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D Упражнения. a) What did Roy do at the post office?

1. Дайте ответы.

a) What did Roy do at the post office? b) When did he cancel the paper and

the milk? c) Whose passport had to be extended? d) Who are John and

Morna? e) In what way are they going to help Roy and Judy? f) Why are

they coming over tonight? g) Who is Shep? h) Are the family going to leave

Shep behind? i) How are they going to travel? j) Have they got a new car?

2. Дайте ответы по образцу.

When are you going to pay the bills? - I've paid them already.

When are you going to collect the passport? - I've collected it already.

a) When are you going to book the tickets? b) When are you going to mow

the lawn? c) When are you going to pack your bag? d) When are you going

to water the plants? e) When are you going to phone Roy? f) When are you

going to clean the lettuce? g) When are you going to talk to Morna?

h) When are you going to check the tyres?

3. Дайте краткие ответы.

Have you got everything ready? (y) - Yes, I have.

Has Dave packed his bag? (n) - No, he hasn't.

a) Have you been to the post office? (y) b) Did you cancel the paper? (y)

c) Have you got the garage bill? (n) d) Are you going to leave the dog behind?

(n) e) Is John going to mow the lawn? (y) f) Are Morna and John coming

over tonight? (y) g) Did you tell them about the cats? (n) h) Does Shep like

travelling by car? (y) i) Are the Smiths going on holiday too? (n)

4. Дайте ответы по образцу. (Обратите внимание: с помощью слов, данных в

скобках, сообщается, когда совершилось действие; поэтому употребление

форм Perfect в ответах в ряде случаев невозможно.) (Ср. 14В2)

Have you packed your bag? (this morning)

Yes, I've packed it this morning.

Have you cancelled the papers? (yesterday)

Yes, I cancelled them yesterday.

a) Have you paid this bill? (last week) b) Have you collected the tickets? (on

Monday) c) Have you talked to the caretaker? (last night) d) Have you

mowed the lawn? (this afternoon) e) Have you watered the plants? (this

morning) f) Have you phoned Cathy? (from the office) g) Have you booked

the hotel? (today)


1 4 D

5. Утром в день перед отъездом в отпуск. Вы Джуди/Рой. Расскажите о том,

что Вы (возможно) будете сегодня делать.

(I think)



I'm going to (have to)











all the bills.

my bags.

my passport / the tickets.

our bags in the car.

the car serviced.

the lawn.

the paper and the milk.

the plants.

to Morna about the cats.

to the post office / bank.

6. Вставьте пропущенные слова и переведите предложения.

a) They their car serviced before they went on holiday, b) You must

your car serviced, c) Where you usually have your car serviced?

d) I think I'll have to my car serviced before I go. e) That's the garage

where you usually have your car serviced,? f) He's had the car serviced,

? g) You should have your brakes h) I've had my passport

i) You're to have your passport extended, aren't you?

7. Переведите следующие предложения со словом " сам" (-> 14С6, 14С1, 13С8).

а) У меня у самого есть собака. Ь) Я сам проверил шины, с) Мы должны

были предоставить кошек самим себе, d) Мы не можем предоставить Шепа

самому себе, е) Он никогда бы в этом не признался даже самому себе.

О Дэйв сам упаковал свою сумку.

8. Замените подчеркнутые слова самостоятельными притяжательными место-

имениями (-≫ 14В6).

These are your things; my things are over there.

These are your things; mine are over there.

a) Your family is rich but my family is poor, b) Their garden is just right, but

our garden is too large, c) Her relatives are in England, but his relatives are in

the United States, d) A house like their house would be too expensive for us.

e) His passport is all right, but her passport has to be extended, f) My car's at

the garage. Can I use your car this morning?

9. Переведите (-≫ 14В2).

(Все английские предложения имеют следующий порядок слов: подлежащее

- сказуемое - дополнение - обстоятельство времени).

а) Я оплатил счета сегодня утром. Ь) Я аннулировал заказ на доставку га-

зеты вчера, с) Я забрал свой паспорт в понедельник, d) Я косил траву

дней десять тому назад, е) Мы проверяли тормоза в прошлый раз (last

time), f) Мы разговаривали вчера вечером с Джоном и Морной.



А Text

A u s t r a l i a ' s b u s h f i r e d i s a s t e r

A FUND was set up in Britain yesterday to

help families hit by the bushfires in southeastern


So far, more than 70 people have died and

2, 000 homes have been destroyed. Several

towns as well as large areas of forest and

farmland have been burnt, and hundreds of

thousands of sheep and cattle have been

killed by the firestorm, which raced along

500 miles of coast from Adelaide to Melbourne.

Bushfires - 90 per cent of which are now

caused by humans - have always been

common in Australia. If they occur in uninhabited

areas, they are often allowed to

burn themselves out. Where human life or

property is threatened, they can usually be

put out before too much damage has been

caused. " Almost every time we can cope,

but this was the one time we couldn't, " a

fire officer said in Melbourne yesterday.

" We have fought many fires before, but

none like this. It was frightening, the speed

of the fire. There was nothing we could do

to stop it. We didn't know where it was

going. All we could do was try to get people

well out of the way."

Helped by temperatures around 43 degrees

and strong winds after a twelvemonth period

of dry weather, the fires spread at

lightning speed. Some of them may have

been started deliberately. In South Australia

yesterday a 19-year-old unemployed

worker was charged with deliberately

lighting fires in the Adelaide Hills, where

nine people died and 100 homes were destroyed

on Wednesday. For his own safety,

the accused man was locked up until his


Last night, thanks to cooler and less windy

weather, the fires were largely under control,

but higher temperatures have been

forecast for this weekend. South Australian

fire-service spokesman David Williams

warned: " There are large areas of land that

haven't been burnt. They are extremely dry,

and carelessness or a deliberate act could

start it all again."






I—=- ^ A r e a s hit by bushfires

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