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1. Review of adjective categories: degrees of comparison, describing adjective.

2. Cardinal and ordinal numbers.

3. There is/are. Prepositions of place.



1. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

2. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

3. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

4. Bases of special pedagogy and psychology. / Trofimova N.M., Duvanova S.P., Trofimova, Pushkina T.F.- Spb.: Piter, 2006.- 304p.- (teaching manual)

5. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On social, correctional and medical-pedagogical support of children with disabilities”. Astana, 2003

6. Lapshin V.A. Bases of defectology: teaching manual for students of pedagogical institutes / V.A. Lapshin, B.P. Puzanov.-Ì.: Education, 1990.- 143 p.


Practical lesson #3


Topic: Pedagogue in the system of special education. Defectologist’s model.

Aim: to train students how to design a defectologist’s model and define the importance and place of a pedagogue in the system of special education

Key special words: should, can, must, know, apply, special pedagogy, special psychology, anatomy, physiology, inclusive education, methodology of teaching in special needs school, research articles, methods, special needs school, special needs school teacher, school subjects, special needs school subjects, technology, develop, development, correct, correction, teach, train, appearance, personality, body parts, has/have, children, parents, consult, advise, work, look after, make a plan, conduct a lesson.


1. What is the place of a pedagogue in the system of special education?

2. How to design a defectologist’s model?

3. What must special educational teacher know?

4. What can special educational teacher do?

5. What qualities should special educational teacher have?

6. What should you do to develop as a defectologist?

7. What are defectologist’s main tasks?


1. Design the a defectologist’s model according to the following structure in the form of a project (presentation, audio or video):

a) Defectologist must know bases of special pedagogy and psychology, anatomical features of child’s development, methodology of teaching mathematics, language in special needs school …

b) Defectologist can use surdo- and typhlotechnologies, apply new technologies of teaching, use a computer, work with parents …

c) Defectologist should be kind, loving children, responsible …

2. Write a few sentences about developing as a defectologist (Complete tasks from Practical lesson #3)



1. Review of Present Tenses: Present Simple and Present Continuous.

2. Modal verbs: can, could, should, must, have to.



1. Bases of special pedagogy and psychology. / Trofimova N.M., Duvanova S.P., Trofimova, Pushkina T.F.- Spb.: Piter, 2006.- 304p.- (teaching manual)

2. Lapshin V.A. Bases of defectology: teaching manual for students of pedagogical institutes / V.A. Lapshin, B.P. Puzanov.-Ì.: Education, 1990.- 143 p.

3. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

4. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

5. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

6. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

7. https://slingingthebull.com/sixteen-qualities-of-a-good-teacher/


Practical lesson #4


Topic: Psychology and human development. Principles and forms of educational process organizing of special pedagogy.

Aim: to train students to define and understand different theories on human development.

Key special words: psychology, human development, areas of development, physical, cognitive and mental development, psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, genetic and environmental factors, society, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, behavior, individual children, course of development, continuous or discontinuous, lifelong patterns of behavior, principles and forms of educational process, cognitive constructivism, social constructivism, behaviorism, operational behaviorism.


1. What are areas of development?

2. Is the course of development continuous or discontinuous?

3. Is there one general course of development that characterizes all children, or are there many possible courses?

4. Are genetic or environmental factors more important in determining development?

5. Do individual children establish stable, lifelong patterns of behavior in early development, or are they open to change?

6. Who developed different theories on human development?

7. What is the main Freud’s contribution to psychological theories of human development?

8. What are main principles and forms of educational process organizing of special pedagogy?



1. Discuss the areas of human development (physical, cognitive and mental development).

2. Answer the questions (Practical Task #3).

3. Read the text about Sigmund Freud and complete the tasks.

4. Complete the table (Practical task #4).


1. Review of Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous.

2. Past Tenses: Past Simple and Past Continuous. There was/were.


1. Bases of special pedagogy and psychology. / Trofimova N.M., Duvanova S.P., Trofimova, Pushkina T.F.- Spb.: Piter, 2006.- 304p.- (teaching manual)

2. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

3. Special pedagogy: Teaching manual for students of HEIs / Edited by N.M. Nazarova.-5thedition.-Ì.: Academy, 2006.-400p.

