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Structural and linguistic features of functional styles

Each style has a set of distinctive characteristics that make it recognizable even from the first glance.

First of all they are manifested in structure. Compositional structure of documentary text is greatly conventional, it includes coded graphical layout, clear-cut sub­division of texts into units of information; logical arrangement of these units, order-of-priority organisation of content and informa­tion. Some genres, ex. business letters are strictly organized. The principal parts that make up the business letter are: the heading, date line, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary closing, and signature line. In addition to these basic components, there are several other elements that may be added to the letter, depending upon its content: an attention line, a subject line, identification initials, an enclosure notation, and a carbon copy notation. The attention line follows the inside address and gets the letter to a specific person or department. A subject line, announcing the purpose of the letter, precedes the salutation. The identification initials, which are often not included, follow the signature line, with the initials of the writer preceding those of the typist. Any material enclosed with the letter is indicated by typing “Enclosure(s), ” followed by the number of such enclosures in parentheses. This line immediately follows the line of identification initials. The carbon copy notation, indicating to whom additional copies of the letter have been sent, is typed below the enclosure line. There may also be a special notation such as “CONFIDENTIAL” (always capitalized) on the envelope.

Scientific style also has definite features. Compositional features vary in different types and genres: mono­graph, article, presentation, thesis, dissertation, etc. In scientific proper and technical texts e.g. mathematics: highly formalised text with the prevalence of formulae, tables, diagrams supplied with concise commentary phrases. In humanitarian texts (history, philosophy) we can see descriptive narration, supplied with argumentation and interpretation, sequential presentation of material and facts. Typical feature is the extensive use of citation, references and footnotes, use of digressions to debate or support a certain point. Definite structural arrangement is organised in a hierarchical order: introduction, chapters, paragraphs, and conclusion.

Publicistic style demonstrates careful subdivision into paragraphs, clearly defined position of the sections of an article: the most important information is carried in the opening paragraph; often in the first sentence.

Vocabulary is one of the most notable features of a certain style. In publicistic style it is carefully selected and characterized by variety of topics, wide use of quotations, direct speech and represented speech, newspaper cliches and set phrases, terminological variety, abbreviations and acronyms, numerous proper names, toponyms, anthroponyms, names of enter­prises, institutions, international words, dates and figures, abstract notion words, elevated and bookish words. In headlines: frequent use of pun, violated phraseology, vivid stylistic devices. In oratory speech: words of elevated and bookish character, colloquial words and phrases, frequent use of such stylistic devices as metaphor, alliteration, allusion, irony, etc.

Vocabulary of documentary style is stylistically neutral and bookish. Terminology of a certain sphere can be present. Proper names (names of enterprises, companies, etc.) and titles are carefully reproduced. Phraseology gives rise to specific documentary vocabulary: cliches, opening and conclusive phrases. Words are used in their primary denotative meaning.

Scientific vocabulary contain specific functionally loaded linguistic units: connective phrases and words to sustain coherence and logic (consequently, on the contrary, likewise), extensive use of double conjunctions (as... as, either... or, both... and). Terms are numerous. Also we can notice extensive use of bookish words. Words are used in their primary dictionary meaning, usually non-connotative.

Grammatical organisation can be observed as a feature of a definite style. In newspaper we can see frequent use of non-finite verb forms, preferable use of non-perfect verb forms, omission of articles, link verbs, auxiliaries, pronouns, especially in headlines and news items.

Syntactical features can be seen in impersonal sentences, elliptical constructions, interrogative sentences, infinitive complexes and attributive groups in headlines,

Grammatical features of scientific style are traditional: restricted use of finite verb forms, use of 'the author's we' instead of I, frequent use of impersonal constructions. Sentences have an organising function and are usually devided into postulatory (at the be­ginning), argumentative (in the central part), fonnulative (in the conclusion). Usually we can see direct word order, complicated sentences with subordinate clauses, a lot of participial, gerundial and infinitive constructions, adverbial and prepositional phrases. Parenthesis is widely used. Nominal constructions prevail over the verbal ones to avoid time reference for the sake of generalisation.

In documentary style there is an accurate use of punctuation, adherence to the norm, sometimes outdated or even archaic, e. g. in legal documents. Business texts are based on simplified normative syntax reasonably.

Phonetic features can be observed only in those genres that belong to oral speech: for example in oratory we can see standard pronunciation, wide use of prosody as a means of conveying the subtle shades of meaning, overtones and emotions, phonetic compression.


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