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GEOGRAPHY. Match the pictures with the possible labeling Lough Neagh

Match the pictures with the possible labeling

Lough Neagh

Slieve Donard

National flag

National Saint

National Day

National flower



The largest freshwater lake

The largest island

The largest inlet



Symbols in Northern Ireland are more than just pictures. The Troubles in Northern Ireland have ensured that symbols here represent division as often as they represent unity, and that the history and meaning of the symbols can mean that certain groups find them alienating, or even threatening.


The Red Hand has represented the province of Ulster since the time of the Gaelic aristocracy.

The harp has been associated with Ireland for hundreds of years. Gaelic chieftains employed harpist to entertain them and their guests.

Legend has it that St Patrick used the shamrock to explain the trinity to the Irish and convert them to Christianity.


A leprechaun (Irish: leipreachá n) is a type of fairy in Irish folklore. It is usually depicted as a little bearded man, wearing a coat and hat, who partakes in mischief. They are solitary creatures who spend their time making and mending shoes and have a hidden pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If captured by a human, the leprechaun has the magical power to grant three wishes in exchange for their freedom. A symbol of St. Patrick’s Day.


Believe it or not, the color of St. Patrick was not actually green, but blue! In the 19th century, however, green became used as a symbol for Ireland. In Ireland, there is plentiful rain and mist, so the 'Emerald Isle' really is green all year-round. The beautiful green landscape was probably the inspiration for the national color.

Saint Patrick was familiar with the Irish language and culture, because of his time as a slave there. When Patrick went back to Ireland to convert the Irish to Christianity, he was successful because he didn't try to make the Irish forget their old beliefs. He combined their old beliefs with the new beliefs. One example of this is the Celtic Cross. Saint Patrick added the sun, a powerful Irish symbol, onto the Christian cross to create what is now called a Celtic cross, so that the new symbol of Christianity would be more natural to the Irish.



Irish: Tuaisceart É ireann,

Ulster Scots: Norlin Airlann

in the northeast of the island of Ireland, covering 14, 139 km²


• Area -

• Terrain -

• Rivers, lakes – the Bann, Mourne

• Mountains –


2. Read and tick …

- if you know this, - if you don’t know, - if there is a problem.


Northern Ireland is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom. Situated in the north-east of the island of Ireland, it shares a border with the Republic of Ireland to the south and west.

Northern Ireland was covered by an ice sheet for most of the last ice age and on numerous previous occasions, the legacy of which can be seen in the extensive coverage of drumlins in Counties Fermanagh, Armagh, Antrim and particularly Down. The centrepiece of Northern Ireland's geography is Lough Neagh, at 391 km2 the largest freshwater lake both on the island of Ireland and in the British Isles. A second extensive lake system is centred on Lower and Upper Lough Erne in Fermanagh. The largest island of Northern Ireland is Rathlin, off the Antrim coast. Strangford Lough is the largest inlet in the British Isles, covering 150 km2.


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