4. Vygotsky L.S. Bases of defectology. Ì., 1995.

5. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

6. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

7. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages


Practical lesson #5


Topic: Education of children with hearing impairments

Aim: to train students to define and understand psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of teaching children with hearing impairments.

Key special words: hearing impairment, Cochlear implant, deafness, deaf children, hard of hearing children, hearing loss, surdopedagogy, deaf-and-dumb pedagogy, mild hearing loss, moderate hearing loss, moderately-severe hearing loss, severe hearing loss, profound hearing loss.


1. What is hearing impairment?

2. What is hearing loss?

3. What are causes of hearing loss?

4. What types of hearing loss are there?

5. What is Cochlear implant?

6. What other technical teaching aids can use a defectologist while teaching children with hearing impairment?

7. What are ways / methods of teaching children with hearing impairment?



1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Education of children with hearing impairments”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #5)

5. Find information and prepare the presentations for the topics “Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan”, “Ludwig van Beethoven – musical genius of his time”, Alexander Graham Bell”.

Necessary information:

· Personal data;

· Achievements;

· History of disease.


1. Future Simple.

2. To be going to.


1. Boskis R.M. Deaf and hard of hearing children. Ì., 1993.

2. Questions of surdopedagogy: History and modern times. Collection of scientific and methodological works / Editor Ye.G. Rechitskaya. Ì., 2001.

3. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

4. Special pedagogy: Teaching manual for students of HEIs / Edited by N.M. Nazarova.-5thedition.-Ì.: Academy, 2006.-400p.

5. Vygotsky L.S. Bases of defectology. Ì., 1995.

6. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

7. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

8. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

9. https://www.biography.com/people/helen-keller-9361967#a-formal-education

10. https://www.1902encyclopedia.com/B/BEE/ludwig-van-beethoven.html

11. https://www.referenceforbusiness.com/businesses/G-L/Bell-Alexander-Graham.html


Practical lesson #6


Topic: Education of children with speech impairments

Aim: to train students to define and understand psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of teaching children with speech impairments.

Key special words: speech impairment, speech therapy, speech therapist, aphasia, alalia, dyslalia, rhinolalia, dyslexia, alexia, dysarthria, general speech underdevelopment, apraxia of speech, verbal dyspraxia, voice disorders (aphonia, dysphonia), speech sound disorders, stuttering, dumb/mute children, selective mutism, language-based learning disabilities, fluency of speech, vocal cords, aphonia, dysphonia, articulation, phonation, lisp.



1. What is speech impairment?

2. What are the main causes and symptoms of speech impairments?

3. What are types of speech impairment?

4. What is aphasia?

5. What is stuttering?

6. What are peculiarities of teaching children with speech impairments?

7. What are ways / methods of teaching children with speech impairment?


1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Education of children with speech impairments”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #6)

5. Read the short messages about people with speech impairments (Practical lesson #6).

6. Make a list of question for each message (not less than 2 questions for 1 message)


1. Imperial and subjunctive mood

2. Conditionals (If-sentences)


1. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

2. Vygotsky L.S. Bases of defectology. Ì., 1995.

3. Lapshin V.A. Bases of defectology: teaching manual for students of pedagogical institutes / V.A. Lapshin, B.P. Puzanov.-Ì.: Education, 1990.- 143 p.

4. Spirova L.F. For teacher about children with speech impairments: book for teacher/ L.F.Spirova, A.V. Yastrebova.-2ndedition.-Ì.: Education, 1985.-144 p.

5. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech // Collected works: in 6 vol. M., 1983. Vol. 2.

6. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

7. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

8. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages


Practical lesson #7


Topic: Education of children with intellectual disabilities

Aim: to train students to define and understand psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of teaching children with intellectual disabilities.

