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Chapter 8


“Oh god, Brian. Yes right there. FUCK.” I moaned and thrashed under him and he pinned me down with the weight of his body.

“Shhh.” He whispered in my ear and pushed into me harder.

“JESUS FUCK YES! ” I dug my nails into his back as his dick found my prostate over and over. I was so close, so fucking close I could barely see.

“Come on. Come on, Sunshine.” He bit down on my shoulder to hold off his own orgasm I was sure.

“Right there, just a little more…” I nuzzled my nose into his sweaty neck.

“Right… THERE? ” He pushes HARD into me.

“AHHHH YES FUCK GOD! ” I unloaded between us, my vision blurred, my whole body buzzing and this constant ring in my ears.

He grabbed the headboard above me and pushed once, twice, three more times and I felt the warm thick come coat the inside of my ass.

This was the third time we had fucked already today.

God I loved Sundays.

He groaned loudly and nuzzled his face into mine. His unshaven cheek burned my skin, but to me it was the best feeling in the world right now.

“Mmmm. I’m done.” I moaned.

He laughed, and rolled off me onto his back.

“Uh huh. You said that 20 minutes ago before you begged me to fuck you. Again.”

“I did not beg. I asked nicely.”

“I believe the exact words were ‘God Brian, please now. I need you inside me now.’ " He pitched his voice higher than normal like he always does when he is intimating me.

“You need to get your hearing checked.” I assured him.

“Right.” He snorted.

He reached over onto the bedside table for his cigarettes.

“Thought you were trying to quit.”

“Mmm.” He inhaled deeply. “Stop trying to kill me with your sexual demands and maybe I can.”

“Never heard you complain before.” I took the cigarette from him and took a few drags.

“I’m not 28 anymore.”


He rolled his head and glared at me.

“Fine. 29. All the more reason.”

Just then my cell phone shrieked from the table.

“Fuck.” I reached across him and he nibbled my ear.

“Stop.” I giggled and flipped open my phone. “Hello? ”

“Mr. Taylor? ”

“Yes? ” I sat up.

“My name is Sophia Meyers. I work for the Sidney Bloom Gallery in Pittsburgh.”

“Oh, hello.” I got up out of bed and half groaned.

“Did I catch you at a bad time, Mr. Taylor? ”

“Oh no. And please call me Justin.” I balanced my cell on my shoulder and threw on my robe.

“Thank you Justin. The reason for my call is myself, Sidney and the other investors in the gallery have decided to expand and we would love it if you would be interested in running the new gallery.”

I sat down heavily on the recliner in the corner of the room. “Me? ”

“We have been following your career for some time now, Justin. Your work is exquisite. I also hear you have been going to school to be a teacher.”

“Yes, I have actually. I graduate next month.”

“Well, if you chose that path I would completely understand but I believe this would be a wonderful opportunity for you. You would have full control over the gallery and that includes all business, construction, creative and artistic decisions.”

“Wow. I really don’t know what to say.”

“Well I am hoping you will say yes, Justin.”

“Well it is a big decision to make and I would really love to talk it over with my husband and family before I say yes or no Mrs. Meyers.” Brian raised an eye brow at me and I put my finger up and mouthed ‘1 minute’ to him.

“Please call me Sophia. And take all the time you need. I’ll be anticipating your call.”

“Thank you Sophia.” I hung up and stared down at my cell phone in my hands.

“What was that? ” Brian asked.

I got up, throwing my robe off and climbed back into bed next to him.

“Sophia Meyers from the Sidney Bloom Gallery wants me to run their new gallery they are opening.”

“No shit? ” He ran his fingers through my ‘just fucked’ hair.


“So? ”

“So then I couldn’t teach, Bri.”

“True. But…this is art Justin. Your passion. And it’s your own fucking gallery. That’s huge.”

I looked up and smiled at him. “It is isn’t it? ”

He rolled onto his side and pulled me to him. His hands never left my hair.

“Listen, whatever you choose to do, whether it’s teaching art or showing art, I’ll support it. Everyone will. We just want you to be happy.”

“I am happy.”

“Me too.”

“Really? ” I nuzzled his scruff. God, I love him.

“Mmm hmm.” He’s silent for a few minutes, just running his fingers through my hair. I knew this was huge. Ever since I walked into my first art gallery at 16 years old, art was all I dreamed about. Creating art. Being in the art world. And I got a taste of that in New York. But the whole time something was…missing. But this time, if I did this, nothing would be missing. I would have the gallery, and art, and…Brian. Everything would be perfect.

“You’re gonna do it aren’t you? ”

“Yeah. I think I am.” I kissed his neck and he grabbed onto my hair, pulling my head back.

“Good.” He kissed me, slow and deep, his tongue finding its way into my mouth like it normally does. I sighed happily into him and rolled on top of him.

“I think we should celebrate.” I purred in his ear.

“Oh? ” His hands made their way down my back and onto my ass.

“Nah uh uh. You’re turn Mr. Kinney.”

He laughed and rolled me back onto my back.

“In your dreams, Warhol.”


“If you break his heart, I will break your face.”

