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1. Glossary for the course “Special pedagogy” 2. Informational technologies in special education 3. Information reference book “Classification of people with disabilities” 4. Correctional and developing atmosphere in educational organizations 5. Non-traditional methods of teaching children with disabilities 6. Programs of early intervention (foreign and domestic experience) 7. Professional education of people with disabilities 8. Modern foreign researches in the field of special pedagogy 9. Scheme of periodization of establishing special education system in Kazakhstan 10. Audio or video presentations on categories of children with hearing impairments 11. Audio or video presentations on any famous person with hearing impairment (for example, Beethoven) 12. Audio or video presentations on any speech impairment and ways of its treatment (for example, stuttering) 13. Audio or video presentations on any famous person with speech impairment (for example, Bruce Willis) 14. Audio or video presentations on any intellectual disability and ways of its treatment (for example, Down syndrome) 15. Audio or video presentations on any visual impairment and ways of its treatment (for example, blindness) 16. Audio or video presentations on any famous person with visual impairment (for example, Marla Runyan) 17. Audio or video presentations on any locomotor impairment and ways of its treatment (for example, arthritis) 18. Audio or video presentations on any famous person with speech impairment (for example, Stephen Hawking)
Thelistofrecommendedliterature Main 1. Kalyagin V.A. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children and teenagers with speech impairments: Teaching manual / V.A. Kalyagin, T.S. Ovchinnikova.-Spb.: KARO, 2005.- 288p. 2. Handbook of teacher-defectologist/ Yepifantseva T., Kisselenko T., Mogileva I., Soloviyova I.- 2nd edition. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.- 576 p. 3. Novotortseva N.V. Correctional pedagogics and special psychology. Dictionary: Teaching manual / N.V. Novotortseva.–4th edition.-Spb.: KARO, 2006. - 144 p. 4. Bases of special pedagogy and psychology. / Trofimova N.M., Duvanova S.P., Trofimova, Pushkina T.F.- Spb.: Piter, 2006.- 304p.- (teaching manual) 5. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On social, correctional and medical-pedagogical support of children with disabilities”.Astana, 2003 6. LapshinV.A. Bases of defectology: teaching manual for students of pedagogical institutes / V.A. Lapshin, B.P. Puzanov.-М.: Education, 1990.- 143 p. 7. Shevchenko S.G. Correctional and developing education: organizational and pedagogical aspects: methodological manual for teachers of correctional and developing education / S.G. Shevchenko.-М.: humanitarian publ. center VLADOS., 2001.- 136 p.- (Correctional pedagogy). 8. Special pedagogy: Teaching manual for students of HEIs / Edited by N.M. Nazarova.-5thedition.-М.: Academy, 2006.- 400p. 9. Spirova L.F. For teacher about children with speech impairments: book for teacher/ L.F.Spirova, A.V. Yastrebova.-2ndedition.-М.: Education, 1985.- 144 p. 10. Pedagogical encyclopedical dictionary. / Chief editor B.M. Bim-Bad. - М.: Great Russian encyclopedia, 2002.- 528 p. 11. Podlasiy I.P. Pedagogy of elementary school. Teaching manual for students of pedagogical colleges / - М.: VLADOS, 2001.- 400 p. 12. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self - study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge University Press, 2004