Key special words: intellectual disability, mental retardation, the mentally retarded, moronity, imbecility, idiocy, dementia, Down syndrome, intellectual disability with auditory and visual processing, intellectual disability with language, intellectual disability in writing, intellectual disability in Math, Intellectual disability in reading, intellectual disability with motor skills



1. What is intellectual disability?

2. Which is correct: mental retardation or intellectual disability?

3. What are moronity, imbecility and idiocy?

4. What are types of intellectual disabilities?

5. What are the main physical and psychological characteristics of morons, imbeciles and idiots?

6. What are categories of children with intellectual disabilities?

7. What are peculiarities of teaching children with intellectual disabilities?

8. What are ways / methods of teaching children with intellectual disabilities?


1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Education of children with speech impairments”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #7)

5. Watch a movie “Forrest Gump” by Robert Zemeckis (1986) in English.


3. Imperial and subjunctive mood

4. Conditionals (If-sentences)


1. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

2. Vygotsky L.S. Bases of defectology. Ì., 1995.

3. Kulagina I.Yu. Cognitive activity and its determinants at mental retardation // Defectology.-1989. – No. 1

4. Uliyenkova U.V. 6-year olds with mental retardation. – Ì., 1990

5. Lapshin V.A. Bases of defectology: teaching manual for students of pedagogical institutes / V.A. Lapshin, B.P. Puzanov.-Ì.: Education, 1990.- 143 p.

6. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

7. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

8. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

9. https://www.e-reading.by/book.php? book=72414


Practical lesson #8


Topic: Education of children with autism and behavior disorders

Aim: to train students to define and understand psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of teaching children with autism and behavior disorders.

Key special words: autism, behavior disorders, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, hypergraphia, schizophrenia, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, conduct disorders, learning disorders, severe depression, disruptive behavioral disorders, dissociative, disorders, emotional disorders, pervasive developmental disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), emotional behavioral disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Asperger's Syndrome, Tourette syndrome (GTS)



1. What is behavior disorder?

2. What are types of behavioral disorders?

3. What are causes for behavioral disorders?

4. What are the signs of behavioral disorders?

5. What are emotional symptoms of behavioral disorders?

6. What is autism?

7. How can we help me children with autism?

8. What is Asperger's Syndrome?



1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Education of children with autism and behavior disorders”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #8)

5. Explain what means “Van Gogh’s Syndrome”.

6. Watch a movie “Road Within” by Gren Wells (2014) in English.



1. Infinitive: complex object and complex subject.

2. Place of infinitive in a sentence.

3. Verbs used only in Infinitive


1. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

2. Vygotsky L.S. Bases of defectology. Ì., 1995.

3. Defectology.Dictionary-reference book / Author. Edited by B.P. Puzanov. – M.: TC Sphere, 205. – 208 p. – (Teaching manual).

4. Preschool education of abnormal children / edited by L.P. Noskova. M., 1993.

5. Lapshin V.A. Bases of defectology: teaching manual for students of pedagogical institutes / V.A. Lapshin, B.P. Puzanov.-Ì.: Education, 1990.- 143 p.

6. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

7. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

8. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

9. https://www.psychguides.com/guides/behavioral-disorder-symptoms-causes-and-effects/

10. https://www.psychology.com/resources/child_behavior.php



Practical lesson #9


Topic: Education of children with visual impairments

Aim: to train students to define and understand psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of teaching children with visual impairments.

Key special words: visual (sight) impairment, vision organs, eye, myopia or nearsightedness, hyperopia or farsightedness, astigmatism, cataracts, amblyopia, blindness, congenital blindness, deafblindness, blind children, children with poor sight, iris, retina, cornea, pupil, lens, sclera, macula, optic nerve, retinal blood vessels, zonules, the Braille System, Louise Braille.