Chapter 9

Punctuality and reliability are the words I’d associate with Theodore Schmidt. Ted never misses work. When he’s sick I have to practically force him to go home and rest. Whenever there’s snow, he’s here, even when it’s life-threatening to drive. And if there’s one thing Ted’s never been, it’s late.

Which is why when 9: 30 rolled around and Ted still hadn’t shown his face, I was beginning to feel concerned. Something must have happened. Although I supposed it was possible he forgot to set his alarm clock, I doubted it. Anal-retentiveness isn’t just a character trait when it comes to Ted, it’s a lifestyle choice.

“Boss, ” Cynthia said, poking her head into my office. “He’s still not in.”

I sighed and sat back, putting my pen down. I’d been signing checks all morning. Normally I didn’t have to even look at money, but today there were bills to be paid, and I couldn’t take a chance that Ted wasn’t going to show at all. My hand was cramped from signing my name so many times. We had a stamp somewhere, but fuck if I could find it in Theodore’s “organization.”

“I’ll call him again, ” I said. I was tired, worried, and pissed off. “He’d better at least have a fucking flu. Maybe crabs, ” I muttered, dialing his number for the tenth time that morning.

And then I heard it… that distinctly irritating opera ring-tone that always made me grit my teeth… and it was getting louder. Finally, through the door walked Ted, cel phone in hand. He was staring at it dumbly, as if he couldn’t read the screen.

I hung up the phone loudly. “So good to see you, Theodore, ” I said. I sounded almost angrier than I was, which was good. A little fear would remind him how to behave.

“Sorry Bri, ” Ted mumbled, slowly lifting his head to look at me. His eyes were red and puffy and swollen and he hadn’t shaved. His hair was a mess. He looked like he’d been up all night crying.

My anger faded and I sighed heavily, nodding at Cynthia to leave.

“I’ll make some coffee, ” she said, giving Ted a worried look before leaving my office and shutting the door firmly behind her.

Ted stood there in front of my desk, silent, as we listened to Cynthia’s heels click down the hall.

“Well? ” I asked, folding my hands on my desk. “What happened? That flea-bitten creature you let sleep in your bed finally die? ” He was always strangely fond of that cat of his. If it died it wouldn’t be so bad. It might remind Justin why we shouldn’t get one next time he started in on his ‘I want a pet’ speech.

Ted shook his head, and sniffled loudly. To my horror, I saw a few tears run down his cheeks. “N-no. Sorry for being late. I-I’ll get to work right away.”

“Theodore, ” I snapped. “Sit.” I pointed to the chair on the other side of my desk.

He sat obediently, his eyes fixed on the floor.

“What the fuck happened, Ted? ” I asked, softening my voice carefully. Yelling at Theodore never gets any results. If I wanted my head accountant back to work as efficiently as possible, I was going to have to do the unthinkable.

I was going to have to listen to him talk about his feelings.


Ted sniffled a few times, pulled out a handkerchief and blew his nose loudly, and then looked up at me again. “Blake left, ” he said weakly.

I stared at him silently. I had no idea what to say. Blake and Ted had been together for… fuck, over ten years. “Why? ” I asked.

Ted shrugged and forced himself to grin. It was a pitiful sight. “We want… different things.”

I rolled my eyes. I’d heard this song and dance before. Fuck, I’d lived it. “Theodore-“

“No, ” he said softly. “It’s really over. We’ve… been having problems for a while. I wanted to get a bigger place. Maybe a house, with a yard. I wanted… to have some kids. Maybe adopt.” He took another deep breath. “But Blake… he has his career to focus on.”

I felt that odd, tight feeling in my chest that I knew was pity, and I felt like an asshole. Pity was the last thing Ted wanted or needed right now. So I just said nothing. There was nothing I could say.

“He’s moving to ml: namespace prefix = st1 /> England.”

“England? ” I asked, incredulous. “Why the fuck would he go there? ”

“He got an offer from some university with a prestigious drug rehab program. They want him to come teach, ” Ted said softly, with a pathetic amount of pride in his voice. “He couldn’t turn it down.”

“And you wouldn’t move to England, ” I said.

He shook his head weakly. “I could say it’s because I don’t want to leave Kinnetik, but... I’d leave in a second if he asked me to go.”

Tongue in cheek, I said nothing. I understood completely.

“It’s just the last straw, ” he said. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “We both work a lot, and our schedules don’t line up. We’ve barely spent any time together in a year. And when we do, he’s… distant.” He grinned weakly. “I ask for too much.”

“Like kids, ” I said.

“Like kids, ” he replied. “Guess you and he have that in common.”

I glanced away and said nothing. Once again I was reminded of Justin’s demands so long ago to have children. I’m not stupid. I know I’m not going to escape that fight forever. It’s coming up, and soon, I think. Justin might set a particular fixation aside, but he never gives up completely.

“We fight all the time. About having kids, about where we should live, about work, about-“ he hesitated. “Every year we fight more, about stupider and stupider things, and I… I…” Ted finally broke down and started to cry again.

I got up and walked around to the other side of the desk and leaned against it, looking at him. “Is he leaving soon, then? ” I decided not to push him on what else he and Blake fought about. I had a feeling I knew.

