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VI. Read and translate the text.

Grammar Box

Singular Plural  
There is a cat in the room. There are two cats in the room. affirmative sentence
There is not a cat in the room. There are not two cats in the room. negative sentence
Is there a cat in the room? Are there two cats in the room? question

IV. Insert IS/ARE.

1) There … a sofa in the living room.

2) There … two windows in the room.

3) There … a lot of books on my table.

4) There … much food in the fridge.

5) There … a ball under the desk.

6) There … a coffee table near the sofa.

7) There … twenty students in my group.

8) There … some cheese on the plate.

9) There … a picture above the kitchen table.

10) There …a modern cooker in the kitchen.

“Prepositions of Place”

V. Describe the picture, inserting the appropriate preposition.

1. There is a carpet … the floor.

2. There is a picture … the wall.

3. There is a photo … the sofa.

4. There are some cushions … the sofa.

5. There is a big lamp … the sofa and the armchair.

6. There is a telephone …the table … the two sofas.

7. There are some souvenirs … the shelf.

8. There are some magazines … the table.

9. There is an armchair … the sofa.

10. There one more lamp … the bookcase.

VI. Read and translate the text.

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