1. What is visual impairment?

2. What are types of visual impairments?

3. What are physical signs of visual impairment?

4. What is the structure of an eye?

5. What is blindness?

6. What is the Braille system?

7. Who was Louis Braille?



1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Education of children with visual impairments”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #9)

5. Watch a movie Dancer in the Dark by Lars von Trier (2000) in English.



1. Gerund.

2. Place of gerund in a sentence.

3. Verbs used only in Gerund.


1. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

2. Defectology.Dictionary-reference book / Author. Edited by B.P. Puzanov. – M.: TC Sphere, 205. – 208 p. – (Teaching manual).

3. Vygotsky L.S. Bases of defectology.Ì., 1995.

4. Preschool education of abnormal children / edited by L.P. Noskova. M., 1993.

5. Ilesheva R.G. Psychiatry – Almaty, “Bilim”, 1995 – 256-p.

6. Yermakov V.P., Yakunin G.A. Development and education of children with visual impairments. – Ì., 1990.

7. Litvak A.G. Psychology of blind and visually impaired. – SPb., 1998

8. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

9. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

10. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

Practical lesson #10


Topic: Education of children with locomotor impairments

Aim: to train students to define and understand psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of teaching children with locomotor impairments.

Key special words: locomotor impairment, cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis, abortive poliomyelitis, aseptic meningitis, paralysis, paralytic poliomyelitis, spinal poliomyelitis, bulbar poliomyelitis, encephalitic poliomyelitis, post-polio syndrome, muscular dystrophies, arthritis, stroke, amputation, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spinal cord injury.


1. What is locomotor impairment?

2. What body parts can be injured and lead to locomotor disability?

3. What is Poliomyelitis?

4. What is Arthritis?

5. What is Cerebral Palsy?

6. What is Muscular Dystrophies?

7. What is Stroke?

8. What are physical signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?

9. What other locomotor impairments do you know? Describe their main signs.

10. How do locomotor impairments affect an emotional state of a person?



1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Education of children with locomotor impairments”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #10)

5. Watch a movie “Theory of everything” (2014) by James Marshin English

6. Compensation of children with locomotor disabilities (watching videos where people with locomotor disabilities dance)



1. Gerund or infinitive.

2. Passive voice: Present tense


1. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

2. Kanner L. Early child’s autism. Ì., 2008

3. Defectology.Dictionary-reference book / Author. Edited by B.P. Puzanov. – M.: TC Sphere, 205. – 208 p. – (Teaching manual).

4. Vygotsky L.S. Bases of defectology.Ì., 1995.

5. Ippolitova M.V., Babenkova R.D., Mastyukova Ye.M. Education of children with cerebral palsy in family. – Ì., 1993

6. Levchenko I.Yu., Prihodko O.G. Technologies of education of children with locomotor impairments. – Ì., 2001.

7. Preschool education of abnormal children / edited by L.P. Noskova. M., 1993.

8. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

9. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

10. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

11. https://rehabcouncil.nic.in/writereaddata/LI-3-2000.pdf

Practical lesson #11


Topic: Education of children with multiple disorders

Aim: to train students to define and understand psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of teaching children with multiple disorders.

Key special words: multiple disorders, severe disorders, cognitive, movement or sensory disorders, additional disability, sonograms, intelligence, mental retardation or intellectual disability, early intervention, augmentative and alternative communication methods, verbal and non-verbal communication, inclusion, experience, curriculum, speech and language intervention, functioning



1. What is multiple disorder?

2. What disorders can be combined in a multiple disorder?

3. What doeseducation of people with multiple disabilities include?

4. What is Usher Syndrome?

5. What characteristics are best addressed when educators follow accepted practices in educating children with multiple disorders?

6. What difficulties can a teacher face when educating children with multiple disorders?


1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the topic “Education of children with multiple disorders”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #11)



1. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

2. Preschool education of abnormal children / edited by L.P. Noskova. M., 1993.

3. Lapshin V.A., Puzanov B.P. Bases of Defectology. Ì. – 1999.

4. Ippolitova M.V., Babenkova R.D., Mastyukova Ye.M. Education of children with cerebral palsy in family. – Ì., 1993

5. Defectology.Dictionary-reference book / Author. Edited by B.P. Puzanov. – M.: TC Sphere, 205. – 208 p. – (Teaching manual).