“He already did, ” Ted said, scrubbing at his face hard with the palms of his hands. He was embarrassed. That was fine. So was I. “He’s staying with some friends until he leaves for England. He… he said he’d be moving his stuff out today while I’m here...” Ted took a few short, choked breaths. “He wants us to stay friends…”

I snorted, but bit my tongue and said nothing.

“I can’t do that, Bri, ” Ted said, finally looking at me again. “I just can’t.”

I put my hand on his shoulder. “I couldn’t either.”

Ted grinned weakly at me, blinking rapidly. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

I remember that feeling. I don’t ever want to feel that way again, and the last person that deserved it was Theodore. I squeezed his shoulder gently. “You’re going to go to the bathroom and clean yourself up. Then you’re going to go to your office and try to get some work done. It’ll keep your mind busy. Then after work, you’re going to go with me and the guys to Woody’s and get shit-faced.”

“I don’t drink, Bri, ” Ted said. “You know that.”

“What better time to start? ” I asked, smirking.

He laughed weakly and stood. “How about Babylon instead. I could use the thumpa-thumpa.”

I nodded.

“Thanks, ” he said weakly. “I’ll get caught up on whatever I missed this morning.”

“Don’t worry about it, Theodore. If you get behind, just make one of those underlings I pay so much help you.”

He nodded again and turned to leave my office. I watched him leave, his head ducked, his steps smaller and without the confidence he’d built up after years of practice. It wasn’t just pathetic. It was… sad. It was really, really sad.

I sat back down behind my desk and picked up the phone. I had two phone calls to make. I glanced at my address book to find the right number for the first one. I didn’t usually call him. Despite the fact that we called each other friends (well, he did, and I didn’t disagree) we never really went out of our ways to deal with each other. I never called him unless something was wrong, or if it was necessary. Which is probably why he sounded so confused when he answered the phone.

“Hello? ” Emmet said hesitantly.

“Blake left Theodore, ” I said.

“Fuck, ” he muttered. “How’s he doing? ”

“He’s here, but he’s a fucking mess, ” I replied, picking my pen back up and glancing back at the checks in front of me. I might as well finish them at this rate.

“Does he know you’re calling me? ”

“Does it matter? ” I asked.

There was a short hesitation before he replied. “No.”

And this is where I really stuck my neck out for Theodore. This is where I went out of my way to help him. I don’t like doing that for anyone. Usually getting involved just causes more trouble than its worth. But I’d known him long enough to know that this was something Ted needed, and I was the only one who would do it.

“Don’t fuck up, ” I said.

“What’s that supposed to mean? ” Emmet asked in a tense voice. He was already pissed. Great.

“You know what it means. Don’t fuck up. Theodore needs you, and this is your chance.”

“First of all, I don’t know what you’re talking about, ” he replied in his high-and-mighty queen voice. “Secondly, even if I did know, I wouldn’t take advantage of my best friend like that! ”

“It’s not taking advantage if it’s what he wants, too, ” I replied.

Another long silence. “I’ll come see him for lunch. As his best friend. Not… whatever it is you’re thinking.”

I snorted. “Right. Well, plan on going to Babylon tonight, too. I told him we’d all go.”

“Brian Kinney, ” Emmet said with some affection in his tone. “You really are a good friend.”

“Shut the fuck up, Honeycutt.” I dropped the phone back onto the receiver and sighed. Well, the rest was up to them. I picked up the phone again and hit the first speed dial.

“Isn’t it early for phone sex? Usually you don’t call until at least noon, ” Justin’s voice came across the line.

I shut my eyes and felt myself relax into my chair. “Blake dumped Theodore.”

“Fuck, ” Justin whispered softly. “For real? ”

“It seems pretty permanent, ” I replied.

There was a short pause, and we just listened to each other breathe. Seeing Ted’s face, thinking about how he must feel… it reminded me of the years I spent feeling like that, looking like that. It was something I’d never wanted to be reminded of.

“I’ll bring you lunch, ” Justin said.

“You’re busy, aren’t you? You have that painting to finish-“

He cut me off. “I want to see you.”

I could tell by his tone that he was thinking the same things as me. “I want to see you, too, ” I said softly.

He was smiling now. I could hear it in his tone. “Keep talking like that and you might just get lucky, Mr. Kinney.”

Now I was smiling, too. “See you, ” I said.

“See you, ” he replied.

I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. Justin wasn’t the one leaving. Justin wasn’t going anywhere. We were fine. We were good, even. We were fan-fucking-tastic.

And when Sunshine brought up the ‘having kids’ thing, well… I’d just… have to deal with that problem when it happened. But neither of us was going to leave, even then. I felt certain of that. At least… as certain as I could. Pretty certain. Almost certain. Mostly certain.

I couldn’t wait for lunch.


Hey! Hey! You guys see him? We go to school together. His name is Chris Hobbs. He just called me a faggot. You see, Chris doesn't like faggots…Or maybe he likes them more than he thinks…He let me jerk him off! …The faggot gave Chris Hobbs a hand-job! He loved it.

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