Work in pairs.
Finish the sentences and discuss possible variants.
I would like to thank you for… I would like to request that… Would it be at all possible for…
I would be grateful if you could… Yours…
Thank you for your… Thanking you in… Please find…
I would like to place an…
I am sorry to have to inform you that…
6. Reading and writing
Read the text and do the tasks.
The defining feature of distance learning is that you do not need to at- tend the awarding university institution in person. This style of study is not new. The University of London established its external programme in 1858 to make the degree accessible to students who, for one reason or another, could not come to London to study, and it now offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications to almost 24, 500 students in over 157 countries around the world. Now, a growing number of other UK institutions are de- veloping distance learning programmes to offer students the chance of study- ing without leaving home. Distance learning suits people for many different reasons. For Petrakis, “Family and financial circumstances prevent me from studying abroad for extended periods, but I could manage a couple of short visits”. For Teresa, “I now have two small children, it is impossible for me to attend University. I would, therefore, like to study at home”.
Finding the finance to study may be difficult, “Due to financial con- straints; I could not further my education in any conventional way, and so I joined the bank, my present employer. My ambition is to improve my career prospects by obtaining a university degree”, said George Morgan.
For some people whose job requires regular travel or irregular working hours, distance learning may be the only way they improve their qualifica- tions and seek promotion. In most cases, students have choice of when to study and how quickly they progress through the programme.
Academic support given to a distance learning student varies from pro- gramme to programme and from institution to institution, however, the fo- cus is on self-study. Students may receive basic academic guidance through specially written study guides. Many programmes provide an extensive range of materials including videos, computer disks and audio tapes. Some institutions have introduced programmes of study which can be delivered to a student’s home by internet.
Academic support is not the only support required. Without the sup- port of family, colleagues and friends, studying for a qualification as an ex- ternal student would be a great deal harder. John Chetcuti says “my wife’s support throughout all these years has been precious. Had it not been for her support when I was down in the dumps I probably would not have per- severed to the end”.
true or False
1) The Internet is used to mail distance learning materials to students.
2) Distant learners need only the academic support.
Write an essay about different forms and tools of learning stating the ones that appeal to you.
Introduc- tion
| State the importance of learning in our rapidly changing world
Thesis: learning may take different forms using various tools
| Body
| 1) different forms of learning:
a) Formal referring to learning through a progrmmme of in- struction resulting in a qualification or certification.
b) Non formal referring to learning through a programme of instruction but doesn’t lead to certification.
c) Informal referring to learning resulting from activities in daily work, family or leisure.
(give examples of each.)
2) tools of learning: give examples (internet, reading, …)
| Conclusion
| In a nutshell, learning …
7. summary
What main points should you write in your application letter?
8. Homework
Write a letter applying for a job, telling the manager why you would like the position and why you would be good at the job.
Lesson 22