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Составьте предложения из двух подходящих по смыслу частей.

1. Classical economists considered money to be no more 2. Money is an asset   3. Money is used as a standard of deferred payment, 4. Loans provided by commercial banks, building societies, etc. 5. In addition to being a means of exchange money is also 6. Swap in a money market is a pro­cess   7. Exchange rate is 8. GNPs are measured in the coun­try's local monetary unit,     9. The foreign exchange market is a market where foreign currencies are sold and bought 10. Barter is a method of trading goods and services for other goods and services a. either through private exchange dealers or a country's central bank. b. known to be a means of measuring the value of men's labour. c. of exchanging one kind of finan­cial asset or liability for another. d. than a medium of exchange.   e. or currency.   f. for it is an accepted measure of fu­ture payments in contracts. g. without the use of money. h. the price of one currency in terms of some other currency, for in­stance, the price at which dollars might be exchanged for pounds. i. are an essential source of money for everyday consumption and purchase of personal and business assets. j. that is accepted as a means of payment.

6. Заполните пропуски словами и словосочетаниями из словарного минимума к тексту “Money and Its Functions”:

1. Money has no value in itself but serves as a … … … between commod­ities which we consider to be valuable for us.

2. Governments are supposed to... essential foods to meet the needs of the population in case of emergency (в случае крайней необходимости, в чрезвычайных обстоятельствах).

3. Economists … …productive and unproductive labour.

4. Typically, consumers buy more of everything. However, there are.... Among... there are inferior goods.

5. Money as a … … … lets people determine prices for goods and services and... them conveniently and less wastefully in a market rather than... one good directly for another as in barter ….

6. A firm that has borrowed to see it through a sticky period (зд. помочь пережить тяжелые времена) may not be able to … … … when the bank demands.

7. When transferred from one bank... to another, money does not consist of any physical commodity.

8. Four Swedish ports are free trade zones where goods may be... duty-free for an unlimited period of time.

Запомните: The... the... чем... тем... The more the better. Чем больше, тем лучше.   for 1) prep для, за, на; в течение 2) cj (после запятой) так как, потому что   for example например for instance например for + сущ. + инфинитив для того, чтобы что-то было сделано

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