6. Vygotsky L.S. Bases of defectology.Ì., 1995.

7. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

8. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

9. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

10. https://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/2415/Severe-Multiple-Disabilities-Education-individuals-With.html

11. https://youcure.me/en/guide/usher-syndrome-1826

12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_syndrome


1. Present and Past Participle.

2. Passive voice: Past tense.

Practical lesson #12


Topic: System of special education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Special needs schools.

Aim: to form students’ knowledge about the system of special education and special needs schools in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Key special words: special education, system of special education


1. What is the system of special education in the Republic of Kazakhstan?

2. What is a special needs school?

3. What is a special needs school teacher?

4. What are special needs school teacher’s duties and responsibilities?

5. What types of special needs schools do you know?

6. What kinds of special needs schools are in Taldykorgan or other regions (where you live)?

7. What are peculiarities of special needs school teacher’s work?

8. What competencies should a special needs school teacher master?


1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the “System of special education in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #12)



1. Passive voice: Future tense.

2. Active or Passive voice.


1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On social, correctional and medical-pedagogical support of children with disabilities”. Astana, 2003

2. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

3. Preschool education of abnormal children / edited by L.P. Noskova. M., 1993.

4. Lapshin V.A., Puzanov B.P. Bases of Defectology. Ì. – 1999.

5. Defectology.Dictionary-reference book / Author. Edited by B.P. Puzanov. – M.: TC Sphere, 205. – 208 p. – (Teaching manual).

6. Vygotsky L.S. Bases of defectology.Ì., 1995.

7. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

8. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

9. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

10. https://egov.kz/wps/portal/Content? contentPath=/egovcontent/edu_secondary/news/05inclsiveeducation& lang=en


Practical lesson #13


Topic: Professional orientation, professional and social adaptation of persons with disabilities

Aim: to form students’ knowledge about the system of special education and special needs schools in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Key special words: jobs, actor, actress, dancer, singer, counselor, employment service, reports their clients have found employment as accountants, bus drivers, child care attendants, floral designers, food service workers, laboratory technicians, licensed practical nurses, office managers, sales representatives and teacher’s aides, Special Olympics, sports organization for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, competitions, summer and winter games, summer and winter games


· What jobs do you know?

· What jobs are most appropriate for people with disabilities?

· What is the best job for people with disabilities in your opinion?

· What is Special Olympics?

· What are kinds of Special Olympics?

· What sports are there in Special Olympics?

· How many countries are participants of Special Olympics?

· How many athletes do participate in the event?

· When and where is the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games?

· When and where is the 2015 Special Olympics World Winter Games?



1. Review of the lexical topic “Jobs”

2. Answer the questions above.

3. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #13)

4. Read the text Best Jobs for People with Disabilities, Recommended by Forbes in the extra reading section. Give you opinion about the best job for people with disabilities.


1. Reported speech.


1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On social, correctional and medical-pedagogical support of children with disabilities”. Astana, 2003

2. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

3. Preschool education of abnormal children / edited by L.P. Noskova. M., 1993.

4. Lapshin V.A., Puzanov B.P. Bases of Defectology. Ì. – 1999.

5. Defectology.Dictionary-reference book / Author. Edited by B.P. Puzanov. – M.: TC Sphere, 205. – 208 p. – (Teaching manual).

6. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

7. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

8. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

9. https://egov.kz/wps/portal/Content? contentPath=/egovcontent/edu_secondary/news/05inclsiveeducation& lang=en


Practical lesson #14


Topic: Methods of teaching children with disabilities. Modern technologies of teaching children with disabilities

Aim: to train students to define and understand the nature of inclusive education and be ready to teach in inclusive classrooms.

