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On the module 5 Northern Ireland

1. The capital of Northern Ireland is …

a) London




e) Edinburgh

2. What does the abbreviation GBP stand for?

A) Generous British Pastor

b) General British Province

c) Geometrical Business Pavilion

d) General British Pound

e) Great Britain Pound

3. What’s the national Day of Northern Ireland?

A) St. George’s Day

b) St. Andrew’s Day

c) St. Gile’s Day

d) St. Patrick's Day

e) St. Claus Day

4. What is the number of people living in the Northern Ireland?

a)1, 8 mln

b) 4 mln

c) 49 mln

d) 5mln

e) 1mln

5. Northern Ireland is a constituent country of the United Kingdom, lying in the …… of the island of Ireland

a) Northeast

b) North

c) East

d) Sound

e) West

6. Northern Ireland according to the Ireland government in …… was declared to have its own government.

A) 1920

b) 1950

c) 1946

d) 1936

e) 1980

7. Northern Ireland's legal system descends from …………., and is therefore based on common law.

A) Arthur’s legal core

b) the post-1920 legal system

c) the pre-1920 Irish legal system

d) Celtic legal system

e)Common Irish Law system

8. Northern Ireland has been for many years the site of …

a) ethno-political conflict

b) a glorious revolution

c) mysterious Stonehenge

d) Bugs Bunny

e) St. Patrick

9. Nationalists want Northern Ireland to …

a) be unified with the Republic of Ireland

b) be the first among the Europe

c) be the only nation

d) have national law

e) have national principle

10. Unionists want Northern Ireland to …

a) remain part of the United Kingdom

b) unionize the Northern and the Southern Kingdom

c) have their trade-unions

d) to be unionized

e) have youth unionization

11. What does the abbreviation GFA stand for?

A) Great Fire Arrangement

b) Good Friday Agreement

c) Generous Father Alcuin

d) General February Award

e) Great Faculty of Art

12. Northern Ireland was the bedrock of Irish resistance in the era of …

a) Victoria

b) Elizabeth

c) Arthur


e) William

13. Under the terms of the Act of Union the all-island Kingdom of Ireland merged into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in ……

a) 1536

b) 1666

c) 1707

d) 1801

e) 1999

14. What religious denomination of Ireland accounts 45.6%


b) Presbyterian

c) Catholics

d) Hindu

e) Islam

15. All the people of Northern Ireland can be accepted as Irish or British, or both according to …

a)the Belfast Agreement of 1998

b) the Irish Act of 1998

c) the British Agreement of 1999

d) the North Act of 1990

e) the Uniting Project of 1999

16. T he former Northern Ireland Flag is known as the …

a) Bus Bunny

b) Ulster Bunny

c) Ulster Banner

d) Banner Ulster

e) Banny Ulster

17. What are the traditional colors of Ulster Banner?

A) green-white-orange

b) white-red-blue

c) green-red-blue

d) white-red-orange

e) gold-blue-red

18. The national anthem of Northern Ireland is …

a) God Save the Queen

b) God Save the King

c) Believe me God

d) Queen Believe me

e) Queen Save the God

19. The largest freshwater lake is Lough …

a) Revuae

b) Neagh

c) Belfast

d) Ulster

e) Eirie

20. The largest island is …

a) Cathline

b) Rathlin

c) Taffline

d) Baylin

e) Lathlin

21. The whole of Northern Ireland has a temperate … climate.

A) Waterfall

b) seatime

c) maritime

d) oceanic

e) emerald

22. The damp climate and … resulted in much of the region being covered in rich green grassland.

A) Great flood

b) extensive deforestation

c) super earthquake

d) grass vegetation

e) river drainage

23. Belfast is situated on Northern Ireland's … coast.


b) eastern

c) northern

d) southern

e) north-eastern 24.

Belfast was given city status by … in ….

A) King Edward/ 1658

b) Queen Elizabeth/ 1689

c) Queen Victoria/1888

d) John Lackland/ 1267

e) Queen Mary/ 1368

25. Belfast is an ideal location for the … industry that once made it famous.

A) heavy

b) electronic

c) technology

d) shipbuilding

e) automobile

26. The famous … was built in Belfast in 1912.

A) Aurora

b) Icelandic

c) Titanic

d) Lenin

e) Pobeda

27. Belfast in Old Irish is Bé al Feirste which translates as …

a) Beautiful fest at the river mouth

b) Fierce Beauty of the river mouth

c) First Beauty of the river mouth

d) the sandy ford at the river mouth

e) beautiful town at the river mouth

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