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Примерный перечень вопросов к экзамену II курсе (трим. 2.3)

Темы: Customers




Company History




Business Environment

Corporate Responsibility



А) Монологическое высказывание по теме.

1. Customers: what makes good customer care?

2. Tell about one of the world famous companies: its sphere(s) of business, products, slogan (if any), current activities, famous brand names, interesting facts, etc. Do you think it’s a good company to work for?

3. Travel: problems in cross-cultural communication.

4. Troubleshooting: SWOT-analysis, typical trouble spots, solutions.

5. Give a short presentation of one of the world famous companies: its founders, history, and area of business (use the appropriate language to tell about the sequence of events). Is it a household name in our country?

6. What is retailing? What types of retail outlets do you know? Compare them. Which of them do you prefer to buy things from and why?

7. A new product: How to market it? What’s its customer profile? What makes it different from other similar products?

8. Do you think there is a difference in management style between men and women or is any difference usually because of personality?

9. Business Environment: What factors normally affect businesses and prices of their goods?

10. Corporate Responsibility: What does it include? Does it bring any benefits to the company? Is it a matter of image?

11. Competition and open markets.


Б) Составление диалога или диалога-дискуссии по теме.

10. With your partner discuss your holiday plans: where you are going to, with whom, how you are going to travel, where you are going to stay and how long, what you are going to do there, what cultural differences you may find.

11. Discuss the following with your partner: What is SWOT-analysis? Is it useful for a company management to make a SWOT-analysis? To plan ahead?

12. With your partner discuss the advantages and disadvantages of disposable products. Are they good for the environment? Are disposable products popular in our country? What throwaway products do you use?

13. With your partner discuss ways of shopping that you prefer (from shops, or by the Internet, or by mail-order catalogues, etc.), their advantages and disadvantages.

14. With your partner discuss attitudes to customer care in different countries.

15. With your partner discuss what companies you would like to work for and why, what personal qualities, skills and knowledge you would be supposed to have, and if you would like to take training courses from time to time.

16. With your partner discuss and compare ‘ethical consumers’ and ‘ethical policy’ in your country and in other countries. Discuss the opinion ‘If a company wants to be profitable it must appear to be ethical’.

17. With your partner think of a product you would like to buy. Describe and discuss its features and benefits (or unique selling points), and the customer profile.

18. With your partner discuss reasons why people work. What factors or motivations would you consider if you were going to choose a job? What do you think the manager’s role should be?

19. Roleplay a job interview at a soft drinks company.

Student A. You work for a soft drinks company and want to recruit some energetic, youthful people to your marketing department. Experience is not essential but enthusiasm and the desire to learn is. Read Student B’s CV, then prepare to interview him/her. Make sure the interview is well-structures, and you have a list of questions about the interviewee’s CV ready.

Student B. You have applied to a soft drinks company. You want this job, and think you have a chance because experience is not essential, and you are energetic, enthusiastic and eager to learn. Give Student A you CV to read, and prepare to be interviewed. Think of what you might be asked about your CV. Prepare some questions about the company and the job you’re applying for.

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