StartIng a BUSIneSS
Цілі: вдосконалювати лексичні навички й навички читання; вдосконалюва- ти навички виконання тестових завдань; розвивати логічне мислення; вихо- вувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань щодо правильного вибору майбутньої професії.
1. Warm-up
| person who drives a bus
| Teacher
| works in a school and teaches students
| police officer
| rescues people from burning buildings and helps put out fires
| accountant
| works in hospital and helps doctors
| Business person
| defends people’s rights in court
| doctor
| flies an airplane
| nurse
| takes people’s orders in a restaurant and serves them food
| pilot
| works in a police station and maintains public security
| taxi driver
| works in a bank and keeps records of money
| bus driver
| works in a hospital and treats patients
| manager
| answers phone calls and does office work for his / her boss
| chef
| drives a taxi
| actor
| person who reports news on TV, radio or Newspaper
| actress
| does the cooking in a restaurant or hotel
| firefighter
| a woman who plays a role in a movie
| waiter
| manages the affairs of a company or business
| lawyer
| one who does business
| secretary
| a man who acts in a movie
| | Match the jobs to their definitions.

2. speaking
Work in pairs
Using the chart discuss what people should do to make a right choice of profession. Add your own ideas and share them with your class.
skills and experience
should must
know learn
what abilities to develop qualities of jobs, professions advantages
disadvantages of jobs, professions
3. Grammar practice
Do ex. 1, p. 60.
4. Vocabulary practice
Do ex. 2, p. 60.
5. Reading
Do ex. 3, p. 60.
6. speaking
Discuss the following questions.
1) Are you interested in the world of business?
2) Do you think you have a good head for business?
3) What kind of business would you like to start?
4) Do you think anyone can start their own business?
5) What are the dangers of having your own business?
6) Do you read any business magazines?
7) Do men or women make more successful business people?
7. Reading
Do ex. 4, p. 61.
8. summary
1) Would you like to have your own business?
2) What kind of people is good at business?
3) Is it easy to start a business in your country?
9. Homework
Describe some jobs for guessing by the class.
To ex.6 in Lesson 18
Position Requirements
Skills / Qualifications
| Qualifications:
Creative, self-motivated, proactive and highly target driven.
Ability to analyze financial data and prepare financial reports, statements, and projections.
Excellent organizational and time management skills. Confident negotiator and ability to close the deal. Experience in business management or business devel- opment role.
Understanding of the translation industry, key players and competitors.
Strong verbal and written communication skills
(Fluency in English is essential).
Must be able to work independently as well as collabo- ratively with the Kenaz team.
Application Instructions:
We are accepting applications on a rolling basis and will respond to qualified applicants to schedule inter- views and further review. Please send your Resume to (You can apply or contact us by email using the Apply Online Box below)
For more information, please contact us via email
| Required Language
| English — Very good
| Minimum Education
Level required:
| Bachelor
| Minimum Years
of Experience required:
| 1 to 2 Years
Contact Information
Contact Name:
| Kenaz Translations
| Preferred method of contact:
| E-mail via Apply Online Box
| Lesson 20