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Задание №1. Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему.

Переведите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы к нему.

" Requirements to modern passenger cars"

The passenger is supposed to expect safety, speed and comfort from the railway. Therefore safety has always remained the first essential, though it has already reached a very high level compared to the other modes of transportstion. In the field of speed, considerable progress is considered to have been made by wide use of electric and diesel traction both on main and suburban lines. It is possible now to increase maximum speeds to 250 km/h. Medium speed of about 170 km/h is to become normal in Europe. It is not so easy to define the concept of comfort. During the journey it is necessary to ensure safety, relaxation and facilitate such activities as reading, conversation or taking refreshments. Therefore, the seat is to be one of the fundamental comfort factors both from physiological and psychological points of view. In fact, it must enable passengers of different weight, height and stoutness to relax, doze, sleep and posibly write, eat or drink, all during the journey which may last several hours and even days. First of all, the passengers is expected to pay attention to the external appearance of the rolling stock. The latter should look as attractive as possible. Then, the passenger should be able to board the train without difficulty which is possible at stations with high platforms. One must be able to find his seat quickly, to get rid of his luggage and to be able to enjoy the inside temperature in contrast with that on the platform which can sometimes be either very high or very low. Besides that good running qualities must also give a feeling of safety and a low noise is very important as well. Some railways have developed designs of rocket -looking locomotives and cars of bright colours and their tourist cars are often double-deckers, often called" bi-level" cars.

Вопросы к тексту:

1) What do passengers expect from the railway?

2) What maximum speed is increased by wide use of electric and diesel traction?

3) What requirements must meet seats for passengers?

4) Can you tell about the requirements to comfort factors of passenger cars?

Задание №2. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

wheelbase, brakes, emergency, partition, for passing with safety, by making the trucks very strong, the absence of signaling, the danger of travelling, the car lighting and heating systems, the most uncomfortable car seats, the fastest way of transportation.

Вариант №10

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