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Read information about Northern Ireland sights and places of interest and write out what they are famous for.


Lough Erne refers to two lakes, which are in effect widened sections of the River Erne. The southern-most lake is further up the river and so is named Upper Lough Erne.


Strangford Lough is a popular tourist attraction noted for its fishing and the picturesque villages and townships which border its waters.

Rathlin Island is the only inhabited offshore island in Northern Ireland, with a rising population of now just over 100 people, and is the most northerly inhabited island off the Irish coast.


The Sperrins, or Sperrin Mountains, are a range of hills in Northern Ireland and one of the largest upland areas in Ireland. The region has a population of some 150, 000 and is a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The Glens of Antrim offer isolated rugged landscapes, the Giant's Causeway is a unique landscape and a UNESCO World Heritage site, Bushmills produces legendary whiskey, and Portrush is a popular seaside resort and night-life area.

The Giant's Causeway is an area of about 40, 000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic eruption. Most of the columns are hexagonal, although there are also some with four, five, seven and eight sides.

Slieve Donard is the highest mountain in Northern Ireland (2, 795 ft). The most prominent feature of this mountain is the Mourne Wall running along its southern and western shoulders.

Cavehill, previously known as Ben Madigan, is a basaltic hill overlooking the city of Belfast. It is distinguished by its famous 'Napoleon's Nose', a basaltic outcrop which resembles the profile of the famous emperor Napoleon.


Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge is a rope suspension bridge near Ballintoy, County Antrim. The bridge links the mainland to the tiny Carrick Island.


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