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VII. Make eight-ten questions to the text and them your fellow students. Ask each student another question.

E.g. Ann, where does the family live? Alex, is there an elevator in the house?

VIII. Name these things, using the text. Where do they fit?

living room Bedroom kitchen bathroom

IX. Guess, what room is described. For expressing your opinion, use the following phrases:

· I think…

· I suppose …

· To my mind …

· In my opinion …

The room is rather big. There are two windows in the room. There is a carpet on the floor. There is a yellow sofa at the wall. There are two comfortable armchairs near the sofa. At the wall there is a wardrobe. There are some shelves on the walls. There are a lot of flowers in the room, because my mother likes them very much.

I like this room very much. It is not big, but cosy. There is one window in the room, but it is big and light. There is a desk at the window. There is a computer on the desk. There are much photos on the walls.

This room is not very spacious, but my mother spends most of her time there. There is a table and four chairs at the window. There is a large fridge in the corner. There are a lot of shelves for different kitchen utensils in this room. The cooker is nice and modern.

This room is always clean and tidy. It is not big. The bath is new and modern. The bath and the washbasin are white. There is a big mirror on the wall.

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