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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

The explanatory note

The discipline “Profession oriented foreign language”, provided by the curriculum for third-year students, is a component of graduate’s three-cycle foreign language training. The discipline “Professionally oriented foreign language” forms a basic level of professional communicative competence in a foreign language. The requirement for “Professionally oriented foreign language” cycle is the first cycle of training, as well as the disciplines of educational program of the specialty. “Profession oriented foreign language” in its turn, develops fundamentals and motivation for further learning and application of the professional foreign language in the educational process. Training is based on innovation educational technologies. The discipline program is made on the basis of component, context-active and communicative approaches. Studies on the given discipline are spent in the practical form.

Mastering a foreign language in the modern world is one of the major conditions of construction of successful professional career. The foreign language is necessary for scientific activities, in dialogue with foreign partners, for self-education, preparation of passing examinations for the international certificates. The basic level of mastering language is insufficient for this sort of decision of problems. Therefore within the limits of the given course the further perfection of communicative skills and abilities in all kinds of speech activity on the basis of teaching-methodical complete sets for studying of the professionally oriented English language is supposed.

The main purpose of discipline consists in the maintenance of qualitative professional preparation of the teacher of elementary school caused by the social order of the society at the present stage of its development, in the field of language competence. Sociopolitical; and economic transformations in all spheres of life of our society have led to essential changes in the education sphere. Particularly, the status of foreign language has changed, as high school discipline. The professional foreign language is the perfection of abilities of all: forms of professional - oriented speech of belonging to another language, and also the development of communicative and intercultural competence of future experts.

The necessary quality of the native speaker of given-language becomes the professionalism which demands possession of the conceptually - categorical device of the certain field of activity and system of terms in accordance with it.

The expansion of international contacts, usage of English language as the language of international (dialogue, entering of our state in the world community have made English language really demanded state, society and individuality. English for Kazakh language speakers, Kazakh for Russian language speakers and foreign language for both categories of students began to be realized fully as dialogue means, means of mutual understanding of experts in the concrete field of activity, means of familiarizing with other national culture and as the important means of development of students’ mental abilities, their general educational potential.



Lecturer: Anara Alipbayeva–Master of pedagogical sciences, teacher of the Department of training and education methods.

Time: practical classes are conducted according to the approved schedule.

Prerequisites: Foreign language, block of obligatory psycho-pedagogical disciplines (introduction to pedagogical profession, psychology, ethnopedagogy, pedagogy, human psychology, school hygiene, bases of medicine), theoretical basis of the native language.

Post-requisites: additional literature in English for mastering discipline: special pedagogy, deaf-and-dumb pedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy, tiphlopedagogy, logopedics, special psychology, deaf-and-dumbpsychology, logopsychology, private methods of teaching. Knowledge of the discipline is necessary for forming the system of knowledge about the peculiarities of development of children with disabilities, problems of poor academic performance of children in primary grades.

Course purpose: formation of students’ knowledge, abilities and skills in the fundamentals of defectology in a foreign language.

Course objectives:

-formation of professional and practical skills in the field of the foundations of modern defectology;

- formation of students’ skills of dialogue and interchange of information on professional themes;

- improving skills and abilities of oral and written speech in English language, that is necessary for professional dialogue;

- improving skills of grammar mastering;

- improving skills of reading and translation of scientific literature on specialty.

-improving skills of presenting monologue statements on professional topics (reports, messages, etc.)

- improving skills of independent work from the special literature in a foreign language with the purpose of taking professional information.

After studying the course, students will have the following competencies:

- abilities to use knowledge of various other-speaking theories of special needs education and human development;

- mastering the ways of organizing professional activity in the other cultural environment, considering features of sociocultural structure of society;

- abilities to participate in interdisciplinary and interdepartmental interaction of experts in the solution of professional tasks;

- abilities to use the main international and domestic documents in professional activity.

During the course students will know:

- about a place, a role, kinds of oral and written communications in professional activity;

- about main sources of the professional foreign language information speaking;

- about world tendencies of development of science and technologies on the specialty;

- about foundations of modern defectology a foreign language;

- about main categories of children with disabilities in psychophysical development in a foreign language;

- about peculiarities of psychophysical development of children with disabilities a foreign language;

be able to:

- conduct conversations in everyday and professional topics;

- use reference literature in a foreign language;

- translate texts with the help of dictionary in accordance with language norms;

- understand phrases and statements of studied topics in a foreign language;

- apply the grammar material typical for professional foreign language;

- apply the terminological units studied when speaking;

- understand the information, to distinguish main and minor, essence and details in professional business texts within the subject studied;

- retrieve some information from professional business texts;

- produce written texts of the genres studied;

- annotate special professional texts;

- translate special professional texts from one language into another within topic studied;

- prepare presentations and speak on the topics given;

have experience:

- in preparing presentations and introducing them;

- in using dictionaries, including terminological ones;

- in debating on the topics connected with professional activity;

- in effective application of the communicative strategies specific for professional-business situations;

- in working as written and oral texts of the genres and formats studied;

During the semester students will be expected to perform the following scope of work: to prepare and defend a project on one of the selected topics; to take the colloquium on the topics of SIW; write 2 tests; to pass the final exam (lexical and grammar testing, writing, listening task, reading task).

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