Key special words: method, methodology, technology, adaptation, compensation, art therapy, storytelling, articulation exercises, collaborating, role-playing, didactic games, demonstrating, explaining, presenting, testing, labs, excursions, verbal methods, visual methods, practical methods, perceptive methods, logical methods, gnostic methods, information methods, creative methods, individual work, pair work, group work, lesson, drills, educational situation(s), technical teaching aids, sign and body language, pictography, fine arts, musical teaching aids, gaming activity, handcraft, dramatization, Mozart effect.


· What methods of teaching do you know?

· What special methods of teaching and correction do you know?

· What is methodology?

· What are teaching strategies when educating children with disabilities?

· How to teach spelling to children with learning disabilities?

· What is art therapy?

· What kind of art therapy do you know?

· What are advantages of art therapy for children with disabilities?

· What other creative methods of teaching children with disabilities do you know?

· What is Mozart Effect? Do you believe in its “power”?



1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the “Methods of teaching children with disabilities”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #14)

5. Read the text “Mozart Effect” and complete the tasks.



1. Reported speech.

2. Definite and non-definite sentences.


1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On social, correctional and medical-pedagogical support of children with disabilities”. Astana, 2003

2. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

3. Preschool education of abnormal children / edited by L.P. Noskova. M., 1993.

4. Lapshin V.A. Bases of defectology: teaching manual for students of pedagogical institutes / V.A. Lapshin, B.P. Puzanov.-Ì.: Education, 1990. - 143 p.

5. Art pedagogy and art therapy in special education. Textbook for students / Ye. À. Medvedeva, I. Yu. Levchenko, L.N. Komissarova, T.A.Dobrovolskaya. — M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2001. — 248 p.

6. Defectology.Dictionary-reference book / Author. Edited by B.P. Puzanov. – M.: TC Sphere, 205. – 208 p. – (Teaching manual).

7. Vygotsky L.S. Bases of defectology. Ì., 1995.

8. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

9. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

10. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

11. https://www.irex.org/news/art-therapy-children-disabilities-kazakhstan

12. https://mp3real.ru/video/yEmfbw2BuJI



Practical lesson #15


Topic: Development of special pedagogy in the Republic of Kazakhstan and world. Inclusive education.

Aim: to form students’ knowledge and understanding of development of special pedagogy in the Republic of Kazakhstan and world

Key special words: inclusion, inclusive education, integration, Inclusive education, special needs school, special education, children with disabilities, students with special educational needs, integration, mainstreaming, learn together, regular inclusion or partial inclusion, full inclusion.



· What is general education?

· What is separate education?

· What is inclusive education?

· What is inclusion?

· What is integration?

· What types of inclusive education are there?

· What are benefits of inclusive education?

· What are main principles of inclusive education?


1. First students work with Glossary and find the meaning of necessary key words.

2. Make up a list of special terms for the “Inclusive education”.

3. Answer the questions above.

4. Complete the tasks (Practical lesson #15)


Grammar: Review. Final test.


1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On social, correctional and medical-pedagogical support of children with disabilities”. Astana, 2003

2. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p.

3. Preschool education of abnormal children / edited by L.P. Noskova. M., 1993.

4. Lapshin V.A. Bases of defectology: teaching manual for students of pedagogical institutes / V.A. Lapshin, B.P. Puzanov.-Ì.: Education, 1990. - 143 p.

5. Art pedagogy and art therapy in special education. Textbook for students / Ye. À. Medvedeva, I. Yu. Levchenko, L.N. Komissarova, T.A.Dobrovolskaya. — M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2001. — 248 p.

6. Defectology.Dictionary-reference book / Author. Edited by B.P. Puzanov. – M.: TC Sphere, 205. – 208 p. – (Teaching manual).

7. Vygotsky L.S. Bases of defectology. Ì., 1995.

8. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004

9. Muller V.K. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. – Ì.: Eksmo, p.698, 2008.

10. Krylova I.P. Grammar of modern English [Text] /I.P. Krylova, 2003, 220 pages

11. https://egov.kz/wps/portal/Content? contentPath=/egovcontent/edu_secondary/news/05inclsiveeducation& lang=en

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