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Read and dramatize the dialogues.

Customs official: Are these two bags all you have, sir?

Passenger: Yes, they’re all I have.

O: Well, would you please read this notice carefully.

P: Thank you.
O: Do you understand the notice?

P: No, not very well.

O: You must declare anything you have with you which is new, or which you got only recently. Also you must declare anything whether it’s new or not, which is in your luggage and isn’t for your own use – any presents, for example.

P: I see. Yes, I have got some presents. I’ve got a bottle of brandy and some cigarettes.

O: Would you show them to me, please?

Paul: Yes, here they are.

O: Oh, yes, only half a bottle of brandy. You’re allowed that. Now these boxes of cigarettes. That’s more than I can allow you free. I’m afraid we’ll have to charge you some duty on those. I’ll tell you how much in a moment. But first let me see inside your bag.


C.O. – Customs officer; Mrs F – Mrs Farrow; Mr F – Mr Farrow.

C.O. Have you got anything to declare?

Mr.F. We have each bought 200 cigarettes on the boat.

C.O. That’s all right. They are duty free.

Mrs.F. I have one bottle of whisky and my wife has a bottle of perfume.

C.O. They are duty free as well. How long did you spend abroad?

Mrs.F. Two weeks.

C.O. Did you buy anything else while you were there?

Mrs.F. We bought a few presents for our family. Here is a list of what we bought, and the prices we paid.

C.O. (Looking at list). Some chocolate, an alarm clock, a record. I’d like to see the clock, please.

(Mrs. Farrow shows it to him).

Mr.F. Here you are.

C.O. It’s not expensive so you won’t have to pay duty on it.

Mr.F. Thank you very much.

Mrs. F. I bought a pair of shoes. I’ve got them on now.

C.O. That’s all right. Did you buy any jewellery or watches?

Mr.F. No, none at all.

Mrs. F. Do we have to open our cases?

C.O. That will not be necessary, thank you. That is all. (He marks the cases with a cross. The porter takes them to the train)


4. Reproduce the dialogue:

- Ваш паспорт, пожалуйста. Пожалуйста, положите сумки на стол и предъявите Вашу

таможенную декларацию. Вы декларируете что-нибудь?

- Простите?

- Алкоголь, сигареты, свежие фрукты, растения…?

- О, нет.

- Откройте чемодан, пожалуйста. Какие-нибудь подарки?

- Только cувениры.

- Хорошо, это не облагается пошлиной. Вы, наверное, знаете, что в Англию запрещено ввозить более двух блоков сигарет и более двух бутылок спиртных напитков. Что касается валюты, то ограничений нет.

- Спасибо.

- Не за что. Следующий, пожалуйста.


5. Translate into English:

1. До посадки на самолет (before boarding a plane) вам придется предъявить паспорт

2. и таможенную декларацию.

3. Вы должны знать о предметах и веществах, запрещенных к ввозу.

4. По прибытии (on arriving) в аэропорт ваш паспорт проверит таможенная служба.

5. Вам не разрешат провезти продукты питания в США.

6. Разве вы не знаете о необлагаемых таможенными пошлинами предметах?

7. Существуют ли ограничения на ввоз валюты?

8. Не могли бы вы открыть свой чемодан для досмотра?

9. Мне нечего декларировать.

10. Вы можете провезти два блока сигарет без таможенной пошлины.

11. Вы знаете о таможенных правилах?


6. Imagine that you’re going abroad. Fill out the declaration.

Keep for the duration of your stay in Russia or abroad. Not renewable in case of loss. Persons giving false information in the Customs Declaration or to Customs officers shall render themselves liable under the laws of Russia.


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