live in Blackheath? b) Is Blackheath north of London? c) Do you

go to work by bus? d) Do you go by British Rail? e) Do you arrive at Victoria?

f) Are the trains always on time? g) Do you only work part-time?

h) Have you got a house? i) Is it very far from the shops? j) Is there a garden?

k) Do you have much time for gardening? 1) Can you play squash?

3. Дайте ответы.

a) What kind of people live in the City of London? b) What's the population of

the City of London? c) Where do the commuters come from? d) Do the

commuters all come to the City by British Rail? e) Do the trains always run on

time? f) Why are trains delayed, according to British Rail?

4. Употребите подчеркнутые слова в отрицательной форме.

a) I'm very well, b) Our house is new. c) We're in a hurry. d) They're

complaining, e) You can use it as a vase, f) We've got a mortgage on our

house, g) We have enough time for gardening, h) Most of the people who

work in the City live in Central London, i) British Rail trains always run on

time, j) I usually go out in the evenings.

5. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы, касающиеся вас и вашего окружения.

a) Where do you work? b) Do you live in a house or in a flat? c) Is it quiet

where you live? d) What kind of place do you live in? (City, town, village,

suburb?) e) What's the population of your city/town/village? f) How do

you get to work? (By bus /tram /train /underground / on foot?) g) What time

do you get home from work? h) Do trains in this country always run on time?

i) Have you got a dog? j) Have you got a garden? k) What do you do in the

evening? 1) Do you watch TV a lot? m) Do you sometimes have a drink at

the pub?

6. Дополните предложения.

Most of the people work in the City of London don't live there

working day, 400, 000 commuters come to work in the City. They arrive by

British Rail, by Tube, by bus or foot. The trains are often delayed — because

of the weather, because of strikes or technical failures, or for of a

long list of other reasons. Brian Baker is an accountant Blackheath in

southeast London. He works a bank in the City. He usually leaves

work at 8.15 a.m. and gets back at about 7 p.m. His wife has all sorts of evening

activities, so they don't see much of other in the week. Brian sometimes

goes out the evening to play squash or to have a drink with friends

the local pub.




а) Если поезд приходит вовремя, я приезжаю на < вокзал> Cannon Street в 8

< часов> 53 < минуты>. Ь) Если у вас работа в саду не занимает много вре-

мени, то это как раз подходящий для вас сад. с) Если ты являешься руко-

водителем тургруппы на Майорке, то у тебя остается мало времени для того,

чтобы загорать, d) Если на Майорке слишком холодно, то я лечу на Канар-

ские острова, е) Если мы торопимся, то (мы) можем взять (take) такси.

__________0 Если стоишь утром между 8 и 9 часами на Лондонском мосту, то можешь

видеть тысячи людей, спешащих на работу, g) Если хочешь стать руководи-

телем тургруппы, то нужно быть холостым.


6 •












• 12



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Oi J

9A Text

Twenty Questoins " THwowenty a bQouutes otian g apmerheaps? "

DBeilbl: b Yeies.: H ow.. a.bo uWt eT, lwl ethnetyre Q isune'tsoti nms? uch tmi e left. Shal we have Debbwiheos': goniBgil tosug bgeest sthe Tw cehnatyeln gQeru? es -toin Ys.ou, D oCesath ye? ve ryFbnioed.y W agrtieree Mikeo: f theA orebej cwte on olo akni gpei cfeor of paper. Ready? Here we go then Cathay s: p ecaiNl oth.nig? JCualtieh: y: HmNmo.. Is there one in this room? BCiallt: h Isy: the re Nonoe. outsdie somewhere? Brenqdueastoi: n s.O Ish i td aevilaer.? Three noes arleady. Wev'e got to MCaikteh: y: SoNo it.'s not a palnt or an anmi a.l Is it man-made? MCaikteh: y: AhY! e sN.ow let me see. It's man-made, theres' no such Cathaynd: thereYe sis.n't one outsdie etiher. - Is it somethnig usefu? l MDeikbeb: i e: WhTehreat d konieds oonfe q uuesestoi nits? ' not aolwed, Mkie. Miketh: e homOhe? yes, sorry! It's got to be a yes-or-no questoin. MCaikteh: y: SoYe yso.u use it in the home. - Do men use it? Cathy: Yes... why not!



JDuelbieb: ie: MCaikteh: y:

JCualtieh: y: Bill:


BCraetnhdya:: BCraetnhdya:: BCraetnhdya:: BCraetnhdya:: MCaikteh: y:


NIto wprob wabhylat mkniedans o fbo athnsw meers'n t haantd? women can use it. ONoK,, nsoot ietv eseryeomnes uesveesryo nite, buusets a nity.one can use it, except perhaps cOhhdlire gno.sh, it's gettnig compcilated. - Does one use it every day? ONnoe, ndoote senvte'r yus eda yit. every day. So it's not a kettel or anythnig LNeot, mnoet seeveery.b oDdoyes ni ev ethrysibo droyom ni, Ith sisup ropoomse. have one? tNhsoit ceovuenrybtryo? dy has one. But every famyli? I mean... every WDoe, l y oIu d ounste' k nito wto. cPelearhnap tshni gnso? t every famyli, but most fameilis. YDeoses. it make a nosie? YSoes. it's some sort of househodl appailnce? YAes.washnig machnie? ANo. househodl appailnce that cneloasines, bthunitg sno atn da mwaaskehnsig ama- ccelhnaiene? r? Is it a... vacuum Yalotoiunv'es! got it, Mkie. Congratu-

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