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Измените предложения, используя инфинитив в качестве подлежащего.

Образец: it is important to repay loans in time. – To repay loans in time is important.


1. It is essential to keep economy as close as possible to full employment with low inflation.

2. It is more typical to issue bonds for the period of several years.

3. In Russia, it makes sense (имеет смысл) to pay by plastic card rather than hold hard currency and run the risk of losing it due to fluctuations in exchange rate.

4. It has for centuries been the function of money to serve as a medium of exchange.

5. It is convenient to carry travellers’ Cheques (дорожные чеки) abroad because you can cash them whenever you may need.


10. Проработайте грамматический материал: инфинитивная конструкция «сложное подлежащее» при сказуемом в действительном залоге.

Конструкция «сложное подлежащее» употребляется с рядом глаго­лов и выражений, включающих глагол в действительном залоге, а имен­но: to seem, to appear – казаться (их можно также переводить вводным словом по-видимому), to prove, to turn out – оказаться, to happen – случаться, to be likely – вероятно, to be unlikely – маловероятно, вряд ли, to be certain, to be sure – несомненно, наверняка, безусловно. Например:

This company proved to contribute a lot to the pension fund.

Оказалось, что эта компания дела­ет большие взносы в этот пен­сионный фонд.

Unemployment benefits are unlikely to serve as incentives for men to look for jobs.

Вряд ли пособия по безработице послужат стимулом для поис­ков работы.

Progressive taxation seems to be the most widespread.

Прогрессивное налогообложение, по-видимому, самое распростра­ненное.


11. Укажите, в каких предложениях есть конструкция «сложное подлежащее».

1. It appears that electronic commerce is one of the most developed mar­kets.

2. Rapid introduction of credit cards all over Russia is unlikely at present.

3. New banking services seem to come into life rapidly.

4. Positive economics is sure to play an essential part in social life.

5. High tech industries prove to bring in a considerable share of national income in the USA.

12. Переведите на русский язык предложения с конструкцией «сложное подлежа­щее». Обратите внимание на разные формы инфинитива.

а) Простой инфинитив:

1. When labour is expensive, the quantity of capital demanded is likely to rise.

2. Demand for imports is unlikely to fall when domestic income and out­put in the country fall.

3. An increase in the wage rate is sure to reduce the quantity of labour demanded.

4. Individual labour supply seems to be inelastic.

5. If a firm's assets turn out to be considerable, it is more likely to get a loan from a bank.

6. With every additional purchase the consumer's satisfaction is likely to decrease although prices remain the same.

б) Сложные формы инфинитива:

1. New methods of economic analysis appear to be required in the near future.

2. One form of money or another seems to have been used in all societies since time immemorial (с незапамятных времен).

3. Most Western economies do not appear to have reached considerable production growth due to tax cuts.

4. New bank services prove to be constantly coming into life.

5. Western economies are sure to have rapidly recovered from the 1980-82 crisis, the worst in post-war years.

6. Although such' factors of production as capital and land appear to be owned by firms, they are actually owned by households.


13. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции ин­финитива и инфинитивных конструкций.

1. Karl Marx thought capitalism to be a temporary type of economy.

2. The dividends to be paid out this year will not be high.

3. Few market economies are likely to provide jobs for all those wanting to work.

4. An average worker in the United Kingdom is known to be paid more than the one in India.

5. It is not necessary nowadays for markets to be located in any particular place: the sugar market and the cotton market are considered to be not geographical locations but a number of conditions which let buyers and sellers work together.

6. To have inelastic demand is typical of all essential commodities and services, for instance, food and health service.

7. If the price of oil rises to $40 per barrel, it will be high enough to make oil shale mines economical.

8. The economics course to be offered to students is to bring together mi­croeconomics and macroeconomics.

9. The global competitive and technological forces are too powerful to let politicians replace market practices with command ones.

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